android Programming Glossary: session.getactivesession
Android - Facebook SDK 3 - How to login programatically without LoginButton private boolean hasPublishPermission Session session Session.getActiveSession return session null session.getPermissions .contains publish_actions.. action Log.d MainActivity peformPublish Session session Session.getActiveSession if session null session new Session.Builder this .setApplicationId.. nemam nervy Request request Request.newStatusUpdateRequest Session.getActiveSession message new Request.Callback @Override public void onCompleted..
When to request permissions with Facebook's new Android SDK 3.0? super.onCreate savedInstanceState Session currentSession Session.getActiveSession if currentSession null currentSession.getState .isClosed Session..
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data Any clue.. data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data Toast.makeText.. .show void publishToWall Session session Session.getActiveSession Bundle postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message message..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data I'm able.. public void onClick View v Session currentSession Session.getActiveSession if currentSession null currentSession.getState .isClosed Session.. data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data if Session.getActiveSession null Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data finish And.. private void publishStory String user try Session session Session.getActiveSession if session null Check for publish permissions List String..
Graph api is not returning user email id null and inside onActivityResult don't forget to do if Session.getActiveSession null Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode.. don't forget to do if Session.getActiveSession null Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data share improve..
Post to facebook after login fails Android private void publishStory String status Session session Session.getActiveSession if session null Bundle postParams new Bundle postParams.putString..
Android - Facebook SDK 3 - How to login programatically without LoginButton performPublish PendingAction.POST_STATUS_UPDATE private boolean hasPublishPermission Session session Session.getActiveSession return session null session.getPermissions .contains publish_actions private void performPublish PendingAction action Log.d.. publish_actions private void performPublish PendingAction action Log.d MainActivity peformPublish Session session Session.getActiveSession if session null session new Session.Builder this .setApplicationId xxx .build Session.setActiveSession session if session.isOpened.. new Date .toString final String message kks uz nemam nervy Request request Request.newStatusUpdateRequest Session.getActiveSession message new Request.Callback @Override public void onCompleted Response response showPublishResult message response.getGraphObject..
When to request permissions with Facebook's new Android SDK 3.0? Version 2 protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Session currentSession Session.getActiveSession if currentSession null currentSession.getState .isClosed Session session Session.openActiveSession this true fbStatusCallback..
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data Any clue on how to solve it Update 1 stack trace FATAL EXCEPTION main.. void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data Toast.makeText FacebookShareActivity.this onActivityResult Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. Toast.makeText FacebookShareActivity.this onActivityResult Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show void publishToWall Session session Session.getActiveSession Bundle postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message message final Context context this Request.Callback callback new..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data I'm able to get all those things which I'm printing in log but was unable.. findViewById mLogin.setOnClickListener this @Override public void onClick View v Session currentSession Session.getActiveSession if currentSession null currentSession.getState .isClosed Session session new Session.Builder context .build Session.setActiveSession.. void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data if Session.getActiveSession null Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data Session currentSession Session.getActiveSession..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult this requestCode resultCode data finish And use the following code in the Manifest.xml file under the.. Loging in to post to wall you have to call this method... private void publishStory String user try Session session Session.getActiveSession if session null Check for publish permissions List String permissions session.getPermissions if isSubsetOf PERMISSIONS..
Graph api is not returning user email id
Post to facebook after login fails Android will be clicked. Below is the method for posting on Facebook. private void publishStory String status Session session Session.getActiveSession if session null Bundle postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message status Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback..