android Programming Glossary: service's
Android Service keep alive whether or not the client retains a reference on the service's IBinder . Thanl you. android service share improve this question..
Android update activity UI from service this question Use a LocalBroadCastManager. In your service's onCreate set up the broadcaster broadcaster LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance..
How to fix android.os.DeadObjectException android X happen every time you debug your project Override your service's onStop method and watch what event flow leads to it. If you..
Do I need to call both unbindService and stopService for Android services? See the Service documentation for more details on a service's lifecycle. So calling stopService first followed by unbindService..
HttpDelete with body I'm attempting to use an HttpDelete object to invoke a web service's delete method. The web service's code parses JSON from the message's.. object to invoke a web service's delete method. The web service's code parses JSON from the message's body. However I'm failing..
Android - httpclient as a backgroundservice different ways Use regular java threading within the service's onCreate or onBind etc methods Use AsyncTask within the onCreate..
Is an android service guaranteed to call onDestroy()? service but not on the activity then the answer is no a service's onDestroy will not necessarily be called. As to whether a service..
Broadcast Receiver within a Service action for phone state changed in your service's onCreate do this IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter filter.addAction.. further more registerReceiver receiver filter and in your service's onDestroy unregisterReceiver receiver and you are good to go..
START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY is like START_NOT_STICKY except if the service's process is killed before it calls stopSelf for a given intent..
Android: Passing a Service a Handler but I would prefer just passing a Handler object in the Service's starting Intent. E.g. I can easily pass ints to my service upon..
Bind service to activity in Android whether or not the client retains a reference on the Service's IBinder . Usually the IBinder returned is for a complex interface.. flag. Once neither of these situations hold the Service's onDestroy method is called and the service is effectively terminated...
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity and build an AIDL file so I can pass it through the Service's remote interface. That seems like overkill though and I have..
Android Service startForeground int id Notification notification in your Service's onCreate method and stopForeground boolean removeNotification.. and stopForeground boolean removeNotification in your Service's onDestroy method. For example I have an app that uses a foreground..
Stopping/Destroying a Thread am thus looking for the correct commands to insert in the Service's onDestroy which will clean up the Thread for me. t.destroy t.stop..
Android Service keep alive will remain running as long as the connection is established whether or not the client retains a reference on the service's IBinder . Thanl you. android service share improve this question You can make your service a foreground service which..
Android update activity UI from service good approch Any other examples Thanks. android share improve this question Use a LocalBroadCastManager. In your service's onCreate set up the broadcaster broadcaster LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance this When you want to notify the UI of something..
How to fix android.os.DeadObjectException android X from the OS or stopped from your application. Does this problem happen every time you debug your project Override your service's onStop method and watch what event flow leads to it. If you catch DeadObjectException without going through this method..
Do I need to call both unbindService and stopService for Android services? it will not be destroyed until all of these bindings are removed. See the Service documentation for more details on a service's lifecycle. So calling stopService first followed by unbindService should work it's working for me . share improve this..
HttpDelete with body with body I'm attempting to use an HttpDelete object to invoke a web service's delete method. The web service's code parses JSON from the message's body. However I'm failing to understand how to add.. with body I'm attempting to use an HttpDelete object to invoke a web service's delete method. The web service's code parses JSON from the message's body. However I'm failing to understand how to add a body to an HttpDelete object. Is..
Android - httpclient as a backgroundservice run the service in a different thread. You can do this in several different ways Use regular java threading within the service's onCreate or onBind etc methods Use AsyncTask within the onCreate method another form of threading but much cleaner if you..
Is an android service guaranteed to call onDestroy()? and service is being killed will onDestroy be called on the service but not on the activity then the answer is no a service's onDestroy will not necessarily be called. As to whether a service only process can be abruptly killed by the OS yes it can...
Broadcast Receiver within a Service action.equals android.telephony.TelephonyManager.ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED action for phone state changed in your service's onCreate do this IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter filter.addAction android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED filter.addAction.. further more filter.addAction your_action_strings further more registerReceiver receiver filter and in your service's onDestroy unregisterReceiver receiver and you are good to go to receive broadcast for what ever filters you mention in onStartCommand...
START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY stopped and get started the next time the alarm fires. START_REDELIVER_INTENT is like START_NOT_STICKY except if the service's process is killed before it calls stopSelf for a given intent that intent will be re delivered to it until it completes..
Android: Passing a Service a Handler I'm getting around this by using a static public member a hack but I would prefer just passing a Handler object in the Service's starting Intent. E.g. I can easily pass ints to my service upon creation int x 0 Intent svc new Intent this MyService.class..
Bind service to activity in Android will remain running as long as the connection is established whether or not the client retains a reference on the Service's IBinder . Usually the IBinder returned is for a complex interface that has been written in AIDL. A service can be both started.. are one or more connections to it with the Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE flag. Once neither of these situations hold the Service's onDestroy method is called and the service is effectively terminated. All cleanup stopping threads unregistering receivers..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity figure out to do it is to have the Activity implement Parcelable and build an AIDL file so I can pass it through the Service's remote interface. That seems like overkill though and I have no idea how the Activity should implement writeToParcel readFromParcel..
Android Service without being killed and restarted I would recommend placing startForeground int id Notification notification in your Service's onCreate method and stopForeground boolean removeNotification in your Service's onDestroy method. For example I have an.. id Notification notification in your Service's onCreate method and stopForeground boolean removeNotification in your Service's onDestroy method. For example I have an app that uses a foreground Service to record accelerometer data all night while..
Stopping/Destroying a Thread to run even when the Service that spawned it is destroyed. I am thus looking for the correct commands to insert in the Service's onDestroy which will clean up the Thread for me. t.destroy t.stop are both depreciated and cause application crashes. I..