android Programming Glossary: reader.close
Regarding connecting to a webserver from android .getContent user reader to read & parse response reader.close Parsing the response obviously depends on the format e.g. SOAP..
Android take screenshot on rooted device sep catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finally try reader.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return null class..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON line reader.readLine null sb.append line n is.close reader.close String result sb.toString JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject..
Ping Application in Android while i buffer 0 output.append buffer 0 i reader.close body.append output.toString n str output.toString Log.d TAG..
Need to handle uncaught exception and send log file if n 1 break writer.write buffer 0 n while true reader.close writer.close catch IOException e if writer null try writer.close.. try writer.close catch IOException e1 if reader null try reader.close catch IOException e1 You might want to write a failure message..
How to get Memory usage and CPU usage in android? FileInputStream proc stat 1000 String load reader.readLine reader.close String toks load.split long currTotal Long.parseLong toks 2.. 360 catch Exception e 0 load reader.readLine reader.close toks load.split long idle2 Long.parseLong toks 5 long cpu2 Long.parseLong..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 finally try if reader null writer.close reader.close catch IOException ex Log.e getClass .getName Error closing..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? this Message from Server n response 0 .show isr.close reader.close catch IOException e Error main.xml will be like this xml..
Is it possible to run a native arm binary on a non-rooted android phone? read buffer 0 output.append buffer 0 read reader.close Waits for the command to finish. nativeApp.waitFor String..
How to read a text file from “assets” directory as a string? 0 numRead fileData.append readData buf new char 1024 reader.close return fileData.toString But it cast a null pointer exception.....
android httpclient hangs on second request to the server (connection timed out) l tmp 1 buffer.append tmp 0 l finally reader.close return buffer.toString android httpclient share improve..
Regarding connecting to a webserver from android
Android take screenshot on rooted device reader.readLine null found.append currLine found.append sep catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finally try reader.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return null class PullScreenAsyncTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void @Override..
Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON StringBuilder sb.append reader.readLine n String line 0 while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n is.close reader.close String result sb.toString JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject result JSONArray routeArray jsonObject.getJSONArray routes..
Ping Application in Android i char buffer new char 4096 StringBuffer output new StringBuffer while i buffer 0 output.append buffer 0 i reader.close body.append output.toString n str output.toString Log.d TAG str catch IOException e body.append Error n e.printStackTrace..
Need to handle uncaught exception and send log file char buffer new char 10000 do int n buffer 0 buffer.length if n 1 break writer.write buffer 0 n while true reader.close writer.close catch IOException e if writer null try writer.close catch IOException e1 if reader null try reader.close catch.. reader.close writer.close catch IOException e if writer null try writer.close catch IOException e1 if reader null try reader.close catch IOException e1 You might want to write a failure message to the log here. return null return fullName 4 Start an..
How to get Memory usage and CPU usage in android? reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader new FileInputStream proc stat 1000 String load reader.readLine reader.close String toks load.split long currTotal Long.parseLong toks 2 Long.parseLong toks 3 Long.parseLong toks 4 long currIdle Long.parseLong.. Long.parseLong toks 7 Long.parseLong toks 8 try Thread.sleep 360 catch Exception e 0 load reader.readLine reader.close toks load.split long idle2 Long.parseLong toks 5 long cpu2 Long.parseLong toks 2 Long.parseLong toks 3 Long.parseLong toks..
android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2 IOException when transferring oldLocation.getPath to newLocation.getPath finally try if reader null writer.close reader.close catch IOException ex Log.e getClass .getName Error closing files when transferring oldLocation.getPath to newLocation.getPath..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? You can perform UI operations here Toast.makeText this Message from Server n response 0 .show isr.close reader.close catch IOException e Error main.xml will be like this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http..
Is it possible to run a native arm binary on a non-rooted android phone?
How to read a text file from “assets” directory as a string? numRead buf 1 String readData String.valueOf buf 0 numRead fileData.append readData buf new char 1024 reader.close return fileData.toString But it cast a null pointer exception... the file is called origin and it is in folder assets..
android httpclient hangs on second request to the server (connection timed out) new StringBuilder i try char tmp new char 1024 int l while l tmp 1 buffer.append tmp 0 l finally reader.close return buffer.toString android httpclient share improve this question Sounds strange but I had the exact same problem...