android Programming Glossary: readline
Reading Text File From Server on Android InputStreamReader url.openStream String str while str in.readLine null str is one line of text readLine strips the newline character.. str while str in.readLine null str is one line of text readLine strips the newline character s in.close catch MalformedURLException..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? and allows us to read a line at a time using the readLine method. inputBuffer new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Access resource files in Android dis.available 0 Do something with file Log.d GAME dis.readLine fis.close bis.close dis.close catch FileNotFoundException e.. br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is String readLine null try While the BufferedReader readLine is not null while.. is String readLine null try While the BufferedReader readLine is not null while readLine br.readLine null Log.d TEXT readLine..
Android read text raw resource file text new StringBuilder try while line buffreader.readLine null text.append line text.append ' n' catch IOException e.. new InputStreamReader inputStream String line reader.readLine while line null ... Don't forget that readLine skips the new..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service dh new DataHandler new FileDataSource file String readLine null byte data new byte int file.length int offset 0 int numRead.. data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine null.. 0 offset numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine null System.out.println 'Reading File..............................
how to delete the content of text file without deleting itself task. I was able to copy the content using java's file API readLine but don't know how to clear the content of file and set the..
Write a file in external storage in Android R.raw.textfile 8192 try String test while true test br.readLine readLine returns null if no more lines in the file if test.. 8192 try String test while true test br.readLine readLine returns null if no more lines in the file if test null break..
Reading Text File From Server on Android by the server BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader url.openStream String str while str in.readLine null str is one line of text readLine strips the newline character s in.close catch MalformedURLException e catch IOException.. new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader url.openStream String str while str in.readLine null str is one line of text readLine strips the newline character s in.close catch MalformedURLException e catch IOException e taken from Exampledepot Getting..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? in a Buffered reader. This is supposedly better for performance and allows us to read a line at a time using the readLine method. inputBuffer new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader socket.getInputStream catch e Log.d..
Access resource files in Android new BufferedInputStream fis dis new DataInputStream bis while dis.available 0 Do something with file Log.d GAME dis.readLine fis.close bis.close dis.close catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace I.. is this.getResources .openRawResource resourceId BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is String readLine null try While the BufferedReader readLine is not null while readLine br.readLine null Log.d TEXT readLine Close the InputStream.. BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is String readLine null try While the BufferedReader readLine is not null while readLine br.readLine null Log.d TEXT readLine Close the InputStream and BufferedReader is.close br.close..
Android read text raw resource file buffreader new BufferedReader inputreader String line StringBuilder text new StringBuilder try while line buffreader.readLine null text.append line text.append ' n' catch IOException e return null return text.toString android text resources ..
Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service new File C eclipse workspace AIPWebService src test.pdf DataHandler dh new DataHandler new FileDataSource file String readLine null byte data new byte int file.length int offset 0 int numRead 0 InputStream stream null try System.out.println Web Service.. stream while offset data.length numRead data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine null System.out.println 'Reading File.............................. data.length numRead data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine null System.out.println 'Reading File............................ System.out.println n System.out.println..
how to delete the content of text file without deleting itself delete the file 'A' as it is connected with some other task. I was able to copy the content using java's file API readLine but don't know how to clear the content of file and set the file pointer to beginning of the file. java android share..
Write a file in external storage in Android new InputStreamReader this.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.textfile 8192 try String test while true test br.readLine readLine returns null if no more lines in the file if test null break tv.append n test isr.close is.close br.close catch.. InputStreamReader this.getResources .openRawResource R.raw.textfile 8192 try String test while true test br.readLine readLine returns null if no more lines in the file if test null break tv.append n test isr.close is.close br.close catch IOException..