android Programming Glossary: rd.close
Android file uploader with server-side php
Upload Video from android to server? new InputStreamReader conn .getInputStream String line while line rd.readLine null Log.i Huzza RES Message line rd.close catch IOException ioex Log.e Huzza error ioex.getMessage ioex return serverResponseCode like 200 Ok end upLoad2Server 2..
Upload progress bar in android? new InputStreamReader conn .getInputStream String line while line rd.readLine null Log.i Huzza RES Message line rd.close catch IOException ioex Log.e Huzza error ioex.getMessage ioex return like 200 Ok Thanks . android android layout share..
Android:How to upload .mp3 file and image to http server? InputStreamReader conn.getInputStream String line while line rd.readLine null System.out.println RESULT Message line rd.close catch IOException ioex Log.e Huzza error ioex.getMessage ioex return like 200 Ok Uploading image to server works fine....
problem with uploading captured image in android camera result Login.fbResponse result close streams Log.e Tag File is written fileInputStream.close dos.flush dos.close rd.close catch MalformedURLException ex Log.e Tag error ex.getMessage ex catch IOException ioe Log.e Tag error ioe.getMessage ioe..
Need a simple tutorial for android/webservice work? in in.toString .length String line StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder while line rd.readLine null sb.append line rd.close response sb.toString data Log.d INPUT STREAM PROFILE RESPONSE response in.close catch IOException e1 Log.d CONNECTION..