android Programming Glossary: reading
Parsing query strings in Java them . Parsing query strings is a well defined problem but reading the spec and understanding the nuances is non trivial. It is..
Android SplashScreen Android SDK as I'm typing this currently . Some more good reading on the subject of AsyncTasks in Android can be found here and..
Android: Override back button to act like home button to finish normally and be able to recreate itself e.g. reading the current state from a Service if needed. But moveTaskToBack..
Change the background color of the options menu
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? conn.setReadTimeout 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser from..
Restful API service spent a couple of days looking through reading books and looking at articles whilst playing about with some..
Horizontal ListView in Android? horizontal scrolling share improve this question After reading this post I have implemented my own Horizontal listview. You..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched rest of it just part 2 is puzzling me and after many days reading up on Broadcast Intents etc and trying to listen for android.intent.action.MAIN.. new apps broadcasting an intent to start or should I be reading the system log for new intents or doing something in native..
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file which isn't even a power of 2 . I would also like to avoid reading the image using inSampleSize with for example 972x648 in a first..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow ImageView with drop shadow Okay I've been reading and searching around and am now banging my head against the..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue with the same problem i.e. whites gain coloring . Further reading tells me that this is because it's doing the conversion on RGB..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? . Well we've hit a roadblock We need these fields for reading saving a EAP config but we don't have programmatic access to.. IOException e Toast toast Toast.makeText this Problem reading SD CARD 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? variables without using get and set methods as I remember reading an article on the google dev site saying this is not recommended..
Android how to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() ... f.flush f.close Edit Oops you wanted an example for reading ... String baseDir Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) the accelerometer accuracy and constant fluctuation of readings. To start with I set the phone on a flat surface and sampled.. the phone on a flat surface and sampled 1000 accelerometer readings in the X and Y directions parallel to the table so no gravity.. gravity acting in these directions . I then averaged these readings and used this value to calibrate the phone subtracting this..
How can I read SMS messages from the inbox programmatically in Android? long threadId int messageType this is the method for reading public static SmsMmsMessage getSmsDetails Context context long..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException I have this exception and I was reading a thread on this and it seemed confusing android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException.. http android 2009 05 painless threading.html here is link that illustrates how to use asynctask share..
AsyncTask Android example Android example I was reading about AsyncTask and I tried a simple program. But it does not..
Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context? have two kinds of Context Activity and Application. Reading the article a little bit further tells about the difference..
How to create a file in Android? is really written out and close osw.flush osw.close Reading the file back... We have to use the openFileInput method the.. boolean isTheSame TESTSTRING.equals readString Log.i File Reading stuff success isTheSame catch IOException ioe ioe.printStackTrace..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled when allocating more than 390Mb of memory on the device. Reading GC_ logs shown that only GC_FOR_ALLOC that freed 3.8Mb sometimes..
How to parse complex JSON file in android Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream urlConnection.getInputStream BufferedReader.. Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream urlConnection.getInputStream Getting..
Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently Reading from an Input stream efficiently I am making an HTTP get request..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog Drawable for ProgressBar ProgressDialog Reading the limited documentation that Google has provided I get the..
Reading Text File From Server on Android Text File From Server on Android I have a text file on my server...
Reading a Json Array in android a Json Array in android I'm trying to read a JSON array. Here..
How to detect android cpu speed? you can disable fancy features until it is fast enough. Reading the CPU speed or other specs and attempting to judge the system..
How to save GPS coordinates in exif data on Android? output but it appears that it's being corrupted somehow. Reading the exif data results in either null values or in the case of..
Android: How to record mp3 radio (audio) stream mp3 record radio share improve this question Perfect Reading the audio stream byte by byte is the solution. Thank you Here..
How to save user state in Android? editor.putString PSSWORD password editor.commit Reading SP SharedPreferences mySharedPreferences context.getSharedPreferences..
Reading a simple text file a simple text file I am trying to read a simple text file in..
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView Reading lines from a file import import..
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory does not return the path to the removable storage 8 it seems Android has redefined what external storage is. Reading through http reference android os Environment.html..
Automate closing of applications in Android Process.killProcess pid but that doesn't seem to do much. Reading the doco on that method it says the Linux Kernal will still..
Android 1.5: Reading SMS messages 1.5 Reading SMS messages I'm creating a backup utility for Android and..
Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory Reading Files to from Android phone's internal memory I have an utility..
Parsing query strings in Java reader. And to the hackers attacking the websites that use them . Parsing query strings is a well defined problem but reading the spec and understanding the nuances is non trivial. It is far better to let some platform library coder do the hard work..
Android SplashScreen
Android: Override back button to act like home button event I think the preferred option should be for an Activity to finish normally and be able to recreate itself e.g. reading the current state from a Service if needed. But moveTaskToBack can be used as a quick alternative on occasion. NOTE as pointed..
Change the background color of the options menu
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? try final URL aUrl new URL url final URLConnection conn aUrl.openConnection conn.setReadTimeout 15 1000 timeout for reading the google maps data 15 secs conn.connect Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory. SAXParserFactory spf SAXParserFactory.newInstance..
Restful API service which I can use to make calls to a web based rest api. I've spent a couple of days looking through reading books and looking at articles whilst playing about with some code and I can't get anything which I'm happy with. Basically..
Horizontal ListView in Android? Horizontal Scroll. Share Your Idea android listview gallery horizontal scrolling share improve this question After reading this post I have implemented my own Horizontal listview. You can find it http p 34 Let me know if this..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched app disappears leaving the Email app on top I'm ok doing the rest of it just part 2 is puzzling me and after many days reading up on Broadcast Intents etc and trying to listen for android.intent.action.MAIN etc in my trial projects I can't seem to.. anyone help Am I going about it the right way in looking for new apps broadcasting an intent to start or should I be reading the system log for new intents or doing something in native code Any pointers would help even if you can't answer it fully..
Android: Resize a large bitmap file to scaled output file I use inSampleSize 4 or to 778x518 if I use inSampleSize 5 which isn't even a power of 2 . I would also like to avoid reading the image using inSampleSize with for example 972x648 in a first step and then resizing it to exactly 800x533 in a second..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow ImageView with drop shadow Okay I've been reading and searching around and am now banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out. Here's what I have so far package..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue be the case and works properly but I actually still end up with the same problem i.e. whites gain coloring . Further reading tells me that this is because it's doing the conversion on RGB values whereas for hue shifting the values should first be..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? all the symbols we cannot find are of the type EnterpriseField . Well we've hit a roadblock We need these fields for reading saving a EAP config but we don't have programmatic access to them Java Reflection API to the rescue Well I am not a Java.. gpxwriter out.write Hello world out.close catch IOException e Toast toast Toast.makeText this Problem reading SD CARD 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs using Logcat 5000 Log.e WifiPreference Could not write file..
Android - What's the best way to share data between activities? Therefore is there a way to directly get and change the variables without using get and set methods as I remember reading an article on the google dev site saying this is not recommended for performance on android. So if anyone has any ideas..
Android how to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() or not File f new File baseDir File.separator fileName f.write ... f.flush f.close Edit Oops you wanted an example for reading ... String baseDir Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath String fileName myFile.txt Not sure if the is..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) System for an Android phone which I realise is hard given the accelerometer accuracy and constant fluctuation of readings. To start with I set the phone on a flat surface and sampled 1000 accelerometer readings in the X and Y directions parallel.. and constant fluctuation of readings. To start with I set the phone on a flat surface and sampled 1000 accelerometer readings in the X and Y directions parallel to the table so no gravity acting in these directions . I then averaged these readings.. in the X and Y directions parallel to the table so no gravity acting in these directions . I then averaged these readings and used this value to calibrate the phone subtracting this value from each subsequent reading . I then tested the system..
How can I read SMS messages from the inbox programmatically in Android? public static void deleteMessage Context context long messageId long threadId int messageType this is the method for reading public static SmsMmsMessage getSmsDetails Context context long ignoreThreadId boolean unreadOnly String SMS_READ_COLUMN..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException I have this exception and I was reading a thread on this and it seemed confusing android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException I already added this line to my manifest..
AsyncTask Android example Android example I was reading about AsyncTask and I tried a simple program. But it does not seem to work. I am new to android programming if possible..
Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context? contexts as well In a regular Android application you usually have two kinds of Context Activity and Application. Reading the article a little bit further tells about the difference between the two and when you might want to consider using the..
How to create a file in Android? the string to the file osw.write TESTSTRING ensure that everything is really written out and close osw.flush osw.close Reading the file back... We have to use the openFileInput method the ActivityContext provides. Again for security reasons with openFileInput..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled bitmaps EDIT Actually I make it give a OutOfMemoryError when allocating more than 390Mb of memory on the device. Reading GC_ logs shown that only GC_FOR_ALLOC that freed 3.8Mb sometimes but almost never other GC runs freed something. android..
How to parse complex JSON file in android url HttpURLConnection urlConnection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream urlConnection.getInputStream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader iStream .. url HttpURLConnection urlConnection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Connecting to url urlConnection.connect Reading data from url iStream urlConnection.getInputStream Getting Caching directory File cacheDirectory getBaseContext .getCacheDir..
Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently Reading from an Input stream efficiently I am making an HTTP get request to a website for an android application I am making. I..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog Drawable for ProgressBar ProgressDialog Reading the limited documentation that Google has provided I get the feeling that it is possible to change the look drawable of..
Reading Text File From Server on Android Text File From Server on Android I have a text file on my server. I want to open the text file from my Android App and..
Reading a Json Array in android a Json Array in android I'm trying to read a JSON array. Here is my code. JSONArray jArray new JSONArray jsonString System.out.println..
How to detect android cpu speed? If it is taking too much time then the system is too slow and you can disable fancy features until it is fast enough. Reading the CPU speed or other specs and attempting to judge the system speed is a bad idea. Future hardware changes might make..
How to save GPS coordinates in exif data on Android? and the coordinates are correct as demonstrated by my logcat output but it appears that it's being corrupted somehow. Reading the exif data results in either null values or in the case of my GPS 512.976698 degrees 512.976698 degrees . Can anyone..
Android: How to record mp3 radio (audio) stream Thanks for any help or code snippets... android stream mp3 record radio share improve this question Perfect Reading the audio stream byte by byte is the solution. Thank you Here my code snippets URL url new URL http myradio com stream.mp3..
How to save user state in Android? SharedPreferences.Editor editor mySharedPreferences.edit editor.putString PSSWORD password editor.commit Reading SP SharedPreferences mySharedPreferences context.getSharedPreferences PREFS Activity.MODE_PRIVATE String password mySharedPreferences.getString..
Reading a simple text file a simple text file I am trying to read a simple text file in my sample Android Application. I am using the below written..
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? import android.widget.Button import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView Reading lines from a file import import import import..
Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory does not return the path to the removable storage return the path to the removable storage As of API level 8 it seems Android has redefined what external storage is. Reading through http reference android os Environment.html attached to the documentation for getExternalStorageDirectory..
Automate closing of applications in Android and they do the very thing I would like to do. I tried the Process.killProcess pid but that doesn't seem to do much. Reading the doco on that method it says the Linux Kernal will still enforce permissions. I even attempted to kill all processes..
Android 1.5: Reading SMS messages 1.5 Reading SMS messages I'm creating a backup utility for Android and I need to read content of inbox outbox and dratfs. How can I..
Writing/Reading Files to/from Android phone's internal memory Reading Files to from Android phone's internal memory I have an utility class named 'MyClass'. The class has two methods to read..