android Programming Glossary: rawdata
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? colorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB unsigned char rawData unsigned char calloc height width 4 sizeof unsigned char NSUInteger.. 8 CGContextRef context CGBitmapContextCreate rawData width height bitsPerComponent bytesPerRow colorSpace kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast.. int yy 0 yy height yy for int xx 0 xx width xx Now your rawData contains the image data in the RGBA8888 pixel format. int byteIndex..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together testString b a c a d a Send Send bodyPart new FormBodyPart rawData new StringBody testString reqEntity.addPart bodyPart Then from..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? width d width NSLog @ histogram height d height CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB unsigned char rawData unsigned char calloc height width 4 sizeof unsigned char NSUInteger bytesPerPixel 4 NSUInteger bytesPerRow bytesPerPixel.. 4 NSUInteger bytesPerRow bytesPerPixel width NSUInteger bitsPerComponent 8 CGContextRef context CGBitmapContextCreate rawData width height bitsPerComponent bytesPerRow colorSpace kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big CGColorSpaceRelease.. 0 0 width height imageRef CGContextRelease context for int yy 0 yy height yy for int xx 0 xx width xx Now your rawData contains the image data in the RGBA8888 pixel format. int byteIndex bytesPerRow yy xx bytesPerPixel for int ii 0 ii 1 ii..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together this will increase performance. Here is an example String testString b a c a d a Send Send bodyPart new FormBodyPart rawData new StringBody testString reqEntity.addPart bodyPart Then from PHP var_dump _POST 'rawData' share improve this answer..