android Programming Glossary: readable
How to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format? to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format I want to use currentTimeMillis twice so I can.. duration but I also want to display time and date in user readable format. I'm having trouble as currentTimeMillis is good for..
decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode files. Then you can use jd gui . The source code is quite readable as dex2jar makes some optimizations. share improve this answer..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? is Welcome MyUsername This code is obviously not very readable. I have actually extracted it into a simple library with an..
Android Debugging with Logcat and Emulator. Is it possible? phone but the process of getting the messages to somewhere readable isn't smooth at all. Can someone tell me how to get Logcat running..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview It uses a binary search like gjpc's but it is a bit more readable. It also include's gregm's bug fixes and a bug fix of my own...
Android multiple screen sizes with same density if the image contains text then the text might not be readable anymore. Android can be told to automatically scale images to..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] this question . Get help when starting out The quantity of readable material can be overwhelming. Setting up the environment can..
What is the fastest way to scrape HTML webpage in Android? HTML. So assuming that by fastest you mean most convenient readable and maintainable code I suggest you use a DocumentBuilder to..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? MediaPlayer requires that the file being played has world readable permissions. You can view the permissions of the file with the..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) to do the lot # bin sh if test # lt 2 then echo Extract readable stack trace from Android logcat crash echo Usage 0 crash.log..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? crazy method that converts BigDecimal values into nice and readable Strings. private String formatBigDecimal BigDecimal bd DecimalFormat..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask i file null else tv.append n nExternal Media is NOT readable writable @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog int id switch.. false stat false tv.append n nExternal Media readable mExternalStorageAvailable writable mExternalStorageWriteable..
Email from internal storage is very much correct about needing to make the file world readable fos openFileOutput xmlFilename MODE_WORLD_READABLE Next we need..
Java httpPost into .asp form the known IP address or the host address and then copy the readable bytes which you find if you click the right button on any of..
Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc…) in user language? SimpleDateFormat to format dates and times into a human readable string with respect to the users locale. Small example to get..
How to filter out a tagname in Eclipse LogCat viewer remove its logcat entries in order to have an output more readable. Is it possible to have a filter that remove the LogCat entries..
MediaPlayer setDataSource, better to use path or FileDescriptor? new RandomAccessFile filePath rw the file is not actually readable by the mediaplayer if you use mediaPlayer.setDataSource String.. error. SDK 9 introduced file.setReadable boolean readable boolean ownerOnly which would presumably allow you to resolve..
How to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format? to transform currentTimeMillis to a readable date format I want to use currentTimeMillis twice so I can calculate a duration but I also want to display time and date.. I want to use currentTimeMillis twice so I can calculate a duration but I also want to display time and date in user readable format. I'm having trouble as currentTimeMillis is good for the caculation but I can't see a built in function to convert..
decompiling DEX into Java sourcecode
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities? assertThat TextView currentView .getText .toString is Welcome MyUsername This code is obviously not very readable. I have actually extracted it into a simple library with an English like API so I can just say things like this type myUsername..
Android Debugging with Logcat and Emulator. Is it possible? with Android emulator 1.6. I have Logcat on my android phone but the process of getting the messages to somewhere readable isn't smooth at all. Can someone tell me how to get Logcat running on the emulator Is there anything I can do to see debug..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview here. It starts with what was originally posted by Dunni. It uses a binary search like gjpc's but it is a bit more readable. It also include's gregm's bug fixes and a bug fix of my own. import android.content.Context import
Android multiple screen sizes with same density words it will be much smaller. This can be a problem because if the image contains text then the text might not be readable anymore. Android can be told to automatically scale images to fit these different screens so that it still looks to be the..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] of my favorite commands were found reading this list and this question . Get help when starting out The quantity of readable material can be overwhelming. Setting up the environment can be tricky. Going to an Android Meet up or users group can help..
What is the fastest way to scrape HTML webpage in Android? you compare it to the time it will take to download the HTML. So assuming that by fastest you mean most convenient readable and maintainable code I suggest you use a DocumentBuilder to parse the relevant HTML and extract data using XPathExpression..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? android internal videoview share improve this question MediaPlayer requires that the file being played has world readable permissions. You can view the permissions of the file with the following command in adb shell ls al data data com.mypackage..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) the program on the two of them. Here's the shell script I use to do the lot # bin sh if test # lt 2 then echo Extract readable stack trace from Android logcat crash echo Usage 0 crash.log exit 1 fi of mktemp echo Disassemble 1 ~ tools android..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? comma to dot point Ok so here it is. I have this little crazy method that converts BigDecimal values into nice and readable Strings. private String formatBigDecimal BigDecimal bd DecimalFormat df new DecimalFormat df.setMinimumFractionDigits 3..
Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask DownloadFileAsync .execute videoPath fileNames i fileNames i file null else tv.append n nExternal Media is NOT readable writable @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog int id switch id case DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS mProgressDialog new ProgressDialog.. Can't read or write mExternalStorageAvailable mExternalStorageWriteable false stat false tv.append n nExternal Media readable mExternalStorageAvailable writable mExternalStorageWriteable return stat class DownloadFileAsync extends AsyncTask String..
Email from internal storage need a little more work to be portable First CommonsWare is very much correct about needing to make the file world readable fos openFileOutput xmlFilename MODE_WORLD_READABLE Next we need to work around Gmail's insistence on the mnt sdcard or implementation..
Java httpPost into .asp form browser and server. Find the one you are interested in by the known IP address or the host address and then copy the readable bytes which you find if you click the right button on any of the transactions. So when you do that you will find how your..
Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc…) in user language? internationalization share improve this question Use SimpleDateFormat to format dates and times into a human readable string with respect to the users locale. Small example to get the current day of the week e.g. Monday SimpleDateFormat sdf..
How to filter out a tagname in Eclipse LogCat viewer application that spams the LogCat and I would like to remove its logcat entries in order to have an output more readable. Is it possible to have a filter that remove the LogCat entries for a specific tag name Or a search pattern that does the..
MediaPlayer setDataSource, better to use path or FileDescriptor? how the file was saved. For example if I write a file using new RandomAccessFile filePath rw the file is not actually readable by the mediaplayer if you use mediaPlayer.setDataSource String path . The prepare will immediately trigger error 1 2147483648.. error 1 2147483648 from the mediaplayer essentially a file permission error. SDK 9 introduced file.setReadable boolean readable boolean ownerOnly which would presumably allow you to resolve this issue by setting ownerOnly to false...but that doesn't..