

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:08

android Programming Glossary: rawcontacts.account_type

Android Contact Picker With Checkbox


new String Phone._ID Phone.NUMBER Phone.IS_SUPER_PRIMARY RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE Phone.TYPE Phone.LABEL Data.MIMETYPE new String Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE..

Inserting contacts in Android 2.2


it here ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE accountType values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME accountName.. RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null .withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null .build ops.add..

How to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM


RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.anddroid.contacts.sim' AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE.. new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.anddroid.contacts.sim' AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.google'.. RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.anddroid.contacts.sim' AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.google' if you don't want to google contacts also null..

What is the default Account Type / Name for contacts on Android Contact Application?


IS NOT NULL AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME IS NULL AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE IS NULL null null I guess on devices the account type and name..

Android - Update a contact


ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null ops.add.. ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null ops.add.. ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null ops.add..

Android Contact Picker With Checkbox


Cursor c cr.query dataUri new String Phone._ID Phone.NUMBER Phone.IS_SUPER_PRIMARY RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE Phone.TYPE Phone.LABEL Data.MIMETYPE new String Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE null if c null c.moveToFirst return c return null..

Inserting contacts in Android 2.2


I am using the code example from developer site just pasting it here ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE accountType values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME accountName Uri rawContactUri getContentResolver .insert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI.. int rawContactInsertIndex ops.size ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null .withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null .build ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI..

How to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM


question This is very easy Cursor cursor mContentResolver.query RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.anddroid.contacts.sim' AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.google' if you don't want to google.. easy Cursor cursor mContentResolver.query RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.anddroid.contacts.sim' AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.google' if you don't want to google contacts also null null..

What is the default Account Type / Name for contacts on Android Contact Application?


RawContacts.DELETED 1 AND RawContacts.CONTACT_ID IS NOT NULL AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME IS NULL AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE IS NULL null null I guess on devices the account type and name for default account is not null what is the solution android..

Android - Update a contact


Builder builder ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null ops.add builder.build Name builder ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate.. ops.size Builder builder ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null ops.add builder.build Name builder ContentProviderOperation.newInsert.. Builder builder ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null builder.withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null ops.add builder.build Name builder ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate..