android Programming Glossary: rawcontacts.content_uri
How can I programmatically add a contact? ops.size ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE Google..
Inserting contacts in Android 2.2 accountName Uri rawContactUri getContentResolver .insert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI values long rawContactId ContentUris.parseId rawContactUri values.clear.. ops.size ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null .withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME..
How to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM This is very easy Cursor cursor mContentResolver.query RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE..
Contact API storing contact as an invisible contact: How to make it visible? ops.size ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME accountName.. ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null .withValue..
How to support multiple android version in your code? whereas in later versions we need to have api support for RawContacts.CONTENT_URI. Same thing is true for accessing calendar for instance as its..
What is the default Account Type / Name for contacts on Android Contact Application? .getContentResolver Cursor nativeContacts cr.query RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.VERSION RawContacts.CONTACT_ID..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact finally c.close for Long rawid lcv Cursor c3 cr.query RawContacts.CONTENT_URI null RawContacts.CONTACT_ID new String rawid null if c3.moveToNext..
Android change contact picture rawContactUri null Cursor rawContactCursor managedQuery RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.CONTACT_ID contactData.getLastPathSegment.. rawContactCursor.moveToFirst rawContactUri RawContacts.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon .appendPath rawContactCursor.getLong 0 .build rawContactCursor.close..
Modifying contact information with the RawContact table. Table RawContacts Access URI RawContacts.CONTENT_URI Primary Key Data._ID Foreign Key Data.CONTACT_ID Description..
How can I programmatically add a contact? new ArrayList ContentProviderOperation int rawContactInsertIndex ops.size ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE Google .withValue ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME
Inserting contacts in Android 2.2 accountType values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME accountName Uri rawContactUri getContentResolver .insert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI values long rawContactId ContentUris.parseId rawContactUri values.clear values.put Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID rawContactId values.put.. new ArrayList ContentProviderOperation int rawContactInsertIndex ops.size ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null .withValue RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null .build ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert..
How to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM icc adn android sim card share improve this question This is very easy Cursor cursor mContentResolver.query RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.anddroid.contacts.sim' AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE..
Contact API storing contact as an invisible contact: How to make it visible? then populated the array list by int rawContactInsertIndex ops.size ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME accountName .build ops.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI.. op_list new ArrayList ContentProviderOperation op_list.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI .withValue ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE null .withValue ContactsContract.RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME null .withValue..
How to support multiple android version in your code? has People.CONTENT_URI for invoking contacts related info whereas in later versions we need to have api support for RawContacts.CONTENT_URI. Same thing is true for accessing calendar for instance as its URI is changed in android 2.2. Is there a best practice to..
What is the default Account Type / Name for contacts on Android Contact Application? returns any result. ContentResolver cr AndroidContext.getContext .getContentResolver Cursor nativeContacts cr.query RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.VERSION RawContacts.CONTACT_ID RawContacts.DELETED 1 AND RawContacts.CONTACT_ID..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact else Log.e TAG failed to lookup finally c2.close finally c.close for Long rawid lcv Cursor c3 cr.query RawContacts.CONTENT_URI null RawContacts.CONTACT_ID new String rawid null if c3.moveToNext Log.e TAG aaaa c3.getString c3.getColumnIndex Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME..
Android change contact picture First get the Uri for the Contacts first raw contact Uri rawContactUri null Cursor rawContactCursor managedQuery RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.CONTACT_ID contactData.getLastPathSegment null null if rawContactCursor.isAfterLast.. contactData.getLastPathSegment null null if rawContactCursor.isAfterLast rawContactCursor.moveToFirst rawContactUri RawContacts.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon .appendPath rawContactCursor.getLong 0 .build rawContactCursor.close Then convert a bitmap to a byte array Bitmap..
Modifying contact information custom ringtone . Relationship It has a 1 to many relationship with the RawContact table. Table RawContacts Access URI RawContacts.CONTENT_URI Primary Key Data._ID Foreign Key Data.CONTACT_ID Description This table contains information about a related set of Data..