android Programming Glossary: reads
Google Drive\Docs API for Android of the Google Document List API just find the tabs that reads protocol wherever there is code samples in the page. Last option..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? problem is possibly in . Where it reads private void tryNotifyDateSet if mCallBack null mDatePicker.clearFocus.. since checks for a null whenever it reads mCallback since the days of API 3 1.5 it seems can't check Honeycomb..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android screen Layouts Listviews Textviews ImageViews etc and user reads the information. There is no animation no special effects or..
How to create/write file in the root of the android device? UNICODE with the file extension .in . The application reads and parses the .in file when it's placed in root directory on..
How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package share improve this question There is an application that reads apk files and decodes XMLs to nearly original form. Check android..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece audio to play through earpiece I currently have code that reads a recording in from the devices mic using the AudioRecord class..
Handling large Bitmaps one I overlooked named inJustDecodeBounds javadoc of which reads If set to true the decoder will return null no bitmap but the..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? share improve this question Inserts updates deletes and reads are generally OK from multiple threads but answer #1 is not.. updates deletes and reads are generally OK from multiple threads but answer #1 is not correct. You have to be careful with how.. one db connection. Even if you use it from multiple threads one connection at a time. The SqliteDatabase object uses java..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? This is the working code. It connects to Zeemote and reads data from it. Code public class ZeeTest extends Activity @Override..
Linear Layout and weight in Android You are not setting the layout_weight property. Your code reads weight 1 and it should read android layout_weight 1 . share..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android Below is the code in my file. It reads the keystore and truststore creates an SSL socket connection..
Android multiple databases open and adds some values into the same database and then it reads the database. After this run i noticed that the database is..
Example: Android bi-directional network socket using AsyncTask flag. If set it closes connections and exits. If not it reads data from Queue sends it to network and goes back to sleep...
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? application you need to build a custom BackupAgent that reads the appropriate data during a backup operation then create your..
Getting events from calendar provide the calendar api class. but still i cant able to reads those events.. android calendar google calendar share improve..
Android: Need to record mic input data and places it in a buffer. Then the AudioTrack object reads the data from that buffer and plays it through the speakers...
Java 7 language features with Android Java 7 language features with Android I know that Android reads the bytecode that Java spits out and turns it to dex. So I guess..
AsyncTask, must it take such a performance penalty hit…? penalty hit&hellip I'm developing a small app that reads in specific html pages re formats them and then shows them in..
Google Drive\Docs API for Android XML parser. The protocol is described in the documentation of the Google Document List API just find the tabs that reads protocol wherever there is code samples in the page. Last option you wait until we eventually release something better and..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? else already filled it. Issue 34833 . I've found that the problem is possibly in . Where it reads private void tryNotifyDateSet if mCallBack null mDatePicker.clearFocus mCallBack.onDateSet mDatePicker mDatePicker.getYear.. because of the possible correction that I posted above. And since checks for a null whenever it reads mCallback since the days of API 3 1.5 it seems can't check Honeycomb of course it won't trigger the exception. At first..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android on Android. The app runs once fills the information on the screen Layouts Listviews Textviews ImageViews etc and user reads the information. There is no animation no special effects or anything that can fill the memory. Sometimes the drawables..
How to create/write file in the root of the android device? as stated in the API in trying to follow A request is a textfile UNICODE with the file extension .in . The application reads and parses the .in file when it's placed in root directory on the mobile device. Question is how do I place a file in the..
How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece Getting audio to play through earpiece I currently have code that reads a recording in from the devices mic using the AudioRecord class and then playing it back out using the AudioTrack class...
Handling large Bitmaps There is an option in BitmapFactory.Options class one I overlooked named inJustDecodeBounds javadoc of which reads If set to true the decoder will return null no bitmap but the out... fields will still be set allowing the caller to query..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? for these scenarios android database sqlite sqlite3 share improve this question Inserts updates deletes and reads are generally OK from multiple threads but answer #1 is not correct. You have to be careful with how you create your connections.. sqlite sqlite3 share improve this question Inserts updates deletes and reads are generally OK from multiple threads but answer #1 is not correct. You have to be careful with how you create your connections and use them. There are situations.. the write database connection regardless. So one helper instance one db connection. Even if you use it from multiple threads one connection at a time. The SqliteDatabase object uses java locks to keep access serialized. So if 100 threads have one..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? solved Thanks a lot to Brad Denis and junkie You're the heroes This is the working code. It connects to Zeemote and reads data from it. Code public class ZeeTest extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Linear Layout and weight in Android
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android rather than raw SSL sockets. I need SSL sockets for this application. Below is the code in my file. It reads the keystore and truststore creates an SSL socket connection to the server then runs a loop while waiting for input lines..
Android multiple databases open one in activity and one in service that run from 0 to 3000 and adds some values into the same database and then it reads the database. After this run i noticed that the database is still in feet and running without errors. The strange thing..
Example: Android bi-directional network socket using AsyncTask . When background thread wakes up it first checks the finish flag. If set it closes connections and exits. If not it reads data from Queue sends it to network and goes back to sleep. You should have finish method which sets a finish flag atomic..
Android backup/restore: how to backup an internal database? that you want to restore when the user re installs your application you need to build a custom BackupAgent that reads the appropriate data during a backup operation then create your table and insert the data during a restore operation. Some..
Getting events from calendar that i have tried to use the gcode google code api which is provide the calendar api class. but still i cant able to reads those events.. android calendar google calendar share improve this question That code above is pretty awful and it..
Android: Need to record mic input The AudioRecord object encodes the audio as 16 bit PCM data and places it in a buffer. Then the AudioTrack object reads the data from that buffer and plays it through the speakers. There is no file on the SD card that you will be able to access..
Java 7 language features with Android with Android Just wondering if anyone has tried using new Java 7 language features with Android I know that Android reads the bytecode that Java spits out and turns it to dex. So I guess my question is can it understand the bytecode of Java 7..
AsyncTask, must it take such a performance penalty hit…? must it take such a performance penalty hit&hellip I'm developing a small app that reads in specific html pages re formats them and then shows them in a WebView. If I run my code in the GUI thread the performance..