

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:09

android Programming Glossary: reached

Why does the Google Play store say my Android app is incompatible with my own device?


into the res drawable directory. When the .apk size reached about 32 MB the Play store started reporting that my app was..

Heterogeneous GridLayout


associated xml code https gist.github.com 2834492 I have reached a similar layout with nested linearlayouts but it's not possible..

How to get the Android Emulator's IP address?


by your provider. The development machine can always be reached from your device at Since you were asking only about..

Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style)


take an example int nextStep 0 this variable will not be reached from within the onClick methods AlertDialog.Builder builder..

HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G


to 3G GSM data network it doesn't work but my servlet is reached. In other word it seems that my phone never get the response..

How to create a closed (circular) ListView?


closed circular one scrolling down after the last item was reached the first begins .. n 1 n 1 2 .. scrolling upward after the.. .. n 1 n 1 2 .. scrolling upward after the first item was reached the last begins .. 2 1 n n 1 .. It sounds simple conceptually..

Creating Custom Overlay on the map


other things on my own. Thanks The full application can be reached at this link android android sdk 2.1 android maps share improve..

Smooth scrolling in Android


that is until animation is running calculate the point we reached and scroll there. As a last note remember to return true in..

SIGNAL 11 SIGSEGV crash Android


setting section i found that the cache has been reached to 10 MB.. android sigsegv share improve this question ..

What do GC_FOR_MALLOC, GC_EXPLICIT, and other GC_* mean in Android Logcat?


others as well GC_CONCURRENT Triggered when the heap has reached a certain amount of objects to collect. GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC means..

Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds


Until we either fit within our text view or we had reached our min text size incrementally try smaller sizes while textHeight.. text textPaint width targetTextSize If we had reached our minimum text size and still don't fit append an ellipsis..

Android - detecting application launch from home or history


authentication. Forcing a login based upon how they reached the activity is user hostile. You are telling users that deign..

Implementation of onScrollListener to detect the end of scrolling in a ListView


onscroll share improve this question In the end I've reached a solution not so much elegant but that worked for me having..

Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show?


fact that aren't accurate... Some more precision can be reached using Kalman filter but i have no idea how... share improve..

Android Process Scheduling


often retains applications in memory after they have reached the end of their lifetimes. Android maintains this cache to..

How to query a web service via POST request in Android?


EDIT March 15 2012 I managed to get further and I almost reached what seems to be the solution. I found the schema definitions..

How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button


the ActionBar go into the overflow menu the one that is reached from the Action Bar not the menu button even on devices that..

Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling


listener will be called every time 160 frames are reached recorder.setPositionNotificationPeriod 160 recorder.setRecordPositionUpdateListener..

Retrieving HTML encoded text from XML using SAXParser


throws SAXException if inItem if inImage if inChannel Reached end of feed if localName.equalsIgnoreCase channel newFeed.setItems..

how to getAuth token and send email in background?


session private String path_img static AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.1 Security.addProvider new JSSEProvider public GMailSender.. password String path path_img path AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.2 this.user user this.password password Properties.. true props.put mail.smtp.port 465 AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.3 session Session.getDefaultInstance props this AppLogger.LogError..

Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling


audioData 0 numShortsRead @Override public void onMarkerReached AudioRecord recorder TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e.. TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e LOG_TAG Marker Reached listener will be called every time 160 frames are reached..

Why does the Google Play store say my Android app is incompatible with my own device?


I changed nothing in this app except for adding more content into the res drawable directory. When the .apk size reached about 32 MB the Play store started reporting that my app was incompatible with my phone. I will attempt to contact Google..

Heterogeneous GridLayout


so you can see how it exceeds the boundaries and here is the associated xml code https gist.github.com 2834492 I have reached a similar layout with nested linearlayouts but it's not possible to properly resize it for different screen sizes. UPDATE..

How to get the Android Emulator's IP address?


external IP is whatever IP has been assigned to that machine by your provider. The development machine can always be reached from your device at Since you were asking only about the emulator's IP what is it you're trying to do share improve..

Dialogs / AlertDialogs: How to “block execution” while dialog is up (.NET-style)


continue the normal execution . Let me take an example Let me take an example int nextStep 0 this variable will not be reached from within the onClick methods AlertDialog.Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setMessage Hello .setPositiveButton..

HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G


connected on Wifi it works. If I launch it when connected to 3G GSM data network it doesn't work but my servlet is reached. In other word it seems that my phone never get the response Technical problem while receiving response. org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException..

How to create a closed (circular) ListView?


a customized ListView or similar which will behave like a closed circular one scrolling down after the last item was reached the first begins .. n 1 n 1 2 .. scrolling upward after the first item was reached the last begins .. 2 1 n n 1 .. It sounds.. down after the last item was reached the first begins .. n 1 n 1 2 .. scrolling upward after the first item was reached the last begins .. 2 1 n n 1 .. It sounds simple conceptually but apparently there is no straightforward approach to do..

Creating Custom Overlay on the map


custom drawable overlays and 2D graphics over map I can do other things on my own. Thanks The full application can be reached at this link android android sdk 2.1 android maps share improve this question Okay I tried to do things on my Own and..

Smooth scrolling in Android


scrollTo mScroller.getCurrX mScroller.getCurrY that is until animation is running calculate the point we reached and scroll there. As a last note remember to return true in your OnGestureListener.onDown even if you don't want to do anything..

SIGNAL 11 SIGSEGV crash Android


that when I saw my application memory usage in the Android application setting section i found that the cache has been reached to 10 MB.. android sigsegv share improve this question Call webview.clearCache and webView2.destroyDrawingCache That..

What do GC_FOR_MALLOC, GC_EXPLICIT, and other GC_* mean in Android Logcat?


or when a binder communication is taken down. There are a few others as well GC_CONCURRENT Triggered when the heap has reached a certain amount of objects to collect. GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC means that the the VM is trying to reduce the amount of memory..

Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds


int textHeight getTextHeight text textPaint width targetTextSize Until we either fit within our text view or we had reached our min text size incrementally try smaller sizes while textHeight height targetTextSize mMinTextSize targetTextSize Math.max.. Math.max targetTextSize 2 mMinTextSize textHeight getTextHeight text textPaint width targetTextSize If we had reached our minimum text size and still don't fit append an ellipsis if mAddEllipsis targetTextSize mMinTextSize textHeight height..

Android - detecting application launch from home or history


is unnecessary. Most mobile applications do not require authentication. Forcing a login based upon how they reached the activity is user hostile. You are telling users that deign to use their phones for things other than your app that they..

Implementation of onScrollListener to detect the end of scrolling in a ListView


understanding how the whole thing works.. android listview onscroll share improve this question In the end I've reached a solution not so much elegant but that worked for me having figured out that onScroll method is called for every step of..

Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show?


Android Process Scheduling


Empty Processes To improve overall system performance Android often retains applications in memory after they have reached the end of their lifetimes. Android maintains this cache to improve the start up time of applications when they ™re re launched...

How to query a web service via POST request in Android?


Exception exception exception.printStackTrace return null EDIT March 15 2012 I managed to get further and I almost reached what seems to be the solution. I found the schema definitions for those namespaces used in the XML request and linked them..

How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button


I'd like to have all of the menu items that don't fit into the ActionBar go into the overflow menu the one that is reached from the Action Bar not the menu button even on devices that do have a Menu button . This seems much more intuitive for..

Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling


TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e LOG_TAG Marker Reached listener will be called every time 160 frames are reached recorder.setPositionNotificationPeriod 160 recorder.setRecordPositionUpdateListener posUpdateListener Log.e LOG_TAG inside..

Retrieving HTML encoded text from XML using SAXParser


void endElement String uri String localName String qName throws SAXException if inItem if inImage if inChannel Reached end of feed if localName.equalsIgnoreCase channel newFeed.setItems ArrayList Item itemList finalFeed newFeed newFeed..

how to getAuth token and send email in background?


private String user private String password private Session session private String path_img static AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.1 Security.addProvider new JSSEProvider public GMailSender String user String password String path path_img path.. new JSSEProvider public GMailSender String user String password String path path_img path AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.2 this.user user this.password password Properties props new Properties props.put mail.smtp.host smtp.gmail.com.. javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory props.put mail.smtp.auth true props.put mail.smtp.port 465 AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.3 session Session.getDefaultInstance props this AppLogger.LogError Reached to Step1.4 protected PasswordAuthentication..

Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling


rec.read audioData 0 audioData.length player.write audioData 0 numShortsRead @Override public void onMarkerReached AudioRecord recorder TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e LOG_TAG Marker Reached listener will be called every time.. @Override public void onMarkerReached AudioRecord recorder TODO Auto generated method stub Log.e LOG_TAG Marker Reached listener will be called every time 160 frames are reached recorder.setPositionNotificationPeriod 160 recorder.setRecordPositionUpdateListener..