android Programming Glossary: rawquery
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Querying and working with Cursors in SQLite on Android FROM customer WHERE _id customerDbId Cursor mCursor mDb.rawQuery q null Customer customer new Customer mCursor in the Customer.. in umpteen parameters. query is much more verbose than rawQuery for limited added value if you know SQL. Assembling your CREATE..
ORMLite with CursorAdapter in Android open another SQLiteOpenHelper database connection and use rawQuery . This works but are there any better ways of doing it at all..
Android quotes within an sql query string select from mytable where name_field ' uvalue ' mDb.rawQuery p_query null if the user enters a single quote in their input.. share improve this question You should make use of the rawQuery method's selectionArgs parameter p_query select from mytable.. parameter p_query select from mytable where name_field mDb.rawQuery p_query new String uvalue This not only solves your quotes problem..
Android sqlite sort on calculated column (co-ordinates distance) help but for situations like this seriously consider using rawQuery instead of query so you can pass in a full SQL statement vs...
Increase the value of a record in android/sqlite database in my table. However nothing really seems to happen. db.rawQuery UPDATE table SET key key 1 WHERE name new String name However.. android database sqlite SQLiteDatabase.html public Cursor rawQuery String sql String selectionArgs Runs the provided SQL and returns.. words SQL queries which return a table are to be run with rawQuery and those that do not return tables are to be run with execSQL..
Android. Content provider or Database? the costs e.g. reduced flexibility compared to SQLite and rawQuery . One of these days I expect that the cartoon light bulb will..
Android: column '_id' does not exist problem this for a SimpleCursorAdapter I do this with a database rawQuery ... SELECT uid as _id name number FROM MY_TABLE This works fine..
Android Delete Query SELECT _id FROM my_table2 However I apparently can not use rawQuery since it returns a cursor so I have to use the delete function... share improve this question You shouldn't use a .rawQuery as you stated but you can use .execSQL to accomplish it. I regularly..
difference between rawquery and execSQL in android sqlite database any other SQL statement that returns data. public Cursor rawQuery String sql String selectionArgs Runs the provided SQL and returns..
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Querying and working with Cursors in SQLite on Android email TEXT NOT NULL address TEXT get code String q SELECT FROM customer WHERE _id customerDbId Cursor mCursor mDb.rawQuery q null Customer customer new Customer mCursor in the Customer I access the fields like this mName cursor.getString 2 Ahh.. them load themselves out of a Cursor rather than trying to pass in umpteen parameters. query is much more verbose than rawQuery for limited added value if you know SQL. Assembling your CREATE TABLE clause via concatenation is self imposed pain not..
ORMLite with CursorAdapter in Android returns a list not a Cursor so the way I have done it is to open another SQLiteOpenHelper database connection and use rawQuery . This works but are there any better ways of doing it at all It seems overkill to have two separate database connections..
Android quotes within an sql query string a query like the following uvalue EditText some user value p_query select from mytable where name_field ' uvalue ' mDb.rawQuery p_query null if the user enters a single quote in their input it crashes. If you change it to p_query select from mytable.. always enter both single and double quotes. android sqlite share improve this question You should make use of the rawQuery method's selectionArgs parameter p_query select from mytable where name_field mDb.rawQuery p_query new String uvalue This.. You should make use of the rawQuery method's selectionArgs parameter p_query select from mytable where name_field mDb.rawQuery p_query new String uvalue This not only solves your quotes problem but also mitigates SQL Injection . share improve this..
Android sqlite sort on calculated column (co-ordinates distance) share improve this question This won't completely help but for situations like this seriously consider using rawQuery instead of query so you can pass in a full SQL statement vs. having to chop it into pieces. Your bigger problem is that..
Increase the value of a record in android/sqlite database I try to increase the value of an integer key in a row in my table. However nothing really seems to happen. db.rawQuery UPDATE table SET key key 1 WHERE name new String name However this code works fine just sets the key to a hard coded value.. this question From http reference android database sqlite SQLiteDatabase.html public Cursor rawQuery String sql String selectionArgs Runs the provided SQL and returns a Cursor over the result set. Returns A Cursor object..
Android. Content provider or Database? single threading that Robert mentions IMHO are outweighed by the costs e.g. reduced flexibility compared to SQLite and rawQuery . One of these days I expect that the cartoon light bulb will shine over my head as I finally figure out what the core Android..
Android: column '_id' does not exist problem that I have a table with columns... uid name number To query this for a SimpleCursorAdapter I do this with a database rawQuery ... SELECT uid as _id name number FROM MY_TABLE This works fine and supplies the necessary '_id' column to SimpleCursorAdapter...
Android Delete Query along these lines DELETE FROM my_table WHERE my_id NOT IN SELECT _id FROM my_table2 However I apparently can not use rawQuery since it returns a cursor so I have to use the delete function. I'm having some trouble getting this working. Here is the.. IN new String SELECT _id FROM my_table2 Thanks. android sqlite share improve this question You shouldn't use a .rawQuery as you stated but you can use .execSQL to accomplish it. I regularly use it for deletions myself. share improve this answer..
difference between rawquery and execSQL in android sqlite database sql Execute a single SQL statement that is NOT a SELECT or any other SQL statement that returns data. public Cursor rawQuery String sql String selectionArgs Runs the provided SQL and returns a Cursor over the result set. If you want to e.g. CREATE..