android Programming Glossary: reader.readline
JSONException: Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject sb new StringBuilder String line null while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n is.close hier habe ich das JSON File..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API StringBuffer buffer new StringBuffer for String line reader.readLine line null line reader.readLine buffer.append line JSONObject.. for String line reader.readLine line null line reader.readLine buffer.append line JSONObject json new JSONObject buffer.toString.. StringBuffer buffer new StringBuffer for String line reader.readLine line null line reader.readLine buffer.append line JSONObject..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] sBuf new StringBuilder String line null try while line reader.readLine null sBuf.append line catch IOException e Log.e e.getMessage..
http post method passing null values to the server isr StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer while line reader.readLine null sb.append line response sb.toString response.getEntity.. sb new StringBuilder String line null while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n is.close result sb.toString catch Exception..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php sb new StringBuilder String line null while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n is.close json sb.toString catch..
How to get the html-source of a page from a html link in android? str new StringBuilder String line null while line reader.readLine null str.append line in.close html str.toString share improve..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader isr String temp reader.readLine while temp null sb.append temp temp reader.readLine catch.. reader.readLine while temp null sb.append temp temp reader.readLine catch IOException e finally if is null try is.close catch..
How to get Memory usage and CPU usage in android? new FileInputStream proc stat 1000 String load reader.readLine reader.close String toks load.split long currTotal Long.parseLong.. reader new RandomAccessFile proc stat r String load reader.readLine String toks load.split long idle1 Long.parseLong toks 5 long.. try Thread.sleep 360 catch Exception e 0 load reader.readLine reader.close toks load.split long idle2 Long.parseLong toks..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched separator System.getProperty line.separator while line reader.readLine null log.append line log.append separator String w log.toString..
Android read text raw resource file StringBuilder text new StringBuilder try while line buffreader.readLine null text.append line text.append ' n' catch IOException e.. new InputStreamReader inputStream String line reader.readLine while line null ... Don't forget that readLine skips the new..
Simple HTTP client example in Android [closed] sb new StringBuilder String line null try while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Get and Parse CSV file in android response.getEntity .getContent String line null while line reader.readLine null result line n String RowData result.split n String name.. new InputStreamReader is try String line while line reader.readLine null String RowData line.split date RowData 0 value RowData..
Return data from AsyncTask class response.getEntity .getContent UTF 8 String json reader.readLine return json catch ClientProtocolException e TODO Auto generated..
JSONException: Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is iso 8859 1 8 StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder String line null while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n is.close hier habe ich das JSON File als String json sb.toString Log.i JSON Parser json catch Exception..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent StringBuffer buffer new StringBuffer for String line reader.readLine line null line reader.readLine buffer.append line JSONObject json new JSONObject buffer.toString String refreshToken json.getString.. response.getEntity .getContent StringBuffer buffer new StringBuffer for String line reader.readLine line null line reader.readLine buffer.append line JSONObject json new JSONObject buffer.toString String refreshToken json.getString refresh_token return.. new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent StringBuffer buffer new StringBuffer for String line reader.readLine line null line reader.readLine buffer.append line JSONObject json new JSONObject buffer.toString String accessToken json.getString..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] BufferedReader new InputStreamReader input final StringBuilder sBuf new StringBuilder String line null try while line reader.readLine null sBuf.append line catch IOException e Log.e e.getMessage Google parser stream2string finally try input.close catch..
http post method passing null values to the server connection.getInputStream BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader isr StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer while line reader.readLine null sb.append line response sb.toString response.getEntity .getContent Log.i Test updated response response catch.. BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is iso 8859 1 8 StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder String line null while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n is.close result sb.toString catch Exception e Log.e Loading Runnable Error converting result e.toString..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is iso 8859 1 8 StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder String line null while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n is.close json sb.toString catch Exception e Log.e Buffer Error Error converting result e.toString..
How to get the html-source of a page from a html link in android?
How to Read MMS Data in Android? null InputStreamReader isr new InputStreamReader is UTF 8 BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader isr String temp reader.readLine while temp null sb.append temp temp reader.readLine catch IOException e finally if is null try is.close catch IOException.. UTF 8 BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader isr String temp reader.readLine while temp null sb.append temp temp reader.readLine catch IOException e finally if is null try is.close catch IOException e return sb.toString How to get image from MMS..
How to get Memory usage and CPU usage in android? try BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader new FileInputStream proc stat 1000 String load reader.readLine reader.close String toks load.split long currTotal Long.parseLong toks 2 Long.parseLong toks 3 Long.parseLong toks 4 long.. Hope it can help you. private float readUsage try RandomAccessFile reader new RandomAccessFile proc stat r String load reader.readLine String toks load.split long idle1 Long.parseLong toks 5 long cpu1 Long.parseLong toks 2 Long.parseLong toks 3 Long.parseLong.. toks 6 Long.parseLong toks 7 Long.parseLong toks 8 try Thread.sleep 360 catch Exception e 0 load reader.readLine reader.close toks load.split long idle2 Long.parseLong toks 5 long cpu2 Long.parseLong toks 2 Long.parseLong toks 3 Long.parseLong..
Android, Detect when other apps are launched String line final StringBuilder log new StringBuilder String separator System.getProperty line.separator while line reader.readLine null log.append line log.append separator String w log.toString Toast.makeText getApplicationContext w Toast.LENGTH_LONG..
Android read text raw resource file buffreader new BufferedReader inputreader String line StringBuilder text new StringBuilder try while line buffreader.readLine null text.append line text.append ' n' catch IOException e return null return text.toString android text resources ..
Simple HTTP client example in Android [closed] reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder String line null try while line reader.readLine null sb.append line n catch IOException e e.printStackTrace finally try is.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Get and Parse CSV file in android reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent String line null while line reader.readLine null result line n String RowData result.split n String name RowData 0 String price RowData 1 String change RowData.. of your csv file then BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader is try String line while line reader.readLine null String RowData line.split date RowData 0 value RowData 1 do something with data and value catch IOException ex..
Return data from AsyncTask class BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent UTF 8 String json reader.readLine return json catch ClientProtocolException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO..