android Programming Glossary: readbuffer
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer InputStream mmInputStream Thread workerThread byte readBuffer int readBufferPosition int counter volatile boolean stopWorker.. mmInputStream Thread workerThread byte readBuffer int readBufferPosition int counter volatile boolean stopWorker @Override public.. is the ASCII code for a newline character stopWorker false readBufferPosition 0 readBuffer new byte 1024 workerThread new Thread new..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece 200000 final short buffer new short bufferSize short readBuffer new short bufferSize public void run isRecording true android.os.Process.setThreadPriority..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? that the command has been sent read the response. hostInfo readBuffer Log.d hostInfo notify the user that we.. has been sent read the response. String serverResponse readBuffer return serverResponse catch IOException e if a connection.. sendToTelnet end ConnectService.Stub class public String readBuffer StringBuilder serverResponse new StringBuilder int character..
Android + Arduino Bluetooth Data Transfer mmSocket BluetoothDevice mmDevice OutputStream mmOutputStream InputStream mmInputStream Thread workerThread byte readBuffer int readBufferPosition int counter volatile boolean stopWorker @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. BluetoothDevice mmDevice OutputStream mmOutputStream InputStream mmInputStream Thread workerThread byte readBuffer int readBufferPosition int counter volatile boolean stopWorker @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. Handler handler new Handler final byte delimiter 10 This is the ASCII code for a newline character stopWorker false readBufferPosition 0 readBuffer new byte 1024 workerThread new Thread new Runnable public void run while Thread.currentThread .isInterrupted..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece public class Record extends Thread static final int bufferSize 200000 final short buffer new short bufferSize short readBuffer new short bufferSize public void run isRecording true android.os.Process.setThreadPriority android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_URGENT_AUDIO..
How to be notified on wifi network status change? appropriately on the client side. return hostInfo now that the command has been sent read the response. hostInfo readBuffer Log.d hostInfo notify the user that we are connected showNotification CONNECTED Host Port return hostInfo.. r n .getBytes try out.write arr now that the command has been sent read the response. String serverResponse readBuffer return serverResponse catch IOException e if a connection was made but then lost we end up here. throw a Remoteexception.. e disconnect throw new RemoteException end else end sendToTelnet end ConnectService.Stub class public String readBuffer StringBuilder serverResponse new StringBuilder int character try keep reading new lines into line until there are none..