

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:08

android Programming Glossary: raw

upload video to facebook in android


data 0 while data is.read 1 bs.write data is.close byte raw bs.toByteArray bs.close params.putByteArray video raw params.putString.. byte raw bs.toByteArray bs.close params.putByteArray video raw params.putString filename selectedviedoPath mAsyncFbRunner.request..

Setting Ringtone in Android [duplicate]


in Android from my activity I have sounds files in my res raw folder and i want to select a sound to set as a ringtone on.. the absolute path to the file which you can't get from a raw resource. The solution is to get the resource file asset and.. Uri mUri Uri.parse android.resource com.your.package R.raw.your_resource_id ContentResolver mCr app.getContentResolver..

How to discover memory usage of my application in Android


point. Going lower level you can use the Debug API to get raw kernel level information about memory usage http developer.android.com..

Streaming video from Android camera to server


IP camera http code.google.com p ipcamera for android The raw video data is fetched from LocalSocket and the MDAT MOOV of..

Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML


the bug list for the Android SDK itself . You CAN include raw HTML in strings.xml as long as you wrap it in CDATA ...raw html..... raw HTML in strings.xml as long as you wrap it in CDATA ...raw html... Example string name nice_html CDATA p This is a html..

How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device


offered a bounty What options are there for compressing raw PCM audio data to a mp3 on a Android device. My original post..

How to write files to assets folder or raw folder in android?


to write files to assets folder or raw folder in android I am working on some a application where.. where I have to update some files present in assets raw folder runtime from some http location. Can anyone help me to.. help me to by sharing how to write files in assets or raw folder android share improve this question it cannot be..

Android read text raw resource file


read text raw resource file Things are simple but don't work as supposed.. don't work as supposed to. I have a text file added as a raw resource. The text file contains text like b IF APPLICABLE.. android layout_below @ id logoLayout android background @drawable list_background ScrollView android layout_width fill_parent..

Reading a simple text file


in my project . I have tried putting the file under res raw and asset folder but I get the exception FileNotFound when first.. am.open test.txt Or you can also put the file in the res raw directory where the file will be indexed and is accessible by..

android encryption/decryption with AES


use functions like these private static byte encrypt byte raw byte clear throws Exception SecretKeySpec skeySpec new SecretKeySpec.. throws Exception SecretKeySpec skeySpec new SecretKeySpec raw AES Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance AES cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE.. clear return encrypted private static byte decrypt byte raw byte encrypted throws Exception SecretKeySpec skeySpec new SecretKeySpec..

MAT (Eclipse Memory Analyzer) - how to view bitmaps from memory dump


your .data file and click Open button Load Image from Raw Data dialog will appear. Here you need to set correct parameters..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream out of memory despite using reduced sample size


BitmapFactory.Options options int reqWidth int reqHeight Raw height and width of image final int height options.outHeight..

Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device


BitmapFactory.Options options int reqWidth int reqHeight Raw height and width of image final int height options.outHeight..

High resolution Image - OutOfMemoryError


BitmapFactory.Options options int reqWidth int reqHeight Raw height and width of image final int height options.outHeight..

Raw Sockets on Android


Sockets on Android I want to create an application that runs.. to create an application that runs on Android and uses Raw Sockets. I see there isn't any raw socket support in the java.net...

EditText with number keypad by default, but allowing alphabetic characters


etTest EditText findViewById R.id.etTest etTest.setRawInputType InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER Note the Raw Whenever you.. InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER Note the Raw Whenever you click into your EditText now you can enter digits..

Raw resources versus SQLite database


resources versus SQLite database I'm creating an application..

Raw folder url path?


folder url path How can I get the url of the raw folder I do..

Awful background image quality in Android


colors to the left 24 bit to the right image1 and image2 1 Raw 64 color image image1 set as background from layout XML 2 The..

Saving audio input of Android Stock speech recognition engine


only one will be right . You do this from File Import Raw Data... Once you have identified your byte format this way you..

Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android?


I am capturing image using SurfaceView and getting Yuv Raw preview data in public void onPreviewFrame4 byte data Camera..

The reason for Assets and Raw Resources in Android


reason for Assets and Raw Resources in Android this is some sort of a philosophical question.. in the Android world and I just covered the Assets and Raw resources. I'm trying to understand the reason for using Raw.. resources. I'm trying to understand the reason for using Raw resources vs. Assets. They both provide with an uncompiled resource..

upload video to facebook in android


ByteArrayOutputStream bs new ByteArrayOutputStream int data 0 while data is.read 1 bs.write data is.close byte raw bs.toByteArray bs.close params.putByteArray video raw params.putString filename selectedviedoPath mAsyncFbRunner.request.. int data 0 while data is.read 1 bs.write data is.close byte raw bs.toByteArray bs.close params.putByteArray video raw params.putString filename selectedviedoPath mAsyncFbRunner.request me videos params POST new WallPostListener android facebook..

Setting Ringtone in Android [duplicate]


in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate How to set ringtone in Android from my activity I have sounds files in my res raw folder and i want to select a sound to set as a ringtone on the click of a button. Wonder how can i do that android ringtone.. @Clive is what you need to set the ringtone. You will need the absolute path to the file which you can't get from a raw resource. The solution is to get the resource file asset and write it to the sdcard 1st before you give it to the content.. File newSoundFile new File sdcard media ringtone myringtone.oog Uri mUri Uri.parse android.resource com.your.package R.raw.your_resource_id ContentResolver mCr app.getContentResolver AssetFileDescriptor soundFile try soundFile mCr.openAssetFileDescriptor..

How to discover memory usage of my application in Android


avoid one app from being able to stress the system to this point. Going lower level you can use the Debug API to get raw kernel level information about memory usage http developer.android.com intl de reference android os Debug.html#getMemoryInfo..

Streaming video from Android camera to server


hosted a open source project to enabling Android phone to IP camera http code.google.com p ipcamera for android The raw video data is fetched from LocalSocket and the MDAT MOOV of MP4 was checked first before streaming. The live video is packed..

Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML


over it after searching for hours and finally found it in the bug list for the Android SDK itself . You CAN include raw HTML in strings.xml as long as you wrap it in CDATA ...raw html... Example string name nice_html CDATA p This is a html.. the bug list for the Android SDK itself . You CAN include raw HTML in strings.xml as long as you wrap it in CDATA ...raw html... Example string name nice_html CDATA p This is a html formatted string with b bold b and i italic i text p p This..

How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device


to a mp3 on a Android device I'm simplified my question and offered a bounty What options are there for compressing raw PCM audio data to a mp3 on a Android device. My original post I'm creating a synthesiser on my Android phone and I've been..

How to write files to assets folder or raw folder in android?


to write files to assets folder or raw folder in android I am working on some a application where I have to update some files present in assets raw folder runtime.. or raw folder in android I am working on some a application where I have to update some files present in assets raw folder runtime from some http location. Can anyone help me to by sharing how to write files in assets or raw folder android..

Android read text raw resource file


read text raw resource file Things are simple but don't work as supposed to. I have a text file added as a raw resource. The text file.. read text raw resource file Things are simple but don't work as supposed to. I have a text file added as a raw resource. The text file contains text like b IF APPLICABLE LAW REQUIRES ANY WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE ALL.. android gravity center android layout_weight 1.0 android layout_below @ id logoLayout android background @drawable list_background ScrollView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent TextView android id..

Reading a simple text file


My questions is Where should I place this test.txt file in my project . I have tried putting the file under res raw and asset folder but I get the exception FileNotFound when first live of the code written above gets executed. Thanks for.. access it. AssetManager am context.getAssets InputStream is am.open test.txt Or you can also put the file in the res raw directory where the file will be indexed and is accessible by an id in the R file InputStream is getResources .openRawResource..

android encryption/decryption with AES


android encryption share improve this question You could use functions like these private static byte encrypt byte raw byte clear throws Exception SecretKeySpec skeySpec new SecretKeySpec raw AES Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance AES cipher.init.. like these private static byte encrypt byte raw byte clear throws Exception SecretKeySpec skeySpec new SecretKeySpec raw AES Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance AES cipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE skeySpec byte encrypted cipher.doFinal clear return.. Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE skeySpec byte encrypted cipher.doFinal clear return encrypted private static byte decrypt byte raw byte encrypted throws Exception SecretKeySpec skeySpec new SecretKeySpec raw AES Cipher cipher Cipher.getInstance AES cipher.init..

MAT (Eclipse Memory Analyzer) - how to view bitmaps from memory dump


extension .data to that file launch GIMP choose File Open select your .data file and click Open button Load Image from Raw Data dialog will appear. Here you need to set correct parameters for your bitmap first choose Image type as RGB Alpha most..

BitmapFactory.decodeStream out of memory despite using reduced sample size


return null public static int calculateInSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options options int reqWidth int reqHeight Raw height and width of image final int height options.outHeight final int width options.outWidth int inSampleSize 1 if height..

Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device


res resId options public static int calculateInSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options options int reqWidth int reqHeight Raw height and width of image final int height options.outHeight final int width options.outWidth int inSampleSize 1 if height..

High resolution Image - OutOfMemoryError


res resId options public static int calculateInSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options options int reqWidth int reqHeight Raw height and width of image final int height options.outHeight final int width options.outWidth int inSampleSize 1 if height..

Raw Sockets on Android


Sockets on Android I want to create an application that runs on Android and uses Raw Sockets. I see there isn't any raw.. Sockets on Android I want to create an application that runs on Android and uses Raw Sockets. I see there isn't any raw socket support in the java.net. or the android.net. libraries. Are raw sockets possible..

EditText with number keypad by default, but allowing alphabetic characters


hint @string hint EditText And call following in your onCreate etTest EditText findViewById R.id.etTest etTest.setRawInputType InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER Note the Raw Whenever you click into your EditText now you can enter digits AND letters.. in your onCreate etTest EditText findViewById R.id.etTest etTest.setRawInputType InputType.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER Note the Raw Whenever you click into your EditText now you can enter digits AND letters Digit keyboard is shown first share improve..

Raw resources versus SQLite database


resources versus SQLite database I'm creating an application that will use a lot of data which is for all intents and purposes..

Raw folder url path?


folder url path How can I get the url of the raw folder I do not want to access my asset via id but by path instead. Thanks..

Awful background image quality in Android


from the resulting application My source images 64 colors to the left 24 bit to the right image1 and image2 1 Raw 64 color image image1 set as background from layout XML 2 The same image image1 using code1 3 The same image image1 using..

Saving audio input of Android Stock speech recognition engine


endian channels until you get an audio file that sounds correct only one will be right . You do this from File Import Raw Data... Once you have identified your byte format this way you only have to worry about whether you are setting the headers..

Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android?


YUV RGB Image processing YUV during onPreviewFrame in android I am capturing image using SurfaceView and getting Yuv Raw preview data in public void onPreviewFrame4 byte data Camera camera I have to perform some image preprocessing in onPreviewFrame..

The reason for Assets and Raw Resources in Android


reason for Assets and Raw Resources in Android this is some sort of a philosophical question .. . I'm in the mid of my studies in the Android world.. of a philosophical question .. . I'm in the mid of my studies in the Android world and I just covered the Assets and Raw resources. I'm trying to understand the reason for using Raw resources vs. Assets. They both provide with an uncompiled.. in the Android world and I just covered the Assets and Raw resources. I'm trying to understand the reason for using Raw resources vs. Assets. They both provide with an uncompiled resource input stream. It seems that Assets provide much more..