android Programming Glossary: readbytes
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 output.write buffer 0 buffer.length int writtenBytes 0 int readBytes final byte buff new byte 1024 12 12 KB while mIsRunning readBytes.. final byte buff new byte 1024 12 12 KB while mIsRunning readBytes buff 1 output.write buff 0 readBytes writtenBytes.. readBytes buff 1 output.write buff 0 readBytes writtenBytes readBytes output.flush output.close The HTTP Headers..
upload video to facebook in android App Bundle param try is new FileInputStream PATH data readBytes is param new Bundle param.putString message dataMsg param.putString.. Facebook error. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically..
Android - getting from a Uri to an InputStream to a byte array? this is how I would do it in Java at least . public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException this dynamically..
Android: OutOfMemoryError while uploading video - how best to chunk? InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri byte b3 readBytes is is.close return b3 public static byte readBytes InputStream.. byte b3 readBytes is is.close return b3 public static byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException ByteArrayOutputStream.. dalvikvm 6088 at 199 04 08 11 56 20.456 INFO dalvikvm 6088..
How to use DefaultHttpClient in Android? [closed] Read response into a buffered stream int readBytes 0 byte sBuffer new byte 512 while readBytes stream int readBytes 0 byte sBuffer new byte 512 while readBytes sBuffer 1 content.write sBuffer 0 readBytes.. sBuffer 1 content.write sBuffer 0 readBytes Return result from buffered stream String dataAsString new..
Playing back sound coming from microphone in real-time capture data and record to file int readBytes 0 writtenBytes 0 do readBytes data 0 bufferSize.. data and record to file int readBytes 0 writtenBytes 0 do readBytes data 0 bufferSize if AudioRecord.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION.. data 0 bufferSize if AudioRecord.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION readBytes writtenBytes audioPlayer.write data 0 readBytes while isRecording..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? is null try is new FileInputStream dataPath data readBytes is param new Bundle param.putString message dataMsg param.putByteArray.. implementation of AsyncFacebookRunner.RequestListener and readBytes is a function of converting your video file to byte . The code.. video file to byte . The code is as follows public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically..
Upload Video to Facebook is null try is new FileInputStream videoPath data readBytes is param new Bundle param.putString message dataMsg param.putString.. catch IOException e e.printStackTrace public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException this dynamically..
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 file.length final byte buffer httpHeader.getBytes UTF 8 output.write buffer 0 buffer.length int writtenBytes 0 int readBytes final byte buff new byte 1024 12 12 KB while mIsRunning readBytes buff 1 output.write buff 0 readBytes.. buffer 0 buffer.length int writtenBytes 0 int readBytes final byte buff new byte 1024 12 12 KB while mIsRunning readBytes buff 1 output.write buff 0 readBytes writtenBytes readBytes output.flush output.close The HTTP Headers.. final byte buff new byte 1024 12 12 KB while mIsRunning readBytes buff 1 output.write buff 0 readBytes writtenBytes readBytes output.flush output.close The HTTP Headers that are written to the MediaPlayer before the audio....
upload video to facebook in android is null String dataMsg This video is posted from bla bla bla App Bundle param try is new FileInputStream PATH data readBytes is param new Bundle param.putString message dataMsg param.putString filename test1.mp4 param.putString method video.upload.. .show else if msg.what 2 Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Facebook error. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically extends to take the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer..
Android - getting from a Uri to an InputStream to a byte array? yourself something like this is a nice simple starting point this is how I would do it in Java at least . public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException this dynamically extends to take the bytes you read ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer..
Android: OutOfMemoryError while uploading video - how best to chunk? fileUriString throws IOException Uri tempuri Uri.parse fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri byte b3 readBytes is is.close return b3 public static byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer.. fileUriString InputStream is cR.openInputStream tempuri byte b3 readBytes is is.close return b3 public static byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer new ByteArrayOutputStream this is storage overwritten.. 218 04 08 11 56 20.456 INFO dalvikvm 6088 at 199 04 08 11 56 20.456 INFO dalvikvm 6088 at
How to use DefaultHttpClient in Android? [closed] entity.getContent ByteArrayOutputStream content new ByteArrayOutputStream Read response into a buffered stream int readBytes 0 byte sBuffer new byte 512 while readBytes sBuffer 1 content.write sBuffer 0 readBytes Return result.. content new ByteArrayOutputStream Read response into a buffered stream int readBytes 0 byte sBuffer new byte 512 while readBytes sBuffer 1 content.write sBuffer 0 readBytes Return result from buffered stream String dataAsString new.. stream int readBytes 0 byte sBuffer new byte 512 while readBytes sBuffer 1 content.write sBuffer 0 readBytes Return result from buffered stream String dataAsString new String content.toByteArray TextView tv tv TextView findViewById..
Playing back sound coming from microphone in real-time if audioPlayer.getPlayState AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING capture data and record to file int readBytes 0 writtenBytes 0 do readBytes data 0 bufferSize if AudioRecord.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION readBytes writtenBytes.. AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING capture data and record to file int readBytes 0 writtenBytes 0 do readBytes data 0 bufferSize if AudioRecord.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION readBytes writtenBytes audioPlayer.write data 0 readBytes.. int readBytes 0 writtenBytes 0 do readBytes data 0 bufferSize if AudioRecord.ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION readBytes writtenBytes audioPlayer.write data 0 readBytes while isRecording It is thrown a java.lang.IllegalStateException with the..
Is uploading videos from an SD Card to Facebook possible with the Facebook SDK? mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner facebook InputStream is null try is new FileInputStream dataPath data readBytes is param new Bundle param.putString message dataMsg param.putByteArray video data mAsyncRunner.request me videos param POST.. e e.printStackTrace where fbRequestListener is an implementation of AsyncFacebookRunner.RequestListener and readBytes is a function of converting your video file to byte . The code is as follows public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream.. and readBytes is a function of converting your video file to byte . The code is as follows public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException This dynamically extends to take the bytes you read. ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer..
Upload Video to Facebook mAsyncRunner new AsyncFacebookRunner API InputStream is null try is new FileInputStream videoPath data readBytes is param new Bundle param.putString message dataMsg param.putString filename dataName param.putByteArray video data mAsyncRunner.request.. null catch FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace public byte readBytes InputStream inputStream throws IOException this dynamically extends to take the bytes you read ByteArrayOutputStream byteBuffer..
Android BluetoothSocket - Timing out .write payload read response if responseExpected byte buffer new byte 1024 buffer store for the stream int readbytes socket.getInputStream .read buffer retVal new byte readbytes System.arraycopy buffer 0 retVal 0 readbytes return retVal.. byte buffer new byte 1024 buffer store for the stream int readbytes socket.getInputStream .read buffer retVal new byte readbytes System.arraycopy buffer 0 retVal 0 readbytes return retVal The problem is that sometimes this device becomes slow or non.. stream int readbytes socket.getInputStream .read buffer retVal new byte readbytes System.arraycopy buffer 0 retVal 0 readbytes return retVal The problem is that sometimes this device becomes slow or non responsive so I would like to put a timeout..