android Programming Glossary: prefseditor.commit
How to add Wi-Fi option in GPRS spinner Object name_of_GPRS__available.toString prefsEditor.commit GPRS.setAdapter spinner_array GPRS.setOnItemSelectedListener..
How Android SharedPreferences save/store object gson.toJson MyObject prefsEditor.putString MyObject json prefsEditor.commit To Retreive Gson gson new Gson String json mPrefs.getString..
Is that possible to check was onCreate called because of orientation change? prefsEditor.putString fromOrient true prefsEditor.commit return null @Override protected void onDestroy if fromOrientation.. fromOrientation prefsEditor.putString fromOrient false prefsEditor.commit super.onDestroy flag fromOrientation tells the state either..
How to store and retrieve bitmap in sharedPreferences in Android? prefsEditor.putString Global.PHOTO_1 filePath prefsEditor.commit 5 . in onDestroy You have to destroy all bitmap which you setted...
Android: Multiple Alarm not working myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast Alarm Intent in new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class.. myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth false prefsEditor.commit alarmManagerForTwoMonth.cancel pendingIntentOfTwoMonth break.. myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast Alarm Intent in new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class..
How to add Wi-Fi option in GPRS spinner this.getApplicationContext Editor prefsEditor prefs.edit prefsEditor.putString Object name_of_GPRS__available.toString prefsEditor.commit GPRS.setAdapter spinner_array GPRS.setOnItemSelectedListener MyOnItemSelectedListener GPRS.setOnItemSelectedListener new..
How Android SharedPreferences save/store object Editor prefsEditor mPrefs.edit Gson gson new Gson String json gson.toJson MyObject prefsEditor.putString MyObject json prefsEditor.commit To Retreive Gson gson new Gson String json mPrefs.getString MyObject MyObject obj gson.fromJson json MyObject.class share..
Is that possible to check was onCreate called because of orientation change? default onCreate . @Override public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance prefsEditor.putString fromOrient true prefsEditor.commit return null @Override protected void onDestroy if fromOrientation prefsEditor.putString fromOrient false prefsEditor.commit.. return null @Override protected void onDestroy if fromOrientation prefsEditor.putString fromOrient false prefsEditor.commit super.onDestroy flag fromOrientation tells the state either configuration had been change or not above we had done like..
How to store and retrieve bitmap in sharedPreferences in Android? filePath options img_1.setImageBitmap photo_gallery prefsEditor.putString Global.PHOTO_1 filePath prefsEditor.commit 5 . in onDestroy You have to destroy all bitmap which you setted. @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy if photo_camera..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast Alarm Intent in new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class alarmManagerForTwoMonth1 AlarmManager.. Two months reminder is Off Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth false prefsEditor.commit alarmManagerForTwoMonth.cancel pendingIntentOfTwoMonth break But i am not getting the amarm notification at that desire.. Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast Alarm Intent in new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class GST ALARM FOR THE TWO MONTHS..