android Programming Glossary: pref
show the information in the middle of the call void addInvitePopup final String number Context c check if pref is ok with invite in call if Preferences.getInstance c.getInviteInCall..
how to implement Remember me function in login of android Activity? using Preferences . Define some statics to store the preference file name and the keys you're going to use public static.. So you would retrieve them like this SharedPreferences pref getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME MODE_PRIVATE String username.. PREFS_NAME MODE_PRIVATE String username pref.getString PREF_USERNAME null String password pref.getString..
Clearing preferences in SharedPreferences in Android, not just Values preferences in SharedPreferences in Android not just Values from.. out of the SharedPreferences documentation I can update a preference add one or clear all preference values in a shared preference.. I can update a preference add one or clear all preference values in a shared preference file. But I want to completely..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? This must come up very often. When the user is editing preferences in an Android app I'd like them to be able to see the.. like them to be able to see the currently set value of the preference in the Preference summary. Example if I have a Preference.. make this reusable so I can easily apply it to all my preferences regardless of their type so that it work with EditTextPreference..
How can I change font size in PreferenceScreen Preference android defaultValue false android summary This preference can be true or false android key checkboxPref PreferenceCategory.. help me how to get this android android layout android preferences share improve this question Finally I was able to.. Maybe this will be helpful to someone. This is my modified preference.xml see below code. We can apply our own properties to..
Dynamic ListPreference in android to get all wifi access points and make a list using in preference Activity i.e. make a list using listpreference . How to.. using in preference Activity i.e. make a list using listpreference . How to do this android android preferences preference.. using listpreference . How to do this android android preferences preference share improve this question For creating..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application TextView this setContentView tv final SharedPreferences pref getSharedPreferences OAUTH_PREF MODE_PRIVATE final String token.. OAUTH_PREF MODE_PRIVATE final String token pref.getString PREF_TOKEN null final String tokenSecret pref.getString.. pref.getString PREF_TOKEN null final String tokenSecret pref.getString PREF_TOKENSECRET null if token null tokenSecret null..
Receiver not registered exception error? public void onCreate super.onCreate SharedPreferences pref PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this IntentFilter.. registerReceiver batteryNotifyReceiver filter pref.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener this Unregister in.. this Unregister in onDestroy and also with a preference listener @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy..
Creating a custom layout for preferences a custom layout for preferences I'm trying to create a custom layout for managing preferences... I'm trying to create a custom layout for managing preferences. I know there is the standard and recommended layout.. improve this question You can always create a custom preference layout item and use it in the PreferenceActivity. For..
test if a button starts a new activity in android junit (pref without robotium)? if a button starts a new activity in android junit pref without robotium I cant find any good help on this. I have..
show the information in the middle of the call will give touch on both caller screen and popup public void addInvitePopup final String number Context c check if pref is ok with invite in call if Preferences.getInstance c.getInviteInCall return sets the WindowManager WindowManager wm WindowManager..
how to implement Remember me function in login of android Activity? question You can save values associated with your application using Preferences . Define some statics to store the preference file name and the keys you're going to use public static final String PREFS_NAME MyPrefsFile private static final.. username .putString PREF_PASSWORD password .commit So you would retrieve them like this SharedPreferences pref getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME MODE_PRIVATE String username pref.getString PREF_USERNAME null String password pref.getString.. you would retrieve them like this SharedPreferences pref getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME MODE_PRIVATE String username pref.getString PREF_USERNAME null String password pref.getString PREF_PASSWORD null if username null password null Prompt for..
Clearing preferences in SharedPreferences in Android, not just Values preferences in SharedPreferences in Android not just Values from what I can incur out of the SharedPreferences documentation.. in Android not just Values from what I can incur out of the SharedPreferences documentation I can update a preference add one or clear all preference values in a shared preference file. But I want to completely clear everything inside.. from what I can incur out of the SharedPreferences documentation I can update a preference add one or clear all preference values in a shared preference file. But I want to completely clear everything inside a shared preference file not..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary This must come up very often. When the user is editing preferences in an Android app I'd like them to be able to see the currently set value of the preference in the Preference summary... When the user is editing preferences in an Android app I'd like them to be able to see the currently set value of the preference in the Preference summary. Example if I have a Preference setting for Discard old messages that specifies the number.. summary where x is the current Preference value Extra credit make this reusable so I can easily apply it to all my preferences regardless of their type so that it work with EditTextPreference ListPreference etc. with minimal amount of coding..
How can I change font size in PreferenceScreen textSize 20px CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue false android summary This preference can be true or false android key checkboxPref PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen I need to change android title font.. tags don't have any android textSize attribute. Can any one help me how to get this android android layout android preferences share improve this question Finally I was able to solve my problem simply by passing one layout. Maybe this will.. was able to solve my problem simply by passing one layout. Maybe this will be helpful to someone. This is my modified preference.xml see below code. We can apply our own properties to pref title and summary. preference.xml PreferenceScreen xmlns..
Dynamic ListPreference in android How to generate dynamic listPreference in android I want to get all wifi access points and make a list using in preference Activity i.e. make a list using listpreference . How to do this android android preferences preference share improve.. android I want to get all wifi access points and make a list using in preference Activity i.e. make a list using listpreference . How to do this android android preferences preference share improve this question For creating a dynamic list.. and make a list using in preference Activity i.e. make a list using listpreference . How to do this android android preferences preference share improve this question For creating a dynamic list preference u need to create a preference activity..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState tv new TextView this setContentView tv final SharedPreferences pref getSharedPreferences OAUTH_PREF MODE_PRIVATE final String token pref.getString PREF_TOKEN null final String tokenSecret.. this setContentView tv final SharedPreferences pref getSharedPreferences OAUTH_PREF MODE_PRIVATE final String token pref.getString PREF_TOKEN null final String tokenSecret pref.getString PREF_TOKENSECRET null if token null tokenSecret null .. OAUTH_PREF MODE_PRIVATE final String token pref.getString PREF_TOKEN null final String tokenSecret pref.getString PREF_TOKENSECRET null if token null tokenSecret null startAutheniticate else showCurrentUser new LinkedInAccessToken..
Receiver not registered exception error? 3150 I register is in my onCreate @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate SharedPreferences pref PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this IntentFilter filter new IntentFilter Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED filter.addAction.. filter.addAction Intent.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED registerReceiver batteryNotifyReceiver filter pref.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener this Unregister in onDestroy and also with a preference listener @Override public.. filter pref.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener this Unregister in onDestroy and also with a preference listener @Override public void onDestroy super.onDestroy unregisterReceiver batteryNotifyReceiver and this is my receiver..
Creating a custom layout for preferences a custom layout for preferences I'm trying to create a custom layout for managing preferences. I know there is the standard and recommended layout.. a custom layout for preferences I'm trying to create a custom layout for managing preferences. I know there is the standard and recommended layout provided by PreferenceActivity but if I want to add say a Button.. How to add a button to PreferenceScreen android share improve this question You can always create a custom preference layout item and use it in the PreferenceActivity. For example I do this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..
test if a button starts a new activity in android junit (pref without robotium)? if a button starts a new activity in android junit pref without robotium I cant find any good help on this. I have a simple activity with just a few buttons on and I need to test..