android Programming Glossary: preferencecategory
Creating categories in a ListView? in an arbitrary ListView like those in Preferences PreferenceCategory I've found android.R.layout.preference_category that renders..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title Personal Settings ListPreference android title.. @array weightArray android entryValues @array weightValues PreferenceCategory PreferenceCategory android title Drink Settings ListPreference.. android entryValues @array weightValues PreferenceCategory PreferenceCategory android title Drink Settings ListPreference android title Beer..
change background color of Preference background color of Preference I have a PreferenceCategory xml file and I have defined all preferences in it I call this.. apk res android android background #041A37 PreferenceCategory com.dropcall.SeekBarPreference android background #041A37 android.. @string Timer_Option android title Start timers on launch PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen Although I have set android background #041A37..
custom row in a listPreference? xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title Your Title @array yourArray android entryValues @array yourValues PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen My xml for the dialog's list view row. In the..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? and getPreference functionality in PreferenceScreen and PreferenceCategory you could easily write a generic function to walk the preference..
How can I change font size in PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title First Category android textSize 20px CheckBoxPreference.. preference can be true or false android key checkboxPref PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen I need to change android title font size of.. xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title First Category android textSize 20px android layout..
How to fill ListPreference dynamically when onPreferenceClick is triggered? xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title General Settings CheckBoxPreference android key.. language android summary Select the Application language PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen I searched but found no result An exception..
Android: Start Activity from preferences.xml Please look at the code what's wrong preferences.xml .... PreferenceCategory android title @string titleEtcSetup PreferenceScreen android.. PreferenceScreen ..... PreferenceCategory ..... manifest.xml .... manifest xmlns android http intent filter activity Then in my Preferences xml file PreferenceCategory android title @string my_activity_title PreferenceScreen android..
Creating categories in a ListView? categories in a ListView How do I create categories in an arbitrary ListView like those in Preferences PreferenceCategory I've found android.R.layout.preference_category that renders that grey TextView but don't see it mentioned anywhere from..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? preferences.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title Personal Settings ListPreference android title Gender android summary Verify or deny the presence of a Y chromosome... key weightPref android defaultValue 180 android entries @array weightArray android entryValues @array weightValues PreferenceCategory PreferenceCategory android title Drink Settings ListPreference android title Beer Size android summary The volume of your.. android defaultValue 180 android entries @array weightArray android entryValues @array weightValues PreferenceCategory PreferenceCategory android title Drink Settings ListPreference android title Beer Size android summary The volume of your beer in ounces. android..
change background color of Preference background color of Preference I have a PreferenceCategory xml file and I have defined all preferences in it I call this from class that extends PreferenceActivity . I am unable to.. 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android android background #041A37 PreferenceCategory com.dropcall.SeekBarPreference android background #041A37 android defaultValue 5 android key @string Interference_Delay.. @drawable state_normal android defaultValue true android key @string Timer_Option android title Start timers on launch PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen Although I have set android background #041A37 in every file the background doesn't turn into navy blue..
custom row in a listPreference? and values. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title Your Title android key yourPref android title Your Title android.. summary Your Summary android defaultValue 1 android entries @array yourArray android entryValues @array yourValues PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen My xml for the dialog's list view row. In the getView method be sure to use the name of this xml file in..
How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary? other preference classes. And by using the getPreferenceCount and getPreference functionality in PreferenceScreen and PreferenceCategory you could easily write a generic function to walk the preference tree setting the summaries of all preferences of the types..
How can I change font size in PreferenceScreen can I change font size in PreferenceScreen PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title First Category android textSize 20px CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox Preference android defaultValue.. Preference android defaultValue false android summary This preference can be true or false android key checkboxPref PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen I need to change android title font size of PrefereceCategory CheckboxPreference and android summary size... to pref title and summary. preference.xml PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title First Category android textSize 20px android layout @layout mylayout CheckBoxPreference android title Checkbox..
How to fill ListPreference dynamically when onPreferenceClick is triggered? preference xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 PreferenceScreen xmlns android http apk res android PreferenceCategory android title General Settings CheckBoxPreference android key enabled android title Application Status android summary Enable.. android title Language android dialogTitle Application language android summary Select the Application language PreferenceCategory PreferenceScreen I searched but found no result An exception occurs every time I click on that list. android android preferences..
Android: Start Activity from preferences.xml in my app so the preferences.xml is comes with that Please look at the code what's wrong preferences.xml .... PreferenceCategory android title @string titleEtcSetup PreferenceScreen android key renameCourses android title @string titleRenameCourses.. targetPackage my.notifier.ui android targetClass my.notifier.ui.EditCoursesNamesActivity PreferenceScreen ..... PreferenceCategory ..... manifest.xml .... manifest xmlns android http apk res android package my.notifier.ui .... ...... category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT intent filter activity Then in my Preferences xml file PreferenceCategory android title @string my_activity_title PreferenceScreen android title @string my_activity_title android summary @string..