android Programming Glossary: prefeditor
Spinner : onItemSelected not called when selected item remains the same smp.setCurrentTracklistCursorPos 1 trackAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged break PrefsHelper.setOrderingSpinnerPos prefEditor position prefEditor.commit optionMenuInitialized true @Override public void onNothingSelected AdapterView parent android.. 1 trackAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged break PrefsHelper.setOrderingSpinnerPos prefEditor position prefEditor.commit optionMenuInitialized true @Override public void onNothingSelected AdapterView parent android spinner listener..
Using cookies with Android volley library 0 String splitCookie cookie.split String splitSessionId splitCookie 0 .split cookie splitSessionId 1 Editor prefEditor _preferences.edit prefEditor.putString SESSION_COOKIE cookie prefEditor.commit Adds session cookie to headers if exists... String splitSessionId splitCookie 0 .split cookie splitSessionId 1 Editor prefEditor _preferences.edit prefEditor.putString SESSION_COOKIE cookie prefEditor.commit Adds session cookie to headers if exists. @param headers public final.. 0 .split cookie splitSessionId 1 Editor prefEditor _preferences.edit prefEditor.putString SESSION_COOKIE cookie prefEditor.commit Adds session cookie to headers if exists. @param headers public final void addSessionCookie Map String String..
How to use SharedPreferences [duplicate] GamePrefs SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences GAME_PREFERENCES MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor settings.edit prefEditor.putString UserName JaneDoe prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 prefEditor.commit This is what the book.. settings getSharedPreferences GAME_PREFERENCES MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor settings.edit prefEditor.putString UserName JaneDoe prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 prefEditor.commit This is what the book tells me to use but it returns.. GAME_PREFERENCES MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor settings.edit prefEditor.putString UserName JaneDoe prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 prefEditor.commit This is what the book tells me to use but it returns errors at the following points..
Using shared preferences editor GamePrefs SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences GAME_PREFERENCES MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor settings.edit prefeditor.putString UserName John Doe syntax error on tokens prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 syntax error on.. SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor settings.edit prefeditor.putString UserName John Doe syntax error on tokens prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 syntax error on tokens prefEditor.commit However I get an error lines indicated with comments that underlines.. prefeditor.putString UserName John Doe syntax error on tokens prefEditor.putInt UserAge 22 syntax error on tokens prefEditor.commit However I get an error lines indicated with comments that underlines the period and says misplaced construct and..