android Programming Glossary: preferences
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse overriding a superclass method. Go to your project ide preferences and set the Java compiler level to 1.6 and also make sure you..
SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently answered him. What am I doing wrong android android preferences share improve this question This is a sneaky one. SharedPreferences..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? of PreferenceActivity PreferenceFragment states that These preferences will automatically save to SharedPreferences as the user interacts.. What is the name or how can i retrieve it android preferences preferenceactivity sharedpreferences share improve this question.. retrieve it android preferences preferenceactivity sharedpreferences share improve this question import android.preference.PreferenceManager..
How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values me here with a sample code project please android sharedpreferences share improve this question To obtain shared preferences.. share improve this question To obtain shared preferences use the following method In your activity SharedPreferences.. Context.MODE_PRIVATE To read preferences String dateTimeKey use a default value..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker security privacy reasons you have to forward to location preferences screen and let the user enable disable it. I understand that..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application user values settings in Android application. java android preferences credentials saving data share improve this question In general.. In general SharedPreferences are your best bet for storing preferences so in general I'd recommend that approach for saving application..
Android Alarm Clock UI the Turn the alarm on Vibrate rows look like ChexboxPreferences . The Ringtone row looks like a RingtonePreference . What about.. an EditText view. Can you have a combination of Views and Preferences inside a PreferenceScreen xml tag Also the ActionBar has a vertical.. I am not completely convinced that it is a combination of Preferences since the Alarm app can have multiple alarms and not just one..
Android: Storing username and password? you can fall back to persisting credentials using the Preferences mechanism. Other applications won't be able to access your preferences..
Android - Emulator internet access DNS server settings this worked for me. In Eclipse Window Preferences Android Launch Default emulator options dns server
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android I am using a PreferenceActivity.. void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preference The javadoc of PreferenceActivity.. that These preferences will automatically save to SharedPreferences as the user interacts with them. To retrieve an instance of..
Making data persistent in android For supporting this Android provides a simple set of APIs. Preferences are typically name value pairs. They can be stored as œShared.. typically name value pairs. They can be stored as œShared Preferences across various activities in an application note currently it.. that needs to be stored specific to an activity. Shared Preferences The shared preferences can be used by all the components activities..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android If not is there any workaround I have an array list.. So from the android developer site on Data Storage User Preferences Shared preferences are not strictly for saving user preferences.. nameIcons.put another name last location icon.png SharedPreferences keyValues getContext .getSharedPreferences name_icons_list Context.MODE_PRIVATE..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android Apply and then Run to use your emulator. Go to Eclipse's Preferences and then select œLaunch Add partition size 1024 on the œDefault..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout you are in Eclipse you can do this by going through Window Preferences Android DDMS ADB Connection Timeout ms share improve this answer..
Android Shared Preferences Shared Preferences I have to share preferences using the sharedpreferences class.. working for me. code for setting shared preferences SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor.. shared preferences SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit editor.putString..
Starting the Android emulator in SDK tools, revision 12 I simply changed the SDK Location value in the Android Preferences in Eclipse from C Program Files Android android sdk to C PROGRA~2..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application the application starts. I was trying to do it with Shared Preferences but am not sure if this is the best solution. I would appreciate.. data share improve this question In general SharedPreferences are your best bet for storing preferences so in general I'd.. Android architecture is such that your application's SharedPreferences are sandboxed to prevent other applications from being able..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse however in Java 1.5 @override could only be applied to methods overriding a superclass method. Go to your project ide preferences and set the Java compiler level to 1.6 and also make sure you select JRE 1.6 to execute your program from Eclipse. share..
SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently mailing list thread reporting the same problem but no one really answered him. What am I doing wrong android android preferences share improve this question This is a sneaky one. SharedPreferences keeps listeners in a WeakHashMap. This means that..
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preference The javadoc of PreferenceActivity PreferenceFragment states that These preferences will automatically save to SharedPreferences as the user interacts with them. To retrieve an instance of SharedPreferences.. of the SharedPreference which was used by the PreferenceActivity. What is the name or how can i retrieve it android preferences preferenceactivity sharedpreferences share improve this question import android.preference.PreferenceManager SharedPreferences.. by the PreferenceActivity. What is the name or how can i retrieve it android preferences preferenceactivity sharedpreferences share improve this question import android.preference.PreferenceManager SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences..
How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values value and need to retrieve and edit it. Can somebody guide me here with a sample code project please android sharedpreferences share improve this question To obtain shared preferences use the following method In your activity SharedPreferences.. me here with a sample code project please android sharedpreferences share improve this question To obtain shared preferences use the following method In your activity SharedPreferences prefs this.getSharedPreferences Context.MODE_PRIVATE.. method In your activity SharedPreferences prefs this.getSharedPreferences Context.MODE_PRIVATE To read preferences String dateTimeKey use a default value using new Date long l prefs.getLong dateTimeKey new Date..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker many times and the answer is always the same You can't for security privacy reasons you have to forward to location preferences screen and let the user enable disable it. I understand that however I recently bought Tasker from the market and among..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application solution. I would appreciate any suggestion on how to store user values settings in Android application. java android preferences credentials saving data share improve this question In general SharedPreferences are your best bet for storing preferences.. credentials saving data share improve this question In general SharedPreferences are your best bet for storing preferences so in general I'd recommend that approach for saving application and user settings. The only area of concern here is what..
Android Alarm Clock UI It looks similar to Android Settings . Is this case Because the Turn the alarm on Vibrate rows look like ChexboxPreferences . The Ringtone row looks like a RingtonePreference . What about the Time row As @eric mentioned in the comments to one of.. my app. What about the Label row That functions a lot like an EditText view. Can you have a combination of Views and Preferences inside a PreferenceScreen xml tag Also the ActionBar has a vertical pipe I am not sure how this was created but is the Done.. how this was created but is the Done view an ImageButton I am not completely convinced that it is a combination of Preferences since the Alarm app can have multiple alarms and not just one alarm. If there are multiple alarms and you don't use multiple..
Android: Storing username and password? how to use it. If this is not an option to you for some reason you can fall back to persisting credentials using the Preferences mechanism. Other applications won't be able to access your preferences so the user's information is not easily exposed...
Android - Emulator internet access
How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android? do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android I am using a PreferenceActivity to show some settings for my application. I am inflating.. class FooActivity extends PreferenceActivity @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle addPreferencesFromResource R.xml.preference The javadoc of PreferenceActivity PreferenceFragment states that These preferences will automatically.. The javadoc of PreferenceActivity PreferenceFragment states that These preferences will automatically save to SharedPreferences as the user interacts with them. To retrieve an instance of SharedPreferences that the preference hierarchy in this activity..
Making data persistent in android on the settings of a specific application or an activity. For supporting this Android provides a simple set of APIs. Preferences are typically name value pairs. They can be stored as œShared Preferences across various activities in an application note.. this Android provides a simple set of APIs. Preferences are typically name value pairs. They can be stored as œShared Preferences across various activities in an application note currently it cannot be shared across processes . Or it can be something.. it cannot be shared across processes . Or it can be something that needs to be stored specific to an activity. Shared Preferences The shared preferences can be used by all the components activities services etc off the applications. Activity handled..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android If not is there any workaround I have an array list of objects that have a name and an icon pointer. I do not.. preferences sharedpreferences share improve this question So from the android developer site on Data Storage User Preferences Shared preferences are not strictly for saving user preferences such as what ringtone a user has chosen. If you're interested.. icon.png nameIcons.put Bob another location to bob icon.png nameIcons.put another name last location icon.png SharedPreferences keyValues getContext .getSharedPreferences name_icons_list Context.MODE_PRIVATE SharedPreferences.Editor keyValuesEditor..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android larger and finally paste partition size 1024 there. Click Apply and then Run to use your emulator. Go to Eclipse's Preferences and then select œLaunch Add partition size 1024 on the œDefault emulator option field. Click œApply and use your emulator as..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout
Android Shared Preferences Shared Preferences I have to share preferences using the sharedpreferences class in android and the preferences have to be shared between.. activity Static variables can be used but they're not working for me. code for setting shared preferences SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit editor.putString login_session_key.. can be used but they're not working for me. code for setting shared preferences SharedPreferences settings getSharedPreferences PREFS_NAME 0 SharedPreferences.Editor editor settings.edit editor.putString login_session_key response.getLogin_Session_Key..
Starting the Android emulator in SDK tools, revision 12 where the sdk installed. So the 8 dot 3 path is PROGRA~2. Thus I simply changed the SDK Location value in the Android Preferences in Eclipse from C Program Files Android android sdk to C PROGRA~2 Android android sdk and everything now works fine. If..
What is the most appropriate way to store user settings in Android application so the user wouldn't have to type the password each time the application starts. I was trying to do it with Shared Preferences but am not sure if this is the best solution. I would appreciate any suggestion on how to store user values settings in.. Android application. java android preferences credentials saving data share improve this question In general SharedPreferences are your best bet for storing preferences so in general I'd recommend that approach for saving application and user settings... I'd be particularly wary of storing them as clear text. The Android architecture is such that your application's SharedPreferences are sandboxed to prevent other applications from being able to access the values so there's some security there but physical..