android Programming Glossary: prefs.getstring
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android prefs getGCMPreferences context String registrationId prefs.getString PROPERTY_REG_ID if registrationId.length 0 Log.v TAG Registration..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? prefs getGCMPreferences context String registrationId prefs.getString PROPERTY_REG_ID if registrationId.length 0 Log.v TAG Registration..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications prefs getGcmPreferences context String registrationId prefs.getString PROPERTY_REG_ID if registrationId.isEmpty Log.i TAG Registration..
Android audio calls using android's sip getBaseContext String username prefs.getString namePref String domain prefs.getString domainPref String password.. String username prefs.getString namePref String domain prefs.getString domainPref String password prefs.getString passPref if username.length.. String domain prefs.getString domainPref String password prefs.getString passPref if username.length 0 domain.length 0 password.length..
How to make an android app return to the last open activity when relaunched? X MODE_PRIVATE activityClass Class.forName prefs.getString lastActivity Activity1.class.getName catch ClassNotFoundException..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? and set remembered preferences weight Integer.parseInt prefs.getString weightPref 120 etc handle updates to preferences public void.. key if key.equals weightValues weight Integer.parseInt prefs.getString weightPref 120 etc The saving of preference updates is handled..
Keep user state in Android
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper SharedPreferences prefs String key imageBg prefs.getString image_custom Bad Image getBackground Here is a fairly crude..
Store a List or Set in SharedPreferences settings Context.MODE_PRIVATE String value prefs.getString list null GsonBuilder gsonb new GsonBuilder Gson gson gsonb.create..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences currentTasks ArrayList task ObjectSerializer.deserialize prefs.getString TASKS ObjectSerializer.serialize new ArrayList task catch IOException..
How can write code to make sharedpreferences for array in android? context String json prefs.getString key null ArrayList String urls new ArrayList String if json..
Can we post image on twitter using twitter API in Android? code is it ok or I have to leave it blank String token prefs.getString OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN OAuth_token_key String secret prefs.getString.. OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN OAuth_token_key String secret prefs.getString OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET OAuth_token_secret I searched to know..
How to Use the GWT-RequestFactory in Android SyncAdapter (always getting ValidationTool-Error) prefs getSharedPreferences context String authCookie prefs.getString Util.AUTH_COOKIE null String uriString Util.getBaseUrl context..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? prefs getSharedPreferences prefName MODE_PRIVATE salorg prefs.getString prefNamesalesorgid distch prefs.getString prefNamedistchnlid.. salorg prefs.getString prefNamesalesorgid distch prefs.getString prefNamedistchnlid division prefs.getString prefNamedivid .. distch prefs.getString prefNamedistchnlid division prefs.getString prefNamedivid DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask..
how to block a mobile number call and message receiving in android application development? TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING String block_number prefs.getString block_number null AudioManager audioManager AudioManager context.getSystemService..
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android String getRegistrationId Context context final SharedPreferences prefs getGCMPreferences context String registrationId prefs.getString PROPERTY_REG_ID if registrationId.length 0 Log.v TAG Registration not found. return check if app was updated if so it must..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? String getRegistrationId Context context final SharedPreferences prefs getGCMPreferences context String registrationId prefs.getString PROPERTY_REG_ID if registrationId.length 0 Log.v TAG Registration not found. return check if app was updated if so it must..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications String getRegistrationId Context context final SharedPreferences prefs getGcmPreferences context String registrationId prefs.getString PROPERTY_REG_ID if registrationId.isEmpty Log.i TAG Registration not found. return Check if app was updated if so it..
Android audio calls using android's sip SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences getBaseContext String username prefs.getString namePref String domain prefs.getString domainPref String password prefs.getString passPref if username.length 0 domain.length.. .getDefaultSharedPreferences getBaseContext String username prefs.getString namePref String domain prefs.getString domainPref String password prefs.getString passPref if username.length 0 domain.length 0 password.length 0 showDialog.. getBaseContext String username prefs.getString namePref String domain prefs.getString domainPref String password prefs.getString passPref if username.length 0 domain.length 0 password.length 0 showDialog UPDATE_SETTINGS_DIALOG return try SipProfile.Builder..
How to make an android app return to the last open activity when relaunched? Class activityClass try SharedPreferences prefs getSharedPreferences X MODE_PRIVATE activityClass Class.forName prefs.getString lastActivity Activity1.class.getName catch ClassNotFoundException ex activityClass Activity1.class startActivity new..
How do I get preferences to work in Android? listener prefs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener this and set remembered preferences weight Integer.parseInt prefs.getString weightPref 120 etc handle updates to preferences public void onSharedPreferenceChanged SharedPreferences prefs String key.. void onSharedPreferenceChanged SharedPreferences prefs String key if key.equals weightValues weight Integer.parseInt prefs.getString weightPref 120 etc The saving of preference updates is handled for you. Not too sure about public private declarations..
Keep user state in Android
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper your shared preferences. @Override public void onSharedPreferenceChanged SharedPreferences prefs String key imageBg prefs.getString image_custom Bad Image getBackground Here is a fairly crude routine to load the image. I've attempted to put in some error..
Store a List or Set in SharedPreferences handy doing it. READ SharedPreferences prefs context.getSharedPreferences settings Context.MODE_PRIVATE String value prefs.getString list null GsonBuilder gsonb new GsonBuilder Gson gson gsonb.create MyObject list gson.fromJson value MyObject .class WRITE..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences SHARED_PREFS_FILE Context.MODE_PRIVATE try currentTasks ArrayList task ObjectSerializer.deserialize prefs.getString TASKS ObjectSerializer.serialize new ArrayList task catch IOException e e.printStackTrace catch ClassNotFoundException..
How can write code to make sharedpreferences for array in android? Context context String key SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences context String json prefs.getString key null ArrayList String urls new ArrayList String if json null try JSONArray a new JSONArray json for int i 0 i a.length..
Can we post image on twitter using twitter API in Android? tokens.I passing token values on second argument in below code is it ok or I have to leave it blank String token prefs.getString OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN OAuth_token_key String secret prefs.getString OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET OAuth_token_secret I searched to.. code is it ok or I have to leave it blank String token prefs.getString OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN OAuth_token_key String secret prefs.getString OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET OAuth_token_secret I searched to know whether is it possible to post image on twitter using twitter..
How to Use the GWT-RequestFactory in Android SyncAdapter (always getting ValidationTool-Error) RequestFactorySource.create factoryClass SharedPreferences prefs getSharedPreferences context String authCookie prefs.getString Util.AUTH_COOKIE null String uriString Util.getBaseUrl context RF_METHOD URI uri try uri new URI uriString catch URISyntaxException..
onListItemClick is not working for listview? tvmn TextView findViewById prefs getSharedPreferences prefName MODE_PRIVATE salorg prefs.getString prefNamesalesorgid distch prefs.getString prefNamedistchnlid division prefs.getString prefNamedivid DownloadWebPageTask.. prefs getSharedPreferences prefName MODE_PRIVATE salorg prefs.getString prefNamesalesorgid distch prefs.getString prefNamedistchnlid division prefs.getString prefNamedivid DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask task.execute.. prefName MODE_PRIVATE salorg prefs.getString prefNamesalesorgid distch prefs.getString prefNamedistchnlid division prefs.getString prefNamedivid DownloadWebPageTask task new DownloadWebPageTask task.execute new String null ListView lv ListView findViewById..
how to block a mobile number call and message receiving in android application development? context switch state case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING String block_number prefs.getString block_number null AudioManager audioManager AudioManager context.getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE Turn ON the mute..