android Programming Glossary: precise
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? states of inner classes I realize my question is not very precise but I'd really appreciate any explanation that could make things..
Design of list view lazy loading images component how to achieve that with AsyncTask not that I have a very precise idea how to do it with Service either . Any suggestion will..
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? with MYAPP a Clicking on the link opens up my app. To be precise when one clicks on it a dialog pops up asking the user whether..
Location servise GPS Force closed on the location of the device but will give a much more precise and reliable position. With my implementation you can do something..
Adding distance to a GPS coordinate 6378137 lon lon0 180 pi dx 6378137 cos lat0 This is quite precise as long as the random distance offset is below 10 100 km Edit..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? the workspace requested when eclipse started to the precise folder holding all source. Nothing showed up. It was as if I..
Refreshing an Activity from service when Active where I wish to update the Activity List activity to be precise only when the activity from Service is in foreground Active..
How to catch that map panning and zoom are really finished? final thus it cannot be overridden. Any ideas how to make precise handling of pan and zoom finishing android google maps drag..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION 0 359 pitch 180 180 roll 90 90 The other one the most precise and complex to understand the first time you see it. Android..
Using the Android Application class to persist data change in the application in the activity to be more precise causes a complete destruction and recreation of the activity...
Android ListView Text Color LinearLayout Well a simple layout with a TextView to be precise. You must have an id assigned to TextView in order to use it...
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API the SDK sources to the project so I could get a more precise idea of where the failure was occurring but from the looks of..
Android Listview with different layout for each row
getApplication() vs. getApplicationContext() the singleton. I know this is not an exact and precise answer but still does that answer your question share improve..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? I understand that the presented method gives a much more precise calculation regarding the size of the circle but still if you..
How to display a calendar UI in an Android application? need to do additional styling work if you want to get that precise look and feel from your image but that's what open source is..
Android: Stop/Start service depending on WiFi state? that handles wifi connection changes. To be more precise you will want to create a class say NetWatcher public class..
TrafficStats Api android and calculation of daily data usage counters count TCP IP only. Not UDP. So if you need a very precise accounting and the application in question uses UDP IP or any..
Setting system time of ROOTED phone setting of date and time using SIM or NTP If you need precise time in the application without using root and changing system..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format is how to deal with all these formats on ICS to be more precise how to make ICS load bitmaps with RGBA_8888 format and how to..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? were before orientation change Will this also restore the states of inner classes I realize my question is not very precise but I'd really appreciate any explanation that could make things clearer. java android memory leaks inner classes share..
Design of list view lazy loading images component new screen Activity user related list view and I do not know how to achieve that with AsyncTask not that I have a very precise idea how to do it with Service either . Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated including links. android multithreading..
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? verification XXXXXXXXX username larry Complete verification with MYAPP a Clicking on the link opens up my app. To be precise when one clicks on it a dialog pops up asking the user whether they want to open using a browser or my app which is cool...
Location servise GPS Force closed is available. This might take a little while depending on the location of the device but will give a much more precise and reliable position. With my implementation you can do something like this private GPSTracker gps private FirstFixListener..
Adding distance to a GPS coordinate the position of the randomized position lat lat0 180 pi dy 6378137 lon lon0 180 pi dx 6378137 cos lat0 This is quite precise as long as the random distance offset is below 10 100 km Edit of course in Java Math.cos expects radians so do use Math.cos..
Android+Eclipse project sharing via SVN? eclipse to the newly downloaded source tree. I tried setting the workspace requested when eclipse started to the precise folder holding all source. Nothing showed up. It was as if I were starting fresh regardless of all the source and files..
Refreshing an Activity from service when Active an Activity from service when Active I've an app where I wish to update the Activity List activity to be precise only when the activity from Service is in foreground Active I can use ListActivity Intent but the problem is this brings..
How to catch that map panning and zoom are really finished? smoother. I tried to subclass MapView but its draw method is final thus it cannot be overridden. Any ideas how to make precise handling of pan and zoom finishing android google maps drag dynamic data share improve this question Hours of researching..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION of values from every rotation as the documentation says azimuth 0 359 pitch 180 180 roll 90 90 The other one the most precise and complex to understand the first time you see it. Android recommends it so I want to use it but I get different values...
Using the Android Application class to persist data large for a mobile device . From what I can tell any orientation change in the application in the activity to be more precise causes a complete destruction and recreation of the activity. Based on my findings the Application class does not have the..
Android ListView Text Color layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content LinearLayout Well a simple layout with a TextView to be precise. You must have an id assigned to TextView in order to use it. Now coming to you screen activity chief layout as I said you..
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API by a widget button and has no activity. Update I tried attaching the SDK sources to the project so I could get a more precise idea of where the failure was occurring but from the looks of it only public APIs are included which seems to make them..
Android Listview with different layout for each row
getApplication() vs. getApplicationContext()
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? there are ALWAYS easier ways to achieve very similar results. I understand that the presented method gives a much more precise calculation regarding the size of the circle but still if you only need any circle around averaging some area this code..
How to display a calendar UI in an Android application?
Android: Stop/Start service depending on WiFi state? share improve this question You can create a BroadcastReceiver that handles wifi connection changes. To be more precise you will want to create a class say NetWatcher public class NetWatcher extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive..
TrafficStats Api android and calculation of daily data usage from zero again. One more thing As far as I know these counters count TCP IP only. Not UDP. So if you need a very precise accounting and the application in question uses UDP IP or any other protocol besides TCP these counters will be wrong. For..
Setting system time of ROOTED phone time Issue 18681 Implement timesync by NTP Issue 67 Automatic setting of date and time using SIM or NTP If you need precise time in the application without using root and changing system time you can have your own timers for example based on Joda..
Bitmaps on ICS are loaded with wrong pixel format Android Awful background image quality in Android The quistion is how to deal with all these formats on ICS to be more precise how to make ICS load bitmaps with RGBA_8888 format and how to set the window format to RGBA_8888 so these bitmaps are displayed..