android Programming Glossary: pm.getapplicationlabel
Android: How can I get current opened application name on screen try CharSequence c pm.getApplicationLabel pm.getApplicationInfo info.processName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA..
Clearing and setting the default home application (SOLVED) ResolveInfo mInfo pm.resolveActivity i 0 return String pm.getApplicationLabel mInfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo where Intent i is Intent..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button pm.getApplicationIcon applicationInfo String.valueOf pm.getApplicationLabel applicationInfo System.out.println counter catch Exception.. pm.getApplicationIcon applicationInfo String.valueOf pm.getApplicationLabel applicationInfo System.out.println counter catch Exception..
Get active Application name in Android try CharSequence c pm.getApplicationLabel pm.getApplicationInfo info.processName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA..
get application name from package name e ai null final String applicationName String ai null pm.getApplicationLabel ai unknown This would return the application name as defined..
Get list of installed android applications real deep inspection on it use this String label String pm.getApplicationLabel app Drawable icon pm.getApplicationIcon app installedApps should..
Android: How can I get current opened application name on screen i.hasNext ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo info ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo try CharSequence c pm.getApplicationLabel pm.getApplicationInfo info.processName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA Log.w LABEL c.toString catch Exception e Name Not FOund..
Clearing and setting the default home application (SOLVED) i PackageManager pm this.getActivity .getPackageManager final ResolveInfo mInfo pm.resolveActivity i 0 return String pm.getApplicationLabel mInfo.activityInfo.applicationInfo where Intent i is Intent home new Intent android.intent.action.MAIN home.addCategory..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button item.packageName 1 app_info counter new AppInfo pm.getApplicationIcon applicationInfo String.valueOf pm.getApplicationLabel applicationInfo System.out.println counter catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage counter AppInfoAdapter.. item.packageName 1 app_info counter new AppInfo pm.getApplicationIcon applicationInfo String.valueOf pm.getApplicationLabel applicationInfo System.out.println counter catch Exception e System.out.println e.getMessage counter adapter new..
Get active Application name in Android i.hasNext ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo info ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo try CharSequence c pm.getApplicationLabel pm.getApplicationInfo info.processName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA Log.w LABEL c.toString catch Exception e Name Not FOund..
get application name from package name this.getPackageName 0 catch final NameNotFoundException e ai null final String applicationName String ai null pm.getApplicationLabel ai unknown This would return the application name as defined in application tag of its manifest. share improve this answer..
Get list of installed android applications which is probably what takes the longest I haven't done any real deep inspection on it use this String label String pm.getApplicationLabel app Drawable icon pm.getApplicationIcon app installedApps should have a full list of the apps you need now. Hope this helps..