

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:28

android Programming Glossary: player.prepare

Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0


Have you also experimented between player.prepareAsync and player.prepare There was a similar issue last year.. Have you also experimented between player.prepareAsync and player.prepare There was a similar issue last year I remember where the solution.. AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC player.setDataSource src player.prepare player.start player.pause player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener..

Full screen videoview without stretching the video


public void run try player.setDataSource video_uri player.prepare catch Exception e I can split the exceptions to get which error..

Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1


calling MediaPlayer.create or player.setDataSource then player.prepare If the subtitle files does not already exists on the android..

How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android


AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM player.setLooping true player.prepare player.start I get this error 04 11 17 15 27.638 ERROR MediaPlayerService..

Play audio file from the assets directory


new MediaPlayer player.setDataSource afd.getFileDescriptor player.prepare player.start The problem is that when I run this code it starts..

Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing


player.setDisplay holder player.setOnPreparedListener this player.prepare player.setOnCompletionListener this catch Throwable t Log.e..

how to play audio file from server in android


player.setDataSource http xty MRESC images test xy.mp3 player.prepare player.start catch Exception e TODO handle exception and if..

MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file


Log.d MediaPlayer Now initialized. Preparing it. player.prepare break catch IllegalArgumentException e Log.i MediaPlayer..

Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0


STREAM_MUSIC audio stream type player.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC Have you also experimented between player.prepareAsync and player.prepare There was a similar issue last year I remember where the solution was to start pause and then onPrepared.. type player.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC Have you also experimented between player.prepareAsync and player.prepare There was a similar issue last year I remember where the solution was to start pause and then onPrepared to start player.setAudioStreamType.. start pause and then onPrepared to start player.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC player.setDataSource src player.prepare player.start player.pause player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer..

Full screen videoview without stretching the video


holder private void playVideo new Thread new Runnable public void run try player.setDataSource video_uri player.prepare catch Exception e I can split the exceptions to get which error i need. showToast Error while playing video Log.i TAG..

Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1


simple Create a MediaPlayer instance and prepare it by either calling MediaPlayer.create or player.setDataSource then player.prepare If the subtitle files does not already exists on the android device copy it from the resource folder to the device Call..

How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android


AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM 0 player.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM player.setLooping true player.prepare player.start I get this error 04 11 17 15 27.638 ERROR MediaPlayerService 30 Couldn't open fd for content settings system..

Play audio file from the assets directory


afd getAssets .openFd AudioFile.mp3 player new MediaPlayer player.setDataSource afd.getFileDescriptor player.prepare player.start The problem is that when I run this code it starts playing all the audio files in the assets directory in alphabetical..

Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing


else player.stop player.reset player.setDataSource url player.setDisplay holder player.setOnPreparedListener this player.prepare player.setOnCompletionListener this catch Throwable t Log.e ERROR Exception Error t android video media player share..

how to play audio file from server in android


player.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC player.setDataSource http xty MRESC images test xy.mp3 player.prepare player.start catch Exception e TODO handle exception and if you want to download a .mp3 file form server then try this....

MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file


afd.getFileDescriptor afd.getStartOffset afd.getLength Log.d MediaPlayer Now initialized. Preparing it. player.prepare break catch IllegalArgumentException e Log.i MediaPlayer IllegalArgumentException... catch IllegalStateException e ..