android Programming Glossary: playerdriver
Streaming Youtube Videos as per mailing list Here is the error message ERROR PlayerDriver 35 Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info PVMFFailure..
How to display Video in the Android Emulator from Remote URL? 0xC8 The LogCat details are 09 16 12 16 36.729 ERROR PlayerDriver 542 Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info PVMFErrContentInvalidForProgressivePlayback..
Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer? don't tell me that streaming doesn't work on mp3's. E PlayerDriver 31 Command PLAYER_SET_DATA_SOURCE completed with an error or.. completed with an error or info PVMFErrNotSupported W PlayerDriver 31 PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete E MediaPlayer 198 error 1 4..
Android — Can't play any videos (mp4/mov/3gp/etc.)? for 03 30 05 34 26.817 ERROR PlayerDriver 51 Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info PVMFErrNoResources.. 1 15 Sometimes I also get this 03 30 05 49 49.267 ERROR PlayerDriver 51 Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info PVMFErrResource..
how to play video from url shows following error message 04 12 15 04 54.245 ERROR PlayerDriver 554 HandleErrorEvent PVMFErrTimeout android video streaming..
NullPointerException while using Android's mediaplayer only sometimes 07 21 23 05 32.767 ERROR PlayerDriver 1287 Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” Error 1 W MediaPlayer 3326 info warning 1 26 E PlayerDriver 2182 Command PLAYER_SET_DATA_SOURCE completed with an error.. 3326 SISO TEST MEDIA_ERROR E MediaPlayer 3326 error 4 4 W PlayerDriver 2182 PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete V MediaProvider 2349 stopThumbWorkerSuspendTimer..
Playing sound in WebView from JavaScript me different set of errors though 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 AddToScheduler 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 PendForExec.. V PlayerDriver 95 AddToScheduler 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 PendForExec 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 OsclActiveScheduler.. 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 PendForExec 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 OsclActiveScheduler Current 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver..
Streaming Youtube Videos on both G1 device and emulator Emulator has some firewall problem as per mailing list Here is the error message ERROR PlayerDriver 35 Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info PVMFFailure Second method A hack way to get the path of 3gp file..
How to display Video in the Android Emulator from Remote URL? catch Exception e The Exception thorwn is prepare failed status 0xC8 The LogCat details are 09 16 12 16 36.729 ERROR PlayerDriver 542 Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info PVMFErrContentInvalidForProgressivePlayback 09 16 12 16 36.739 ERROR..
Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer? repeatedly. I have tried different URLs as well. Please don't tell me that streaming doesn't work on mp3's. E PlayerDriver 31 Command PLAYER_SET_DATA_SOURCE completed with an error or info PVMFErrNotSupported W PlayerDriver 31 PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete.. work on mp3's. E PlayerDriver 31 Command PLAYER_SET_DATA_SOURCE completed with an error or info PVMFErrNotSupported W PlayerDriver 31 PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete E MediaPlayer 198 error 1 4 E MediaPlayer 198 start called in state 0 E MediaPlayer 198..
Android — Can't play any videos (mp4/mov/3gp/etc.)? 05 34 26.817 ERROR QCOmxcore 51 Unloading the dynamic library for 03 30 05 34 26.817 ERROR PlayerDriver 51 Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info PVMFErrNoResources 03 30 05 34 26.857 ERROR MediaPlayer 14744.. error 1 15 03 30 05 34 26.867 ERROR MediaPlayer 14744 Error 1 15 Sometimes I also get this 03 30 05 49 49.267 ERROR PlayerDriver 51 Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info PVMFErrResource 03 30 05 49 49.267 ERROR MediaPlayer 19049 error..
how to play video from url video video.setMediaController ctlr video.requestFocus Logcat shows following error message 04 12 15 04 54.245 ERROR PlayerDriver 554 HandleErrorEvent PVMFErrTimeout android video streaming videoview share improve this question It has something..
NullPointerException while using Android's mediaplayer error Basically it says line playError.start gives me NullPointerException only sometimes 07 21 23 05 32.767 ERROR PlayerDriver 1287 Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info PVMFErrResource 17 07 21 23 05 32.767 ERROR MediaPlayer 14449..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” 2182 LargeFileSupport OsclDirectFileIO OpenFileOrSharedFd Error 1 W MediaPlayer 3326 info warning 1 26 E PlayerDriver 2182 Command PLAYER_SET_DATA_SOURCE completed with an error or info 4 E MediaPlayer 3326 SISO TEST MEDIA_ERROR E MediaPlayer.. completed with an error or info 4 E MediaPlayer 3326 SISO TEST MEDIA_ERROR E MediaPlayer 3326 error 4 4 W PlayerDriver 2182 PVMFInfoErrorHandlingComplete V MediaProvider 2349 stopThumbWorkerSuspendTimer V MediaProvider 2349 Resuming ThumbWorker..
Playing sound in WebView from JavaScript it Thank you. Edit Testing in Galaxy Gio with Android 2.3 gives me different set of errors though 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 AddToScheduler 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 PendForExec 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 OsclActiveScheduler.. 2.3 gives me different set of errors though 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 AddToScheduler 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 PendForExec 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 OsclActiveScheduler Current 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 StartScheduler.. 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 AddToScheduler 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 PendForExec 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 OsclActiveScheduler Current 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PlayerDriver 95 StartScheduler 02 06 17 15 13.829 V PVPlayer 95 send..