android Programming Glossary: plugins
Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed) done this before. I can't seem to find any of the phonegap plugins that do something similar. EDIT I have got an app that executes..
Android project unable to reference other project in eclipse fix it now that totally reinstall eclipse and all of my plugins. If anyone knows whats wrong and could help me I would greatly..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 that matter uninstalled and reinstalled Eclipse Android plugins re created emulator devices. But none of that seem to help and..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android this problem javascript android phonegap base64 phonegap plugins share improve this question The solution This plugin that.. params cordovaRef.addConstructor function if window.plugins window.plugins if window.plugins.base64ToPNG window.plugins.base64ToPNG.. function if window.plugins window.plugins if window.plugins.base64ToPNG window.plugins.base64ToPNG new..
Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13 jar C Program Files Eclipse SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64 eclipse plugins org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.30v20120522 1813.jar br os win32.. C Program Files Eclipse SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64 eclipse plugins org.eclipse.platform_4.2.0.v201206081400 splash.bmp br launcher.. C Program Files Eclipse SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64 eclipse plugins org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.1.200.v201205221813..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” solution is to install these 'subversive' Eclipse plugins Help Install new Software Work with your Eclipse version site..
Failed to import new Gradle project in android studio D User AndroidStudio In AndroidStudio go to AndroidStudio plugins gradle lib and copy gradle.jar Paste this gradle.jar file to.. zip file bin media init.d lib folders to AndroidStudio plugins gradle Restart AndroidStudio Updated Answer And after following..
“Debug certificate expired” error in Eclipse Android plugins Debug certificate expired&rdquo error in Eclipse Android plugins I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but I.. in Eclipse Android plugins I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but I am getting this error in the console..
Load an SWF into a WebView improve this question Figured it out. You have to enable plugins. webview.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled true share improve..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? associated with this view and its associated DOM plugins javascript etc. For example if the view is taken offscreen this.. view is again active call onResume . Note the reference to plugins which is not mentioned in the pauseTimers documentation. I'd..
Installing & using the Android NDK in Eclipse Native Interface . Finally I am not aware of any Eclipse plugins that will aid with NDK development. Everything I know about..
How to develop plugins for the native Android browser to develop plugins for the native Android browser I searched the web but no luck.. Android browser I searched the web but no luck how can plugins for the native Android browser be developed Neither Google nor.. Android SDK give information about this topic. android plugins browser share improve this question I found a sample of..
integrate facebook with like button in android and iphone in a webview. https docs reference plugins like Another alternative is using facebook share functionality..
Motodev Core Plugins Core Plugins With the announcement of the Motodev core plugins being included..
Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1 after loading you should get Developer Tools and NDK Plugins check both if you want to use the Native Developer Kit NDK in..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 http software flash about Both Plugins and JavaScript are enabled for the WebView using getSettings..
How to convert wsdl to java? I have to convert a WSDL file to Java code. I tried Axis2 Plugins with my Eclipse Indigo and failed. I tried it in many ways but..
Unhandled event loop exception in plugin org.eclipse.ui eclipse. Go to your Eclipse Folder you will find Features Plugins folder in it. Open Features folder and search for org.eclipse.ui.. or .jar file. If found then cut it paste on desktop. Open Plugins Folder and search for org.eclipse.ui folder or .jar file. If..
Calling Android NDK function from Unity Script http And throw UnityUrlPlugin.jar in to Assets Plugins Android folder. No need for NDK share improve this answer..
Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed) if I can't figure it out thought I would ask if anyone has done this before. I can't seem to find any of the phonegap plugins that do something similar. EDIT I have got an app that executes Java code as a service. However when it calls sendjavascript..
Android project unable to reference other project in eclipse had to reference another project and it worked. I would rather fix it now that totally reinstall eclipse and all of my plugins. If anyone knows whats wrong and could help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks java android eclipse share improve..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 . I've tried reinstalling the SDK tools and the whole SDK for that matter uninstalled and reinstalled Eclipse Android plugins re created emulator devices. But none of that seem to help and its driving me mad. Its hopeless to key in using a laptop's..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android converting Base64 Strings to Images. So how do you go about this problem javascript android phonegap base64 phonegap plugins share improve this question The solution This plugin that converts a Base64 PNG String and generates an image to the.. win fail cordovaRef.exec win fail Base64ToPNG saveImage b64String params cordovaRef.addConstructor function if window.plugins window.plugins if window.plugins.base64ToPNG window.plugins.base64ToPNG new Base64ToPNG 4. The plugins.xml file Add.. win fail Base64ToPNG saveImage b64String params cordovaRef.addConstructor function if window.plugins window.plugins if window.plugins.base64ToPNG window.plugins.base64ToPNG new Base64ToPNG 4. The plugins.xml file Add the following to..
Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13 bin javaw.exe br Xms40m br Xmx512m br XX MaxPermSize 256m br jar C Program Files Eclipse SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64 eclipse plugins org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.30v20120522 1813.jar br os win32 br ws win32 br arch x86_64 br showsplash C Program Files.. 1813.jar br os win32 br ws win32 br arch x86_64 br showsplash C Program Files Eclipse SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64 eclipse plugins org.eclipse.platform_4.2.0.v201206081400 splash.bmp br launcher C Program Files Eclipse SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64 eclipse eclipse.exe.. x86_64 eclipse eclipse.exe br name Eclipse br launcher.library C Program Files Eclipse SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64 eclipse plugins org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.1.200.v201205221813 eclipse_1503.dll br startup C Program Files Eclipse..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” me using subversion with has extenion less files. One recommended solution is to install these 'subversive' Eclipse plugins Help Install new Software Work with your Eclipse version site Expand 'Collaboration' Choose 'Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions'..
Failed to import new Gradle project in android studio AndroidStudio directory where you installed your studio Like D User AndroidStudio In AndroidStudio go to AndroidStudio plugins gradle lib and copy gradle.jar Paste this gradle.jar file to AndroidStudio lib directory. Download gradle directly from.. Gradle Copy the contents of gradle 1.6 After extracting zip file bin media init.d lib folders to AndroidStudio plugins gradle Restart AndroidStudio Updated Answer And after following all the steps listed above if it is not working Kindly check..
“Debug certificate expired” error in Eclipse Android plugins Debug certificate expired&rdquo error in Eclipse Android plugins I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but I am getting this error in the console window 2010 02 03 10 31.. Debug certificate expired&rdquo error in Eclipse Android plugins I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but I am getting this error in the console window 2010 02 03 10 31 14 androidVNC Error generating final..
Load an SWF into a WebView
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? you want given the comment Call this to pause any extra processing associated with this view and its associated DOM plugins javascript etc. For example if the view is taken offscreen this could be called to reduce unnecessary CPU and or network.. to reduce unnecessary CPU and or network traffic. When the view is again active call onResume . Note the reference to plugins which is not mentioned in the pauseTimers documentation. I'd try using reflection to see if onPause and later onResume when..
Installing & using the Android NDK in Eclipse communicating with code written in C C by way of the Java Native Interface . Finally I am not aware of any Eclipse plugins that will aid with NDK development. Everything I know about the NDK I have learned the official Android NDK documentation..
How to develop plugins for the native Android browser to develop plugins for the native Android browser I searched the web but no luck how can plugins for the native Android browser be developed.. to develop plugins for the native Android browser I searched the web but no luck how can plugins for the native Android browser be developed Neither Google nor the Android SDK give information about this topic. android.. the native Android browser be developed Neither Google nor the Android SDK give information about this topic. android plugins browser share improve this question I found a sample of a plugin in the Android source code under development samples..
integrate facebook with like button in android and iphone First you can use a webview and show the like button in a webview. https docs reference plugins like Another alternative is using facebook share functionality in facebook android sdk. Last and more general alternative..
Motodev Core Plugins Core Plugins With the announcement of the Motodev core plugins being included in the AOSP tools http tools motodevcoreplugins..
Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1 you want and Location https dl android eclipse after loading you should get Developer Tools and NDK Plugins check both if you want to use the Native Developer Kit NDK in the future or check Developer Tool only click Next Finish..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 .setPluginState WebSettings.PluginState.ON mWebView.loadUrl http software flash about Both Plugins and JavaScript are enabled for the WebView using getSettings yet Flash fails to show up. When I set setPluginState to ON_DEMAND..
How to convert wsdl to java? eclipse wsdl share improve this question Recently I have to convert a WSDL file to Java code. I tried Axis2 Plugins with my Eclipse Indigo and failed. I tried it in many ways but failed. Wasted my precious time and energy. I would like..
Unhandled event loop exception in plugin org.eclipse.ui ok please follow the following steps First close your eclipse. Go to your Eclipse Folder you will find Features Plugins folder in it. Open Features folder and search for org.eclipse.ui folder or .jar file. If found then cut it paste on desktop... Open Features folder and search for org.eclipse.ui folder or .jar file. If found then cut it paste on desktop. Open Plugins Folder and search for org.eclipse.ui folder or .jar file. If found then cut it paste on desktop. Now start your eclipse..
Calling Android NDK function from Unity Script