android Programming Glossary: please
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? send public void send mProgress this Please wait Please wait true true Thread thread new Thread this thread.start.. void send mProgress this Please wait Please wait true true Thread thread new Thread this thread.start public..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue problem whether it is related to Android version or what. Please help. android facebook share improve this question I work..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found error ERROR cannot start Android Studio. No JDK found. Please validate either ANDROID_STUDIO_JDK or JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME..
Caching images and displaying the concept knowledge shared by Raghunandan down below. Please go through these answers for a detailed explanation as well..
How can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application? Toast.makeText this No application can handle this request Please install a webbrowser Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show e.printStackTrace..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML attrsWanted new int android.R.attr.text R.attr.textColor Please note that you should not use anything in android.R.styleable..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? kml file in order to display paths or points in Android Please could you help me with that This is kml sample code which I.. int status Bundle extras TODO Auto generated method stub Please can someone tell me what's I'm doing wrong here android google..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android done. The kicker is they all say to do it like APNDroid. Please someone give me some insight. Thanks android share improve..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver has a capital T and yours in the manifest does not. Please bear in mind that this Intent action is not documented. share..
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? reading SD CARD 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs using Logcat 5000 Log.e WifiPreference Could not write.. ReadConfigLog.txt 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs using Logcat 5000 Log.e WifiPreference Could not.. ReadConfigLog.txt 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs using Logcat 5000 Log.e WifiPreference Could not..
Lock the android device programatically with some code words to lock then it locks the phone. Please guide me. I have found many Api_demo program as solution but..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView to hold the images that my app is currently displaying. Please note that the Log object in use here is my custom wrapper around..
Find an external SD card location universal way to find the location of an external SD card Please do not be confused with External Storage . Environment.getExternalStorageState..
Android post JSON using HTTP together in map holder.put key data return holder Please feel free to comment on any questions that arise about this..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view android layout_weight 4 TableRow TableLayout LinearLayout Please help me to get rid of the problem. ListViewCheckBox is a class..
How to connect to a specific wifi network in Android programmatically? conf new WifiConfiguration conf.SSID networkSSID Please note the quotes. String should contain ssid in quotes Then for..
Android AlarmManager AlarmManager Can someone please show me some sample code on how to use an AlarmManager in Android...
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] mapView.invalidate EDIT If you get an exception please use directions function in an AsyncTask to avoid network processing..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen per inch or ppi ` To determine screen size density quickly please install What's my Size app for Android. Screen size Android..
Push Notifications in Android Platform may drain the battery. Do you have a better suggestion please . Thanks much. android push alerts share improve this question..
Launch custom android application from android browser android application from android browser Can anybody please guide me regarding how to launch my android application from..
How to send image via MMS in Android? If you want to do that using android's internal code please use this final SendReq sendRequest new SendReq final EncodedStringValue..
Restful API service dev so if there are any blindingly obvious mistakes here please don't think I'm a rubbish developer I'm just wet behind the..
How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values it. Can somebody guide me here with a sample code project please android sharedpreferences share improve this question To..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero the grid dynamically or usie an xml version. Could someone please tell how to retrieve the dimensions for a view Here is my test..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android be a stupid solution. But it works. If you can improve it please let me know. OnCreate of your Service I have used WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH..
progressDialog in AsyncTask Throwable t Log.e ImageLoader t.getMessage t Can you please help me add AsyncTask to this Thank you Houssem android android..
FFMPEG on Android on integrating FFMPEG on Android StageFright Can you please guide me on how can I use this library for MM playback I have.. FFMPEG apis which need to be used for playback. Can you please help me with these questions and get me started on this Your..
Android post JSON using HTTP anyone knows of a good Android book that deals with this please let me know. Thanks again for the help @terrance here is the.. Map If you are not familiar with the Map data structure please take a look at the Java Map reference . In short a map is similar..
When to call activity context OR application context? catch and therefor uses too much memory.. But can anyone please come up with some really good coding examples where it would..
How to connect to a specific wifi network in Android programmatically? by the user from the list of scan results. Can anyone please tell me how to do this android android wifi wifimanager share..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] code sample project here . NOTE Before trying this code please find this line in below code private static String DB_NAME YourDbName..
Android - basic gesture detection appreciated. Apologies if the question is disjointed please ask for clarification and I'll happily tell you the specifics..
AsyncTask Android example work. I am new to android programming if possible can you please help me out. package com.test import import..
Authenticating with OAuth2 for an app *and* a website and you're MySite. GTFO . So how should I do this And PLEASE don't say Use OpenID or Don't use OAuth2 or other similarly..
Android:one button id,many buttons, one view id, using getTag(),setTag() cursor columns to this.setListAdapter mAdapter db.close PLEASE direct me as to what changes i must make to display different..
Force Screen On my app is running android share improve this question PLEASE DO NOT USE A WAKE LOCK This requires that you give your app..
Difference between onStart() and onResume() public GroceryStoreActivity extends Activity PLEASE NOTE I've deliberately left out the calls to things like super.onCreate..
HTML <select> element is abbreviated in iPhone or Android browsers when I click on it. The user will never find his data... PLEASE before you answer... ... consider these points I can abbreviate..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities either buy the item or press back during the process. HELP PLEASE Edit I want any possible solution to allow in app billing to..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? orientation is right for you then use it. But PLEASE be sure to test what happens when something changes because..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 all browsers and Android 3 and 4. If anyone has code help PLEASE and thanks. Also if anyone has any suggestions on a secure workaround..
Show Progress Dialog Android display progress dialog after searchButton is clicked like PLEASE WAIT...RETRIEVING DATA.. or like something and dismiss when..
How to handle screen orientation change when progress dialog and background thread active? mProgress UI has a button that when pressed calls send public void send mProgress this Please wait Please wait true true Thread thread new Thread this thread.start public void run Thread.sleep 10000 Message msg new.. UI has a button that when pressed calls send public void send mProgress this Please wait Please wait true true Thread thread new Thread this thread.start public void run Thread.sleep 10000 Message msg new Message mHandler.sendMessage..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue without connecting to Facebook. I am not getting what is the problem whether it is related to Android version or what. Please help. android facebook share improve this question I work at Facebook and this is an important issue that needs to be..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found file studio.bat . When I execute via CMD I get the following error ERROR cannot start Android Studio. No JDK found. Please validate either ANDROID_STUDIO_JDK or JDK_HOME or JAVA_HOME points to valid JDK installation. ECHO is off. Press any key..
Caching images and displaying AndroidBegin Android JSON Parse Images and Texts Tutorial and the concept knowledge shared by Raghunandan down below. Please go through these answers for a detailed explanation as well as implementation of Lazy loading. My apologies for not being..
How can I open a URL in Android's web browser from my application? startActivity myIntent catch ActivityNotFoundException e Toast.makeText this No application can handle this request Please install a webbrowser Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show e.printStackTrace but I got an Exception No activity found to handle Intent..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML while attributes for this project are in R.attr . int attrsWanted new int android.R.attr.text R.attr.textColor Please note that you should not use anything in android.R.styleable as per this thread it may change in the future. It is still..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? to draw a path on a map using kml file Can I parse kml file in order to display paths or points in Android Please could you help me with that This is kml sample code which I would like to display in android google map xml version 1.0.. stub @Override public void onStatusChanged String provider int status Bundle extras TODO Auto generated method stub Please can someone tell me what's I'm doing wrong here android google maps android mapview kml share improve this question ..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android page I find asking about this same issue says it cannot be done. The kicker is they all say to do it like APNDroid. Please someone give me some insight. Thanks android share improve this question The Dataconnection disable and enabling APIS..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? catch IOException e Toast toast Toast.makeText this Problem reading SD CARD 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs using Logcat 5000 Log.e WifiPreference Could not write file e.getMessage Now the readEapConfig function itself.. e Toast toast1 Toast.makeText this Failed to write Logs to ReadConfigLog.txt 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs using Logcat 5000 Log.e WifiPreference Could not write to ReadConfigLog.txt e.getMessage reflection magic .. e Toast toast1 Toast.makeText this Failed to write Logs to ReadConfigLog.txt 3000 Toast toast2 Toast.makeText this Please take logs using Logcat 5000 Log.e WifiPreference Could not write to ReadConfigLog.txt e.getMessage catch Exception e..
Lock the android device programatically My app is to remote lock the device. When message is received with some code words to lock then it locks the phone. Please guide me. I have found many Api_demo program as solution but I can't extract lock code alone from that and find solution...
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView listview share improve this question Here's what I created to hold the images that my app is currently displaying. Please note that the Log object in use here is my custom wrapper around the final Log class inside Android. package
Find an external SD card location an external SD card location Is there an universal way to find the location of an external SD card Please do not be confused with External Storage . Environment.getExternalStorageState returns path to internal SD mount point like..
Android post JSON using HTTP pairs2.getKey String pairs2.getValue puts email and '' together in map holder.put key data return holder Please feel free to comment on any questions that arise about this post or if I have not made something clear or if I have not..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view id @ id COTextView style @style CICOTextView android text android layout_weight 4 TableRow TableLayout LinearLayout Please help me to get rid of the problem. ListViewCheckBox is a class which is generating list and storing the value of date and..
How to connect to a specific wifi network in Android programmatically? String networkSSID test String networkPass pass WifiConfiguration conf new WifiConfiguration conf.SSID networkSSID Please note the quotes. String should contain ssid in quotes Then for WEP network you need to do this conf.wepKeys 0 networkPass..
Android AlarmManager AlarmManager Can someone please show me some sample code on how to use an AlarmManager in Android. I have been playing around with some code for a few days..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate]
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen density the physical pixel density of the display in pixels per inch or ppi ` To determine screen size density quickly please install What's my Size app for Android. Screen size Android defines four generalised screen sizes Qualifier Size small ~3..
Push Notifications in Android Platform has its own limitations. SMS no guarantee on arrival time. Poll may drain the battery. Do you have a better suggestion please . Thanks much. android push alerts share improve this question Google's official answer is the Android Cloud to Device..
Launch custom android application from android browser custom android application from android browser Can anybody please guide me regarding how to launch my android application from the android browser android share improve this question..
How to send image via MMS in Android? connection background is ready build content and perform request. If you want to do that using android's internal code please use this final SendReq sendRequest new SendReq final EncodedStringValue sub EncodedStringValue.extract subject if sub null..
Restful API service doing it completely wrong. I'm pretty new to Android and Java dev so if there are any blindingly obvious mistakes here please don't think I'm a rubbish developer I'm just wet behind the ears and would appreciate being told where I'm going wrong...
How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values I want to store a time value and need to retrieve and edit it. Can somebody guide me here with a sample code project please android sharedpreferences share improve this question To obtain shared preferences use the following method In your..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero and getwidth always return 0. This happens when I format the grid dynamically or usie an xml version. Could someone please tell how to retrieve the dimensions for a view Here is my test program I used in Debug to check the results import
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android overlay android ui share improve this question This might be a stupid solution. But it works. If you can improve it please let me know. OnCreate of your Service I have used WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH flag. This is the..
progressDialog in AsyncTask this.setListAdapter adapter adapter.notifyDataSetChanged catch Throwable t Log.e ImageLoader t.getMessage t Can you please help me add AsyncTask to this Thank you Houssem android android asynctask progressdialog share improve this question..
FFMPEG on Android to invoke FFMPEG. Do you have steps procedures code example on integrating FFMPEG on Android StageFright Can you please guide me on how can I use this library for MM playback I have a requirement where I have already Audio and Video TS which.. in FFMPEG here. Also I could not find documentation on the FFMPEG apis which need to be used for playback. Can you please help me with these questions and get me started on this Your help is greatly appreciated. android ffmpeg share improve..
Android post JSON using HTTP of what exactly is happening and why it is done that way. If anyone knows of a good Android book that deals with this please let me know. Thanks again for the help @terrance here is the code I described below public void shNameVerParams throws Exception.. return httpclient.execute httpost responseHandler Map If you are not familiar with the Map data structure please take a look at the Java Map reference . In short a map is similar to a dictionary or a hash. private static JSONObject getJsonObjectFromMap..
When to call activity context OR application context? app etc.. Which apparently the Garbage Collector GC doesn't catch and therefor uses too much memory.. But can anyone please come up with some really good coding examples where it would be the right thing to use this getting the context of the current..
How to connect to a specific wifi network in Android programmatically? results. Now i want to connect to a particular network selected by the user from the list of scan results. Can anyone please tell me how to do this android android wifi wifimanager share improve this question You need to create WifiConfiguration..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] sqlite share improve this question EDIT You can find source code sample project here . NOTE Before trying this code please find this line in below code private static String DB_NAME YourDbName Database name DB_NAME here is the name of your database...
Android - basic gesture detection Adapted from photostream . Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Apologies if the question is disjointed please ask for clarification and I'll happily tell you the specifics of what I've tried. android listener gesture recognition..
AsyncTask Android example and I tried a simple program. But it does not seem to work. I am new to android programming if possible can you please help me out. package com.test import import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Bundle import android.provider.Settings.System..
Authenticating with OAuth2 for an app *and* a website is that it will say No way That token is only valid for MyApp and you're MySite. GTFO . So how should I do this And PLEASE don't say Use OpenID or Don't use OAuth2 or other similarly unhelpful answers. Oh and I would really like to keep using..
Android:one button id,many buttons, one view id, using getTag(),setTag() mAdapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.row cursor columns to this.setListAdapter mAdapter db.close PLEASE direct me as to what changes i must make to display different record for each view button.that is if first child view button..
Force Screen On do I force the screen to stay active and not shut off while my app is running android share improve this question PLEASE DO NOT USE A WAKE LOCK This requires that you give your app an additional permission and it is very easy to introduce bugs..
Difference between onStart() and onResume() extends Activity implements onReachedGroceryStoreListener public GroceryStoreActivity extends Activity PLEASE NOTE I've deliberately left out the calls to things like super.onCreate ... etc. This is pseudo code so give me some artistic..
HTML <select> element is abbreviated in iPhone or Android browsers live with that. But check out the blue popup that appears when I click on it. The user will never find his data... PLEASE before you answer... ... consider these points I can abbreviate some information but I will still have cases with long option..
In App BIlling trouble with Pending Intents and switching activities of my various activities preferably StoreFront when they either buy the item or press back during the process. HELP PLEASE Edit I want any possible solution to allow in app billing to return to my app after the purchase is complete even the messiest..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? Quick Summary By all means if android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation is right for you then use it. But PLEASE be sure to test what happens when something changes because an orientation change is not the only way a full Acitivity restart..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 via https. It uses a valid Thawte certificate works fine in all browsers and Android 3 and 4. If anyone has code help PLEASE and thanks. Also if anyone has any suggestions on a secure workaround I'd appreciate it. I'm still learning and I've been..
Show Progress Dialog Android value in listview also. what i want is that i want to display progress dialog after searchButton is clicked like PLEASE WAIT...RETRIEVING DATA.. or like something and dismiss when datas are shown. public class Tab1Activity extends ListActivity..