android Programming Glossary: player.isplaying
Full screen videoview without stretching the video screenHeight surfaceViewFrame.setLayoutParams lp if player.isPlaying player.start I modified this from a tutorial for video streaming.. pause.setVisibility View.GONE if player null if player.isPlaying pause.setVisibility View.VISIBLE surfaceViewFrame SurfaceView.. screenHeight surfaceViewFrame.setLayoutParams lp if player.isPlaying player.start surfaceViewFrame.setClickable true callback when..
Online radio streaming app for Android MediaPlayer mp player.start private void stopPlaying if player.isPlaying player.stop player.release initializeMediaPlayer buttonPlay.setEnabled.. @Override protected void onPause super.onPause if player.isPlaying player.stop in the XML main.xml code xml version 1.0 encoding..
Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android mailAnimation.stop mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start else mailAnimation.start.. player.start else player.start else mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start This is the code..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video else lp.width int videoProportion float screenHeight lp.height screenHeight surfaceViewFrame.setLayoutParams lp if player.isPlaying player.start I modified this from a tutorial for video streaming that I followed some time ago can't find it right now.. pause ImageView findViewById pause.setVisibility View.GONE if player null if player.isPlaying pause.setVisibility View.VISIBLE surfaceViewFrame SurfaceView findViewById surfaceViewFrame.setOnClickListener.. else lp.width int videoProportion float screenHeight lp.height screenHeight surfaceViewFrame.setLayoutParams lp if player.isPlaying player.start surfaceViewFrame.setClickable true callback when the video is over public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp..
Online radio streaming app for Android new OnPreparedListener public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp player.start private void stopPlaying if player.isPlaying player.stop player.release initializeMediaPlayer buttonPlay.setEnabled true buttonStopPlay.setEnabled false playSeekBar.setVisibility.. playSeekBar.setSecondaryProgress percent Log.i Buffering percent @Override protected void onPause super.onPause if player.isPlaying player.stop in the XML main.xml code xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 and the android manifest xml version 1.0 encoding..
Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android this.getApplicationContext R.raw.angry if mailAnimation.isRunning mailAnimation.stop mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start else mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start.. mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start else mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start This is the code i have written in on click of a Button..... Resource file inside..