android Programming Glossary: pm.getinstalledapplications
Checking a checkbox in listview makes other random checkboxes checked too savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState PackageManager pm getPackageManager List ApplicationInfo packages pm.getInstalledApplications PackageManager.GET_META_DATA final CopyOfMyCustomAdapter a new CopyOfMyCustomAdapter this packages getListView .setAdapter..
How to get the file *.apk location in Android device ApplicationInfo.sourceDir is the path to the .apk file. PackageManager pm getPackageManager for ApplicationInfo app pm.getInstalledApplications 0 Log.d PackageList package app.packageName sourceDir app.sourceDir Outputs something like this package com.tmobile.themechooser..
Get list of installed android applications of system apps that you probably aren't interested in. PackageManager pm getPackageManager List ApplicationInfo apps pm.getInstalledApplications 0 To limit it to just the user installed or updated system apps e.g. Maps GMail etc I used the following logic List ApplicationInfo..
How can I learn whether a particular package exists on my Android device? isPackageExisted String targetPackage List ApplicationInfo packages PackageManager pm pm getPackageManager packages pm.getInstalledApplications 0 for ApplicationInfo packageInfo packages if packageInfo.packageName.equals targetPackage return true return false public..
How to kill all running applications in android? List ApplicationInfo packages PackageManager pm pm getPackageManager get a list of installed apps. packages pm.getInstalledApplications 0 ActivityManager mActivityManager ActivityManager context.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for ApplicationInfo..
How to get installed applications permissions permissions list Iterate over the each permission PackageManager pm getPackageManager List ApplicationInfo packages pm.getInstalledApplications PackageManager.GET_META_DATA for ApplicationInfo applicationInfo packages Log.d test App Package applicationInfo.packageName..