android Programming Glossary: playsound
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android run genTone new Runnable public void run playSound thread.start void genTone fill out the array for int i.. byte val 0x00ff generatedSnd idx byte val 0xff00 8 void playSound final AudioTrack audioTrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager OnClickListener public void onClick View v mSoundManager.playSound 1 mSoundManager.playSound 2 android audio soundpool share.. onClick View v mSoundManager.playSound 1 mSoundManager.playSound 2 android audio soundpool share improve this question .. sounds to specific sprites. Next we queue up sounds with playSound . Each time this happens a soundId is dropped into a stack which..
Issue with Soundpool and Samsung Galaxy S is a global toggled by the user options public void playSound int sound if PlaySound true Log.w playSound Playing Sound sound.. public void playSound int sound if PlaySound true Log.w playSound Playing Sound sound float streamVolumeCurrent mgr.getStreamVolume..
Android:sound pool and service SOUND2 soundPool.load this R.raw.touchdown 1 public void playSound int sound float fSpeed AudioManager mgr AudioManager getSystemService.. mGenerator.nextInt 100 public void soundPlay int index playSound index 1.0f Log.d SOUND1 hi1 you call from Activity using public..
Playing sounds simultaneously Android index mSoundPool.load mContext SoundID 1 public void playSound int index float streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING.. sm new SoundManager this sm.addSound 0 R.raw.explosion sm.playSound 0 ... So with this style I add all my sounds to the SoundPool..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace void playSound byte buf int size android.util.Log.v ROHAUPT RAH Playing if.. env obj jmethodID play env GetMethodID env cls playSound BI V At the begining of your main function const char szfile.. env obj jmethodID play env GetMethodID env cls playSound BI V At the begining of your main function av_init_packet avpkt..
android soundpool heapsize overflow Exception e Log.w TAG Load sound error e public void playSound Context context String id String file Log.d TAG SouldPools play..
Android: how to play music at maximum possible volume? and this is the code which plays my ogg clip public void playSound int index int streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android final Thread thread new Thread new Runnable public void run genTone new Runnable public void run playSound thread.start void genTone fill out the array for int i 0 i numSamples i sample i Math.sin 2 Math.PI i sampleRate freqOfTone.. bit wav PCM first byte is the low order byte generatedSnd idx byte val 0x00ff generatedSnd idx byte val 0xff00 8 void playSound final AudioTrack audioTrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC sampleRate AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager SoundButton.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v mSoundManager.playSound 1 mSoundManager.playSound 2 android audio soundpool share improve this question mSoundManager.addSound 1 R.raw.dit.. SoundButton.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v mSoundManager.playSound 1 mSoundManager.playSound 2 android audio soundpool share improve this question mSoundManager.addSound 1 R.raw.dit mSoundManager.addSound 1.. to a sprite id. Just so you understand how I map particular sounds to specific sprites. Next we queue up sounds with playSound . Each time this happens a soundId is dropped into a stack which I then pop whenever my timeout occurs. This allows me to..
Issue with Soundpool and Samsung Galaxy S Sound fx are then played by calling the following sub PlaySound is a global toggled by the user options public void playSound int sound if PlaySound true Log.w playSound Playing Sound sound float streamVolumeCurrent mgr.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC.. sub PlaySound is a global toggled by the user options public void playSound int sound if PlaySound true Log.w playSound Playing Sound sound float streamVolumeCurrent mgr.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC float streamVolumeMax mgr.getStreamMaxVolume..
Android:sound pool and service SOUND1 soundPool.load this R.raw.baby_laugh 1 soundsMap.put SOUND2 soundPool.load this R.raw.touchdown 1 public void playSound int sound float fSpeed AudioManager mgr AudioManager getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE float streamVolumeCurrent mgr.getStreamVolume.. mBinder method for clients public int getRandomNumber return mGenerator.nextInt 100 public void soundPlay int index playSound index 1.0f Log.d SOUND1 hi1 you call from Activity using public class Test extends Activity implements OnClickListener..
Playing sounds simultaneously Android public void addSound int index int SoundID mSoundPoolMap.put index mSoundPool.load mContext SoundID 1 public void playSound int index float streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING streamVolume streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume.. and here is an example of how I use the class. SoundManager sm new SoundManager this sm.addSound 0 R.raw.explosion sm.playSound 0 ... So with this style I add all my sounds to the SoundPool on load and then based on user input I just want to play the..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg loadFile sdcard a.mp3 bytes try os.close catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace void playSound byte buf int size android.util.Log.v ROHAUPT RAH Playing if track.getPlayState AudioTrack.PLAYSTATE_PLAYING c NULL AVCodec aCodec AVPacket packet jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID play env GetMethodID env cls playSound BI V At the begining of your main function const char szfile env GetStringUTFChars env file isCopy int16_t pAudioBuffer.. AVPacket avpkt jclass cls env GetObjectClass env obj jmethodID play env GetMethodID env cls playSound BI V At the begining of your main function av_init_packet avpkt printf Audio decoding n find the mpeg audio decoder codec..
android soundpool heapsize overflow containers.add container container.load context id file catch Exception e Log.w TAG Load sound error e public void playSound Context context String id String file Log.d TAG SouldPools play sound file try for SoundPoolContainer container containers..
Android: how to play music at maximum possible volume? it will not be used... I'm currently using SoundManager class and this is the code which plays my ogg clip public void playSound int index int streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mSoundPoolMap.get index..