android Programming Glossary: pluginresult.status.ok
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android a file if overwrite file.exists return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK File already exists Decode Base64 back to Binary format byte.. decodedBytes fOut.close return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Saved successfully catch FileNotFoundException e return new..
Call predefined number automatically on Android with PhoneGap args String callbackId PluginResult.Status status PluginResult.Status.OK String result try if action.equals call String number tel args.getString..
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? args.getString 0 PluginResult res new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK i.hasExtra extraName callbackContext.sendPluginResult res .. if i.hasExtra extraName PluginResult res new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK i.hasExtra extraName callbackContext.sendPluginResult res ..
Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin callbackContext.sendPluginResult new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Wifi Connected and for disconnected with a different message... .show callbackContext.sendPluginResult new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Wifi Connected else Toast.makeText cordova.getActivity Wifi.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show result new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Wifi Connected else Toast.makeText cordova.getActivity Wifi..
Android Phonegap: Notify javascript when an AsyncTask is finished result like this PluginResult result new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK data result.setKeepCallback false this.success result this.myCallbackId..
How to create plugin in phonegap to run the application in background? args String callbackId PluginResult.Status status PluginResult.Status.OK String result try if action.equals onCreate this.onCreate ..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android File file new File dirName fileName Avoid overwriting a file if overwrite file.exists return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK File already exists Decode Base64 back to Binary format byte decodedBytes Base64.decode b64String.getBytes Save Binary.. FileOutputStream fOut new FileOutputStream file fOut.write decodedBytes fOut.close return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Saved successfully catch FileNotFoundException e return new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.ERROR File not Found catch..
Call predefined number automatically on Android with PhoneGap method like this public PluginResult execute String action JSONArray args String callbackId PluginResult.Status status PluginResult.Status.OK String result try if action.equals call String number tel args.getString 0 Intent callIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_CALL..
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? i DroidGap this.cordova.getActivity .getIntent String extraName args.getString 0 PluginResult res new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK i.hasExtra extraName callbackContext.sendPluginResult res return true else if action.equals getExtra if args.length.. .getIntent String extraName args.getString 0 if i.hasExtra extraName PluginResult res new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK i.hasExtra extraName callbackContext.sendPluginResult res return true else PluginResult res new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.ERROR..
Asynchronous communication between Javascript and Phonegap Plugin is enabled disabled and sending the result using CallbackContext callbackContext.sendPluginResult new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Wifi Connected and for disconnected with a different message. import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext import.. cordova.getActivity Wifi Connected Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show callbackContext.sendPluginResult new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Wifi Connected else Toast.makeText cordova.getActivity Wifi Disconnected Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show callbackContext.sendPluginResult.. false Toast.makeText cordova.getActivity Wifi Connected Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show result new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK Wifi Connected else Toast.makeText cordova.getActivity Wifi Disconnected Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show result new PluginResult..
Android Phonegap: Notify javascript when an AsyncTask is finished 3 When you async java method finishes return another plugin result like this PluginResult result new PluginResult PluginResult.Status.OK data result.setKeepCallback false this.success result this.myCallbackId As I said you can look at the code in GitHub to..
How to create plugin in phonegap to run the application in background? @Override public PluginResult execute String action JSONArray args String callbackId PluginResult.Status status PluginResult.Status.OK String result try if action.equals onCreate this.onCreate else if action.equals onBind Intent intent null this.onBind..