

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:28

android Programming Glossary: player.setonpreparedlistener

Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0


src player.prepare player.start player.pause player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer..

Full screen videoview without stretching the video


in the desired proportion avoiding stretching the video player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer.. player new MediaPlayer player.setOnPreparedListener this player.setOnCompletionListener this player.setScreenOnWhilePlaying..

MediaPlayer.setDataSource() and prepare() not working - android


this Uri.parse http www.urltofile.com file.mp3 player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer..

Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing


player.setDataSource url player.setDisplay holder player.setOnPreparedListener this player.prepare player.setOnCompletionListener this catch..

Online radio streaming app for Android


playSeekBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE player.prepareAsync player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp..

How to avoid 15 second delay/caching in Android Media Player when playing stream


simple player new MediaPlayer player.setDataSource url player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp..

Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0


player.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC player.setDataSource src player.prepare player.start player.pause player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp player.start Unlikely to be the fix in this..

Full screen videoview without stretching the video


calculate the desired size of the video to fill the screen in the desired proportion avoiding stretching the video player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp Adjust the size of the video so it fits on the screen.. holder.addCallback this holder.setType SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS player new MediaPlayer player.setOnPreparedListener this player.setOnCompletionListener this player.setScreenOnWhilePlaying true player.setDisplay holder private void playVideo..

MediaPlayer.setDataSource() and prepare() not working - android


Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing


true else player.stop player.reset player.setDataSource url player.setDisplay holder player.setOnPreparedListener this player.prepare player.setOnCompletionListener this catch Throwable t Log.e ERROR Exception Error t android video..

Online radio streaming app for Android


buttonStopPlay.setEnabled true buttonPlay.setEnabled false playSeekBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE player.prepareAsync player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp player.start private void stopPlaying if player.isPlaying..

How to avoid 15 second delay/caching in Android Media Player when playing stream


wrong Am I the only one having this issue My code is very simple player new MediaPlayer player.setDataSource url player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp mp.start player.prepareAsync UPDATE I am using a local self..