android Programming Glossary: plugin
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 Everything was fine until i upgraded the eclipse ADT plugin to the newest version v22 . I also upgraded the SDK of course...
Eclipse giving error, missing file after recent update but same problem is there. android eclipse eclipse plugin file eclipse adt share improve this question After..
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update ADT update I've recently updated Android SDK Eclipse ADT plugin to latest version. Now when i try to run a pre existing Android..
What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in? [closed] and need to get an IDE. Eclipse and the android eclipse plugin appears to be the natural choice. However I am familiar with.. help page and the Google Code project page for the plugin. The Getting Started wiki page is pretty helpful. If you are.. in my opinion. Plus I'm a big IntelliJ fan. The IntelliJ plugin lets you make apk files and push the app to the emulator that's..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin template dependency Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin I found some answers to that issue but none worked for me... template dependency Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin The required version is empty in some cases appears as 8 . The..
“Debug certificate expired” error in Eclipse Android plugins Debug certificate expired&rdquo error in Eclipse Android plugins I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but.. in Eclipse Android plugins I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but I am getting this error in the console.. like USERPROFILE .android on Windows . The Eclipse plugin should then generate a new certificate when you next try to..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating me. Cleaning deletes for whatever reason the plugin is not regenerating the file. android eclipse file ..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery of times and didn't crash. I also used the Memory Analyzer plugin for Eclipse which didn't present any potential culprits. If..
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device implementation of javasound which offers an MP3 encoder plugin here http plugins.html Secondly I would suggest.. offers an MP3 encoder plugin here http plugins.html Secondly I would suggest looking into jzoom's libraries..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found 0.0.0' but it could not be found android eclipse eclipse plugin android sdk 2.2 share improve this question I've just encountered.. installation steps Eclipse should download and install the plugin's dependencies. There are examples in that page for 3.5 Galileo..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity GMT I managed to roll back to SDK 2.1 and found an old ADT plugin 0.9.9 . I've got Eclipse 3.5 set up to use SDK 2.1 and Eclipse.. this problem please backup your earlier SDK and plugin else you might end up with a useless development environment...
How to sign an android apk file with Eclipse ADT If you are using Eclipse with the ADT plugin you can use the Export Wizard to export a signed .apk and even..
Facebook Android Generate Key Hash something like USERHOME .android on Windows. The Eclipse plugin should then generate a new certificate when you next try to..
Problem to load flv video in webview 'true' type 'application x shockwave flash' pluginspage 'http go getflashplayer' String htmlPost.. your Android version however I can confirm that the flash plugin does load and the movie player does intilaize with the swirly.. is that the assets folder is off limits to the embedded plugin for security reasons. if Environment.getExternalStorageState..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? or sources to jars in libs folder New version of ADT r17 plugin for Eclipse added feature to automatically setup JAR dependencies...
How to set image as wallpaper using Android Phonegap? share improve this question You can create Phonegap Plugin package import import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin.. import import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult.Status.. import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult.Status import..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android Android.. import import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult import org.json.JSONArray.. import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult import org.json.JSONArray import android.os.Environment..
HelloAndroid emulator problem SDK folder locations Uninstall reinstall the Android ADT Plugin in Eclipse. Configure the Android SDK location in Eclipse. Reboot.. using SDK Manager and recreated it. I uninstalled the ADT Plugin for Eclipse restarted Eclipse then reinstalled the ADT Plugin.. for Eclipse restarted Eclipse then reinstalled the ADT Plugin then closed Eclipse. I reconfigured Eclipse with the new Android..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse fine. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the ADT Plugin and I've updated the Android SDK and AVD Manager to the latest..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui. How do I fix that The Google Plugin for Eclipse depends on other specific Eclipse components such..
Graphical Layout tab does not appear for some layout files into Eclipse when developing layout files for Android with Eclipse ADT Plugin. Some of my files when opened does not show the Graphical layout..
Eclipse Indigo - Cannot install Android ADT Plugin Indigo Cannot install Android ADT Plugin When I try to install the Android Developer Tool I get the.. 2.3.0.r37v201106211634 Missing requirement Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 2.3.2.r37v201106211634
android emulator error:[2011-08-02 11:14:01 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open: C:\Users\hallo\.android/avd/myemu.ini share improve this question This is a bug in the ADT Plugin. For a workaround until it is fixed use a NTFS symbolic link... folders from C Users John Doe to D John Doe. The ADT Plugin is trying to load the emulator from C when it and the configure.. are on D PANIC Could not open etc. . NTFS can get the ADT Plugin to read from D using a NTFS symbolic link. Open a command prompt..
Android 3.1 USB-Host - BroadcastReceiver does not receive USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED My work environment IDE Eclipse 3.7 with Android Plugin Device Acer Iconia Tab A500 Anrdoid 3.1 Thanks in advance java..
Android: What is the folder name of the jar files (LIB or LIBS)? tab Add JARs... button. I am using Eclipse with Android Plugin. When I add LIBS it will appear the Android logo on the top..
Android-SDK r17 ruins working projects package from r16 to r17. I have updated the Eclipse ADT Plugin too. My project worked perfectly fine with r16 android sdk r16.. perfectly fine with r16 android sdk r16 and Eclipse ADT Plugin v16 but now the app does not start The Classloader can not find.. delete ~ .android delete ~ .eclipse reinstall Eclipse ADT Plugin recreate Virtual Devices create a new project the new project..
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 Android App project that is referencing several library projects. Everything was fine until i upgraded the eclipse ADT plugin to the newest version v22 . I also upgraded the SDK of course. I do not see any compile errors in eclipse but when i run..
Eclipse giving error, missing file after recent update the update. I have updated my whole SDK here is the screenshot but same problem is there. android eclipse eclipse plugin file eclipse adt share improve this question After updating to SDK Tools to rev. 22 for the first time you may..
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update after ADT update I've recently updated Android SDK Eclipse ADT plugin to latest version. Now when i try to run a pre existing Android project the LogCat shows a ClassNotFoundException . I tried..
What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in? [closed] apps in closed I am about to start developing an android app and need to get an IDE. Eclipse and the android eclipse plugin appears to be the natural choice. However I am familiar with intelliJ and re sharper so I would prefer use intelliJ. Has.. for Android. See Enabling Android Support from the JetBrains help page and the Google Code project page for the plugin. The Getting Started wiki page is pretty helpful. If you are used to IntelliJ I don't think it would be beneficial to switch.. I don't see why you'd have to learn a new one. Not worth it in my opinion. Plus I'm a big IntelliJ fan. The IntelliJ plugin lets you make apk files and push the app to the emulator that's all you need for Android app development. I'd say you're..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin 22.2 New App Wizard Unsupported template dependency Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin I found some answers to that issue but none worked for me. When getting the last screen in a new project creation I'm getting.. in a new project creation I'm getting the next message Unsupported template dependency Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin The required version is empty in some cases appears as 8 . The installed version is 18. I already tried many of the solutions..
“Debug certificate expired” error in Eclipse Android plugins Debug certificate expired&rdquo error in Eclipse Android plugins I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but I am getting this error in the console window 2010 02 03 10.. Debug certificate expired&rdquo error in Eclipse Android plugins I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but I am getting this error in the console window 2010 02 03 10 31 14 androidVNC Error generating final.. debug.keystore on Linux and Mac OS X the directory is something like USERPROFILE .android on Windows . The Eclipse plugin should then generate a new certificate when you next try to build a debug package. You may need to clean and then build..
Developing for Android in Eclipse: not generating comments Doing Project Clean is what caused the problem for me. Cleaning deletes for whatever reason the plugin is not regenerating the file. android eclipse file share improve this question This site suggests if you run..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery but I went through all the categories a substantial number of times and didn't crash. I also used the Memory Analyzer plugin for Eclipse which didn't present any potential culprits. If the system couldn't handle 10 images like in scenarion 2 I would..
How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device this question Pure Java Look into Tritonus's clean room implementation of javasound which offers an MP3 encoder plugin here http plugins.html Secondly I would suggest looking into jzoom's libraries JLayer or JLayerME http.. into Tritonus's clean room implementation of javasound which offers an MP3 encoder plugin here http plugins.html Secondly I would suggest looking into jzoom's libraries JLayer or JLayerME http javalayer javalayer.html..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found 0.9.9.v201009221407 60953 requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found android eclipse eclipse plugin android sdk 2.2 share improve this question I've just encountered exactly the same problem in Eclipse 3.6 Helios . After.. releases helios for the Location. Now go through the installation steps Eclipse should download and install the plugin's dependencies. There are examples in that page for 3.5 Galileo 3.4 Ganymede 3.3 Europa for anyone with different versions..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity fine. Filed bug report link text UPDATE 9th December 1325 GMT I managed to roll back to SDK 2.1 and found an old ADT plugin 0.9.9 . I've got Eclipse 3.5 set up to use SDK 2.1 and Eclipse 3.6 to use SDK 2.3. I know 3.6 isn't recommended but it used.. are still failing to connect. If you are thinking of investigating this problem please backup your earlier SDK and plugin else you might end up with a useless development environment. A brand newly created AVD in 2.3 gives 12 09 13 09 08.823..
How to sign an android apk file sign your app save it etc. Also from the link Compile and sign with Eclipse ADT If you are using Eclipse with the ADT plugin you can use the Export Wizard to export a signed .apk and even create a new keystore if necessary . The Export Wizard performs..
Facebook Android Generate Key Hash debug.keystore on Linux and Mac OS X the directory is something like USERHOME .android on Windows. The Eclipse plugin should then generate a new certificate when you next try to build a debug package. Let me know if that works. share improve..
Problem to load flv video in webview 'middle' width '640' height '480' allowScriptAccess ' ' allowFullScreen 'true' type 'application x shockwave flash' pluginspage 'http go getflashplayer' String htmlPost body html @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. share improve this question You don't state clearly what your Android version however I can confirm that the flash plugin does load and the movie player does intilaize with the swirly shape graphic. I can engage it into fullscreen mode. I am.. the video must be co located on the sdcard. My only conclusion is that the assets folder is off limits to the embedded plugin for security reasons. if Environment.getExternalStorageState .equals Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED Log.d TAG No SDCARD else..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder New version of ADT r17 plugin for Eclipse added feature to automatically setup JAR dependencies. Any .jar files in the libs folder are added to the build..
How to set image as wallpaper using Android Phonegap? set as wallpaper functionality android jquery mobile phonegap share improve this question You can create Phonegap Plugin package import import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult.. You can create Phonegap Plugin package import import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult.Status import org.json.JSONArray import.. package import import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult.Status import org.json.JSONArray import import..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android Android does not allow native apps like Phonegap based apps to write.. MIT. import import import import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult import org.json.JSONArray import android.os.Environment import import.. import import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin import org.apache.cordova.api.PluginResult import org.json.JSONArray import android.os.Environment import import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject..
HelloAndroid emulator problem AVD. Set the PATH environment variable for the new Android SDK folder locations Uninstall reinstall the Android ADT Plugin in Eclipse. Configure the Android SDK location in Eclipse. Reboot to reduce the CPU utilization Run the emulator from the.. to the PATH environment variable. I then deleted the AVD using SDK Manager and recreated it. I uninstalled the ADT Plugin for Eclipse restarted Eclipse then reinstalled the ADT Plugin then closed Eclipse. I reconfigured Eclipse with the new Android.. SDK Manager and recreated it. I uninstalled the ADT Plugin for Eclipse restarted Eclipse then reinstalled the ADT Plugin then closed Eclipse. I reconfigured Eclipse with the new Android SDK path Window Preferences Android SDK Location . On the..
Android Emulator won't run application started from eclipse started happening for no apparent reason. All used to work fine. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the ADT Plugin and I've updated the Android SDK and AVD Manager to the latest available. Tools revision 7 but the problem continues. Eclipse..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found During installation there's an error about requiring org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui. How do I fix that The Google Plugin for Eclipse depends on other specific Eclipse components such as WST. Your installation of Eclipse may not yet include all..
Graphical Layout tab does not appear for some layout files into Eclipse for some layout files into Eclipse I'm facing a problem when developing layout files for Android with Eclipse ADT Plugin. Some of my files when opened does not show the Graphical layout tab just as below The others actually the older ones instead..
Eclipse Indigo - Cannot install Android ADT Plugin Indigo Cannot install Android ADT Plugin When I try to install the Android Developer Tool I get the following error. Software being installed Android Development.. 2.3.0.r37v201106211634 Missing requirement Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.7 2.3.2.r37v201106211634 2.3.2.r37v201106211634 requires..
android emulator error:[2011-08-02 11:14:01 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open: C:\Users\hallo\.android/avd/myemu.ini .android avd myemu.ini How can I solve this problem android share improve this question This is a bug in the ADT Plugin. For a workaround until it is fixed use a NTFS symbolic link. I have a C drive for windows 7 and a D drive for all my work.. and data. After installing windows 7 I relocate all my special folders from C Users John Doe to D John Doe. The ADT Plugin is trying to load the emulator from C when it and the configure files are on D PANIC Could not open etc. . NTFS can get.. to load the emulator from C when it and the configure files are on D PANIC Could not open etc. . NTFS can get the ADT Plugin to read from D using a NTFS symbolic link. Open a command prompt in C Users John Doe obviously use your user name use the..
Android 3.1 USB-Host - BroadcastReceiver does not receive USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED I set up the receiver and filter in code attaches are not recognized. My work environment IDE Eclipse 3.7 with Android Plugin Device Acer Iconia Tab A500 Anrdoid 3.1 Thanks in advance java android usb share improve this question Aha I figured..
Android: What is the folder name of the jar files (LIB or LIBS)? files by doing Project Properties Java Build Path Libraries tab Add JARs... button. I am using Eclipse with Android Plugin. When I add LIBS it will appear the Android logo on the top of the LIBS folder. It is recognized by the plugin but still..
Android-SDK r17 ruins working projects SDK r17 ruins working projects I have updated my android sdk package from r16 to r17. I have updated the Eclipse ADT Plugin too. My project worked perfectly fine with r16 android sdk r16 and Eclipse ADT Plugin v16 but now the app does not start.. I have updated the Eclipse ADT Plugin too. My project worked perfectly fine with r16 android sdk r16 and Eclipse ADT Plugin v16 but now the app does not start The Classloader can not find the MainActivity. The MainActivity is the first activity.. sdk and reinstall the packages download the target platform delete ~ .android delete ~ .eclipse reinstall Eclipse ADT Plugin recreate Virtual Devices create a new project the new project works unpack the .apk file and view the compiled classes with..