android Programming Glossary: pocketsphinxandroiddemo
Problems trying to build PocketSphinx for Android using NDK trying to build PocketSphinx for Android using NDK I'm trying to build PocketSphinx for Android using the PocketSphinxAndroidDemo project. I've given up om my quest to build it using Cygwin and Windows and installed an Ubuntu VM. I'm making progress.. ndk build gives the following output clipped Compile thumb pocketsphinx_jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c home user development PocketSphinxAndroidDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 760 26 error pocketsphinx.h No such file or directory home user development PocketSphinxAndroidDemo.. jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 760 26 error pocketsphinx.h No such file or directory home user development PocketSphinxAndroidDemo jni pocketsphinx_wrap.c 761 28 error sphinxbase err.h No such file or directory The header files are obviously not in the..
Problems trying to build PocketSphinxAndroidDemo using NDK trying to build PocketSphinxAndroidDemo using NDK I am trying to compile PocketSphinxAndroidDemo which provides an example implementation of the CMU pocketsphinx.. trying to build PocketSphinxAndroidDemo using NDK I am trying to compile PocketSphinxAndroidDemo which provides an example implementation of the CMU pocketsphinx speech recognizer on Android. I first received an error.. include for err.h #include pocketsphinx.h #include sphinxbase err.h #include err.h Did anyone that tried to compile PocketSphinxAndroidDemo ever encounter this problem My edit seemed to allow me to get further in my compilation but now I'm getting assembly related..