android Programming Glossary: player.stop
Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing MediaPlayer player.setScreenOnWhilePlaying true else player.stop player.reset player.setDataSource url player.setDisplay holder..
Online radio streaming app for Android private void stopPlaying if player.isPlaying player.stop player.release initializeMediaPlayer buttonPlay.setEnabled.. protected void onPause super.onPause if player.isPlaying player.stop in the XML main.xml code xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 ..
Android: Keep MediaPlayer running during Activity screen orientation update Context to create it once . Of course when I remove the player.stop in onPause now it does what I want well until the Activity goes..
Android background music service public void onPause @Override public void onDestroy player.stop player.release @Override public void onLowMemory share improve..
Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android mailAnimation.stop mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start else mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying.. player.start else mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start This is the code i have written..
Android Stop Background Music I do not need to hear that music anymore. OPTION 1 Call player.stop in an onPause override this is not what I want because background.. protected void onPause super.onPause if this.isFinishing player.stop This is better because background music does not stop between.. protected void onStop super.onStop if this.isFinishing player.stop Does the same as onPause and i do understand the actual differences..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM this.recorder rec this.player.stop this.player.flush this.player.setPlaybackRate this.recordingSampleRate.. startRecThread.destroy startRecThread null player.stop player.flush Log.e LOG_TAG stop Recording private void stop..
Android Boot-Up BroadCast Not invoking Stopped Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Log.d TAG onDestroy player.stop @Override public void onStart Intent intent int startid Toast.makeText..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file player.getAudioSessionId 0 player.pause if isFinishing player.stop player.release Notice the final String variable near the..
Android: MediaPlayer gapless or seamless Video Playing file1.mp4 if player null player new MediaPlayer player.setScreenOnWhilePlaying true else player.stop player.reset player.setDataSource url player.setDisplay holder player.setOnPreparedListener this player.prepare player.setOnCompletionListener..
Online radio streaming app for Android public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp player.start private void stopPlaying if player.isPlaying player.stop player.release initializeMediaPlayer buttonPlay.setEnabled true buttonStopPlay.setEnabled false playSeekBar.setVisibility.. percent Log.i Buffering percent @Override protected void onPause super.onPause if player.isPlaying player.stop in the XML main.xml code xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 and the android manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest..
Android: Keep MediaPlayer running during Activity screen orientation update changes now I tried making it static and using the Application Context to create it once . Of course when I remove the player.stop in onPause now it does what I want well until the Activity goes in the background. So two questions How can I determine..
Android background music service
Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android R.raw.angry if mailAnimation.isRunning mailAnimation.stop mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start else mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start .. if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start else mailAnimation.start if player.isPlaying player.stop player.start else player.start This is the code i have written in on click of a Button..... Resource file inside res drawable..
Android Stop Background Music I simply press home to exit because im DONE with this app and I do not need to hear that music anymore. OPTION 1 Call player.stop in an onPause override this is not what I want because background music stops when i leave the home activity for other activities.. music to 'skip' or be interrupted. OPTION 2 @Override protected void onPause super.onPause if this.isFinishing player.stop This is better because background music does not stop between activities and when I press BACK from my home activity the.. app that pesky background music keeps playing. ODDLY @Override protected void onStop super.onStop if this.isFinishing player.stop Does the same as onPause and i do understand the actual differences EDIT ALSO it doesnt seem to matter if player.stop is..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_MONO audioFormat this.recorderBufSize AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM this.recorder rec this.player.stop this.player.flush this.player.setPlaybackRate this.recordingSampleRate return catch IllegalArgumentException e Log.d.. recorder.stop if startRecThread null startRecThread.isAlive startRecThread.destroy startRecThread null player.stop player.flush Log.e LOG_TAG stop Recording private void stop if isRecording isRecording false stopRecording if isPlaying..
Android Boot-Up BroadCast Not invoking @Override public void onDestroy Toast.makeText this My Service Stopped Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Log.d TAG onDestroy player.stop @Override public void onStart Intent intent int startid Toast.makeText this My Service Started Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Log.d..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource causes IOException for valid file super.onResume protected void onPause super.onPause if player.getAudioSessionId 0 player.pause if isFinishing player.stop player.release Notice the final String variable near the top of the code snippet. If I replace that line with this public..