android Programming Glossary: plz
Pdf Viewer using mupdf library [closed] Windows system getting errors and .so file not building. plz guide. android mupdf pdfrenderer share improve this question..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] showAsAction never I want to display Overflow plz Suggest me .. Thanks in Advance.. android android actionbar..
Use external fonts in android textview.setTypeface face but it did not show the text... plz help.. android fonts android widget share improve this question..
Drag and drop images in android android src @drawable ball1 ImageView LinearLayout Anyone plz help me out..Trying all possible thing to solve it.. android..
Error while placing a spinner inside Activity Group activity running How can I solve this issue Can anyone plz help... Hi Please find the code for spinner attached setContentView..
add tab in a tabwidget on runtime i click on the tab2 i want to add tab3 in the tabwidget.. plz help me..... android share improve this question You can..
Rotate image in android clock wise. I had try but not rotate image both the way so plz give me solution for my problem if you know.. Thanks in Advance................... Not trusted server certificate 164 any one know abt it then plz help me thanks in advance.. android sockets share improve..
How To Display Border To Imageview? Result Like Mobile gallery all image display with border. plz give me ans thanks for advance.... android image imageview..
highlighting the selected item in the listview in android the click listener using to highlight the selected item. plz help me. Update I'm setting the background of the rows in the..
Database not copying from assets improve this question I am giving you the complete code plz reply if you success public class DataBaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper..
Android : Async task to show an AlertDialog responsecode 1 or not from the logcat to show the builder plz someone help me to solve this with some code snippet if possible...
R.styleable can not be resolved, why? widget android manifest share improve this question plz make values attrs.xml resources like this xml version 1.0 encoding..
How to convert wsdl to java? but i didn't get Axis2 Wizard in my eclipse IDE so any one plz help me to get out of this. Thanks @nagaraju. java android..
EditText stucks after animation and alive back on scrolling…? i really failed to judge why is this happening so guys plz help.... i have also pasted link of video below showing this..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot Hope this cleared things up if any errors plz tell. Edit added alarmsetter example public class AlarmSetter..
Enabling Wifi on Android Emulator
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result txt.setText names.get position return rowView plz help me out.... android share improve this question You..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app tv1.setText textContacts can anyone help me plz my android is 2.3.3 android android contacts share improve..
Using google-account to log in on Android Application to log in with their google account can someone help me plz android logging google account share improve this question..
How do I stop GC_CONCURRENT running so frequently? calls and what is the reason behind AudioTrack restart Plz Help... android audio audio recording android 2.3 share improve..
onclick button is not working in listview code as per below.. Listbutton is not working for me now.. Plz help me u can see code for quick reference in EfficientAdapter.JAVA..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically sitecode GWILLNYUSA 5 siteaddress 1 Radisson Plz Ste 803 New Rochelle USA companyname GoodWill Supplies and Construction..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method onDestroy the background process is still running. Plz tell me the right way to stop asynctask's doInBackground. This..
Google Maps api v2 class not found the lib project again and all but nothing seems to work . Plz help. This is the logcat output 05 16 08 53 34.327 E dalvikvm..
Google Play Service Is Not Woking On Emulator sd card 500 mb Any One Help Me to Get Out of This Issue Plz i am trying Since two days But Map is not loading On emulator..
Using Google Places API in Android the API. Any tutorials or samples will be of great help... Plz help guys.. android api share improve this question You..
Trivial: Get confirmation of email sent in android Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else Toast.makeText this Plz try again. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show share improve this answer..
creating an empty bitmap and drawing though canvas in android canvas to that bitmap and then draw any shape on bitmap. Plz provide some sample code for doing this job any help will be..
ListView .putExtra from DB Column the wrong row ID. I revised the below Activity. Any help Plz. THNX Within my Activities .onCreate REVISED final ListView..
How to get user information from twitter in android app? from twitter I am using twitter4j core android2.2.3.jar. Plz let me know is there a way to get user info. android twitter..
Creating RadioButtons programmatically the array. When i select an option then the text is shown. Plz help me. android radio button share improve this question..
Android: Can I chain Async task sequentially (starting one after the previous asynctask completes)
JSON object to listView listview work or i need to implement custom listview Plz your suggestions will help to solve this assignment.. Thanks..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result matching for the typed i cant get the result Plz tell where am i making mistake Below are my Activity and Adapter...
Pdf Viewer using mupdf library [closed] but when i try to form file using Cygwin on my Windows system getting errors and .so file not building. plz guide. android mupdf pdfrenderer share improve this question Download latest android NDK Install CYGWIN Download complete..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] menu_delete android icon @drawable ic_action_search android showAsAction never I want to display Overflow plz Suggest me .. Thanks in Advance.. android android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question NOTE With..
Use external fonts in android face face Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets font.otf textview.setTypeface face but it did not show the text... plz help.. android fonts android widget share improve this question AFAIK Android does not support OpenType. Use a TrueType..
Drag and drop images in android 50sp android layout_height 50sp android id @ id ball1 android src @drawable ball1 ImageView LinearLayout Anyone plz help me out..Trying all possible thing to solve it.. android image drag and drop ontouchlistener share improve this question..
Error while placing a spinner inside Activity Group LocalActivityRecord@43791b18 is not valid is your activity running How can I solve this issue Can anyone plz help... Hi Please find the code for spinner attached setContentView R.layout.requestinfo Spinner spinner Spinner findViewById..
add tab in a tabwidget on runtime the database one item is there having name say tab3 now when i click on the tab2 i want to add tab3 in the tabwidget.. plz help me..... android share improve this question You can add a tab at any time using the same newTabSpec addTab logic..
Rotate image in android rotate image in both the ways Clockwise as well as Anti clock wise. I had try but not rotate image both the way so plz give me solution for my problem if you know.. Thanks in Advance................. android share improve this question.. Not trusted server certificate 164 any one know abt it then plz help me thanks in advance.. android sockets share improve this question You are attempting to connect to an HTTPS URL..
How To Display Border To Imageview? Friends How To Display Border To Imageview I Want To Result Like Mobile gallery all image display with border. plz give me ans thanks for advance.... android image imageview border android imageview share improve this question You..
highlighting the selected item in the listview in android R.drawable.highlighter This is the code in the click listener using to highlight the selected item. plz help me. Update I'm setting the background of the rows in the adapter public int colors new int 0xFFedf5ff 0xFFFFFFFF public..
Database not copying from assets with the data arent. Any ideas java android sqlite share improve this question I am giving you the complete code plz reply if you success public class DataBaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper private Context mycontext private String DB_PATH..
Android : Async task to show an AlertDialog get a response in the logcat for that I should check the responsecode 1 or not from the logcat to show the builder plz someone help me to solve this with some code snippet if possible. Thanks in advance. this is the code where I need to implement..
R.styleable can not be resolved, why? 2.1 updated . android android layout android emulator android widget android manifest share improve this question plz make values attrs.xml resources like this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name
How to convert wsdl to java? into dropins folder in eclipse folder and restarted eclipse but i didn't get Axis2 Wizard in my eclipse IDE so any one plz help me to get out of this. Thanks @nagaraju. java android eclipse wsdl share improve this question Recently I have..
EditText stucks after animation and alive back on scrolling…? comes alive and when i stop scrolling it becomes dead again... i really failed to judge why is this happening so guys plz help.... i have also pasted link of video below showing this annoying behavior of my app http video..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot line uses permission android name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED Hope this cleared things up if any errors plz tell. Edit added alarmsetter example public class AlarmSetter extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive..
Enabling Wifi on Android Emulator
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result txt TextView rowView.findViewById else rowView.getTag txt.setText names.get position return rowView plz help me out.... android share improve this question You need to implement Filterable to your Adapter Class and Override..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app cursor.getColumnIndex People.NUMBER n while cursor.moveToNext tv1.setText textContacts can anyone help me plz my android is 2.3.3 android android contacts share improve this question Try following code it will help you Declare..
Using google-account to log in on Android Application developing an application on Android and i want to allow users to log in with their google account can someone help me plz android logging google account share improve this question You might want to authenticate the user using one of the..
How do I stop GC_CONCURRENT running so frequently? almost continuously. How can I minimize GArbage Colloection calls and what is the reason behind AudioTrack restart Plz Help... android audio audio recording android 2.3 share improve this question A temporaral solution of the problem..
onclick button is not working in listview i added scroll index to my listview and changed the code as per below.. Listbutton is not working for me now.. Plz help me u can see code for quick reference in EfficientAdapter.JAVA getview method holder.btnList.
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically 3839 Dilido Rd Dallas USA companyname sitecode GWILLNYUSA 5 siteaddress 1 Radisson Plz Ste 803 New Rochelle USA companyname GoodWill Supplies and Construction sitecode GWILLHQ siteaddress 543 Light Ray Street..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method object in that method. When i call this method from fragments onDestroy the background process is still running. Plz tell me the right way to stop asynctask's doInBackground. This is the class where asynctask is written public class CarDetail..
Google Maps api v2 class not found maps are not working. Tried a lot of things like importing the lib project again and all but nothing seems to work . Plz help. This is the logcat output 05 16 08 53 34.327 E dalvikvm 3422 Could not find class ''..
Google Play Service Is Not Woking On Emulator TARGER Google APIs Api Level 15 internal storage 200 mib sd card 500 mb Any One Help Me to Get Out of This Issue Plz i am trying Since two days But Map is not loading On emulator android share improve this question You need any of the..
Using Google Places API in Android here ... But anyone could please simply the use of the API. Any tutorials or samples will be of great help... Plz help guys.. android api share improve this question You could try this tutorial http 2010 08..
Trivial: Get confirmation of email sent in android
creating an empty bitmap and drawing though canvas in android android Hi friends i want to create an empty bitmap and set canvas to that bitmap and then draw any shape on bitmap. Plz provide some sample code for doing this job any help will be appreciated android bitmap drawing android canvas share..
ListView .putExtra from DB Column I am now getting data passed but my method is returning the wrong row ID. I revised the below Activity. Any help Plz. THNX Within my Activities .onCreate REVISED final ListView lv getListView lv.setTextFilterEnabled true lv.setOnItemClickListener..
How to get user information from twitter in android app? facebook with facebook.request me Now how to get user info from twitter I am using twitter4j core android2.2.3.jar. Plz let me know is there a way to get user info. android twitter twitter api twitter4j share improve this question Finally..
Creating RadioButtons programmatically to array element pro grammatically and set the text from the array. When i select an option then the text is shown. Plz help me. android radio button share improve this question You must add the radio buttons to a RadioGroup and then the..
Android: Can I chain Async task sequentially (starting one after the previous asynctask completes)
JSON object to listView i need to parse data and convert into String array so simple listview work or i need to implement custom listview Plz your suggestions will help to solve this assignment.. Thanks in advance. android json parsing listview object share improve..
List Filter Custom Adapter dont give result moment i will type something in editText i should get the result matching for the typed i cant get the result Plz tell where am i making mistake Below are my Activity and Adapter. Activity public class ListFilterActivity extends ListActivity..