android Programming Glossary: pli
How to create a background with Image, Rounded Corners without borders file d 0B3dxhm5xm1sia2NfM3VKTXNjUnc edit pli 1 Here's another link How to make an ImageView to have rounded..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size Application apk Maximum size I am going to install first application.. apk Maximum size I am going to install first application in my android phone but having some doubts related to.. When we install any apk file in real phone where does application installed in SD card or other memory I have referred this..
Android, Finish all activities need to finish all the activities running in an Android application when an exit button is clicked. How can I do that What.. with an EXIT option. When I click the Exit menu the application should close. android share improve this question .. You should not implement an Exit button in an Android application. Read http group android developers..
How to record call in android? Is it possible? android developers browse_thread thread c2bc85eb60ae2aa5 pli 1 http p android issues detail id 2117#c226..
Prevent Activity Stack from being Restored? Activity Stack from being Restored When an application's process is killed its activity stack is saved. Then.. is killed its activity stack is saved. Then when the application is restarted all my activities resume and run into null.. to accommodate this event I would rather just have my application start with the base activity and not try to re create..
What's the best way to learn Smali (and how/when to use Dalvik VM opcodes)? gives good concepts. http group apktool pli 1 Some discussions there are worth reading through. Also a good..
Twitter API not accepting callback URL for Android App was xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 hash error Desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob' error request.. oauth request_token request hash For me the problem was application type in the Twitter application settings needed to be.. For me the problem was application type in the Twitter application settings needed to be set to Browser . Problem was that..
Get datetime from network provider? android developers browse_thread thread d5ce3bcfe17e272b pli 1 So just a heads up that Android uses NITZ events provided..
Android How to adjust layout in Full Screen Mode when softkeyboard is visible http android 2009 04 updating applications for on screen.html http 2011 08 30 android.. group android developers msg 5690ac3a9819a53b pli 1 fullscreen mode doesn't resize share improve this answer..
How to implement yearly and monthly repeating alarms? android developers browse_thread thread 9f946e40307073c4 pli 1 Is any other way available to do this Any help appreciated...
Bug : Theme.Translucent & FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT android developers browse_thread thread 269c67f6b39cfe45 pli 1 android launchMode of singleTask or singleInstance are not.. and singleInstance are not appropriate for most applications since they result in an interaction model that is likely.. to users and is very different from most other applications. http guide topics manifest activity..
How to create a background with Image, Rounded Corners without borders with rounded corners The sample can be downloaded @ https file d 0B3dxhm5xm1sia2NfM3VKTXNjUnc edit pli 1 Here's another link How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners Another link http p 184 public class ImageHelper..
Android - Application (apk) Maximum size Application apk Maximum size I am going to install first application in my android phone but having some doubts related to Android.. Application apk Maximum size I am going to install first application in my android phone but having some doubts related to Android Memory Maximum size of APK . So please help me know.. maximum size of the apk that can be supported by the android When we install any apk file in real phone where does application installed in SD card or other memory I have referred this link http group android developers browse_thread..
Android, Finish all activities Finish all activities I need to finish all the activities running in an Android application when an exit button is clicked. How can I do that What I want An option menu on screen with an EXIT option. When I.. clicked. How can I do that What I want An option menu on screen with an EXIT option. When I click the Exit menu the application should close. android share improve this question You should not implement an Exit button in an Android application... should close. android share improve this question You should not implement an Exit button in an Android application. Read http group android developers browse_thread thread 1bf0f7a4a9c62edd a0a4aedf21ae5f76 pli 1..
How to record call in android? Is it possible? code snippet Also Is this true http group android developers browse_thread thread c2bc85eb60ae2aa5 pli 1 http p android issues detail id 2117#c226 Thanks in Advance. android telephony system calls share improve..
Prevent Activity Stack from being Restored? Activity Stack from being Restored When an application's process is killed its activity stack is saved. Then when the application is restarted all my activities resume and.. Stack from being Restored When an application's process is killed its activity stack is saved. Then when the application is restarted all my activities resume and run into null pointers. Rather than modify every activity to accommodate.. and run into null pointers. Rather than modify every activity to accommodate this event I would rather just have my application start with the base activity and not try to re create the activity stack. Is this possible I know about Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP..
What's the best way to learn Smali (and how/when to use Dalvik VM opcodes)? guide.html Smali syntax is based on Jasmin so this gives good concepts. http group apktool pli 1 Some discussions there are worth reading through. Also a good place to search for when you're stuck in something. And..
Twitter API not accepting callback URL for Android App since I knew the URL was good. The response from the server was xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 hash error Desktop applications only support the oauth_callback value 'oob' error request oauth request_token request hash For me the problem was.. only support the oauth_callback value 'oob' error request oauth request_token request hash For me the problem was application type in the Twitter application settings needed to be set to Browser . Problem was that twitter changed their interface.. value 'oob' error request oauth request_token request hash For me the problem was application type in the Twitter application settings needed to be set to Browser . Problem was that twitter changed their interface and removed the application..
Get datetime from network provider? use a custom NITZ or NTP Library http group android developers browse_thread thread d5ce3bcfe17e272b pli 1 So just a heads up that Android uses NITZ events provided by a carrier to properly set the system date and time. Android..
Android How to adjust layout in Full Screen Mode when softkeyboard is visible links and have looked many posts here related to this issue http android 2009 04 updating applications for on screen.html http 2011 08 30 android how to float a row above keyboard Here is xml code xml..
How to implement yearly and monthly repeating alarms? ownerUserId satya reportId 3503 http group android developers browse_thread thread 9f946e40307073c4 pli 1 Is any other way available to do this Any help appreciated. android share improve this question I think that you..
Bug : Theme.Translucent & FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT Interesting unanswered question http group android developers browse_thread thread 269c67f6b39cfe45 pli 1 android launchMode of singleTask or singleInstance are not wanted to be used. These change the backstack and move activities.. their own stack. Therefore we don't have A B C any more. singleTask and singleInstance are not appropriate for most applications since they result in an interaction model that is likely to be unfamiliar to users and is very different from most.. they result in an interaction model that is likely to be unfamiliar to users and is very different from most other applications. http guide topics manifest activity element.html#lmode Anyone who wants a visual representation..