android Programming Glossary: paddingbottom
Android ListView headers android gravity center android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip android paddingTop 1dip android text sample android textColor.. linksClickable false android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip android paddingTop 1dip android text sample android textColor.. android gravity center android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip android paddingTop 1dip android text sample android textColor..
Caching images and displaying match_parent android layout_height match_parent android paddingBottom @dimen activity_vertical_margin android paddingLeft @dimen activity_horizontal_margin..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button match_parent android layout_height match_parent android paddingBottom @dimen activity_vertical_margin android paddingLeft @dimen activity_horizontal_margin..
Android - shadow on text? item name android paddingLeft 4px item item name android paddingBottom 4px item item name android textColor #ffffffff item item name..
Background ListView becomes black when scrolling android paddingRight 15px android paddingTop 5px android paddingBottom 5px android layout_height wrap_content android src @drawable.. layout_height wrap_content android paddingTop 5px android paddingBottom 5px android textSize 16sp android textColor #000000 android..
Playing a video in VideoView in Android apk res android android paddingTop 2px android paddingBottom 2px android layout_width fill_parent android orientation vertical..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? android textSize 14dip android textStyle italic android paddingBottom 10dip TextView android id @ id infoDescription android layout_width.. android textColor #ffffff android textSize 14dip android paddingBottom 10dip TextView android layout_width wrap_content android..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow android paddingTop 4px android paddingRight 8px android paddingBottom 9px android src @drawable pic1 to get a fairly good result..
How to add a footer in ListView? layout_height wrap_content android paddingTop 7dip android paddingBottom 7dip android orientation horizontal android gravity center LinearLayout..
custom row in a listPreference? fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android paddingBottom 8dip android paddingTop 8dip android paddingLeft 10dip android..
Inflate a view / layout into another layout? android textSize 16pt android paddingTop 10px android paddingBottom 10px android gravity center TextView TableLayout android layout_width..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView android paddingRight 5px android paddingTop 3px android paddingBottom 3px android textStyle bold android textSize 18px android layout_gravity..
How to change color and font on ListView android textSize 20px android paddingTop 10dip android paddingBottom 10dip LinearLayout Use the TextView api's to decorate your text..
Gesture detection and ScrollView issue android paddingRight 7dp android paddingTop 10dp android paddingBottom 10dp ViewFlipper android id @ id product_gallery android..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? text @string app_name android paddingTop 4dip android paddingBottom 4dip android paddingLeft 6dip android textStyle bold android..
Android ListView headers android layout_margin 5dip android clickable false android gravity center android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip android paddingTop 1dip android text sample android textColor #ff7f1d android textSize 17dip android textStyle bold.. 5dip android clickable false android gravity center android linksClickable false android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip android paddingTop 1dip android text sample android textColor #6d6d6d android textSize 17dip LinearLayout LinearLayout.. android layout_margin 5dip android clickable false android gravity center android longClickable false android paddingBottom 1dip android paddingTop 1dip android text sample android textColor #ff7f1d android textSize 17dip android textStyle bold..
Caching images and displaying tools http tools android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android paddingBottom @dimen activity_vertical_margin android paddingLeft @dimen activity_horizontal_margin android paddingRight @dimen activity_horizontal_margin..
Android: Get Selected Item Using Checkbox in Listview when I click a Button tools http tools android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android paddingBottom @dimen activity_vertical_margin android paddingLeft @dimen activity_horizontal_margin android paddingRight @dimen activity_horizontal_margin..
Android - shadow on text? source code for Ringdroid style name AudioFileInfoOverlayText item name android paddingLeft 4px item item name android paddingBottom 4px item item name android textColor #ffffffff item item name android textSize 12sp item item name android shadowColor #000000..
Background ListView becomes black when scrolling android layout_width wrap_content android paddingLeft 10px android paddingRight 15px android paddingTop 5px android paddingBottom 5px android layout_height wrap_content android src @drawable bg_image TextView android layout_width wrap_content android.. bg_image TextView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android paddingTop 5px android paddingBottom 5px android textSize 16sp android textColor #000000 android layout_gravity center android maxHeight 50px LinearLayout As..
Playing a video in VideoView in Android 2px android paddingRight 2px xmlns android http apk res android android paddingTop 2px android paddingBottom 2px android layout_width fill_parent android orientation vertical VideoView android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? layout_height wrap_content android textColor #ffffff android textSize 14dip android textStyle italic android paddingBottom 10dip TextView android id @ id infoDescription android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content.. wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android textColor #ffffff android textSize 14dip android paddingBottom 10dip TextView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android textColor #ffcc00 android..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow
How to add a footer in ListView? apk res android android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android paddingTop 7dip android paddingBottom 7dip android orientation horizontal android gravity center LinearLayout android id @ id footer_layout android layout_width..
custom row in a listPreference? res android android orientation vertical android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android paddingBottom 8dip android paddingTop 8dip android paddingLeft 10dip android paddingRight 10dip TableLayout android id @ id custom_list_view_row_table_layout..
Inflate a view / layout into another layout? layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent android textSize 16pt android paddingTop 10px android paddingBottom 10px android gravity center TextView TableLayout android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView TextView android id @ id parentname android paddingLeft 5px android paddingRight 5px android paddingTop 3px android paddingBottom 3px android textStyle bold android textSize 18px android layout_gravity fill_horizontal android gravity left android layout_height..
How to change color and font on ListView android layout_height wrap_content android id @ id textView android textSize 20px android paddingTop 10dip android paddingBottom 10dip LinearLayout Use the TextView api's to decorate your text to your liking and you will be using it like this listAdapter..
Gesture detection and ScrollView issue android layout_height wrap_content android paddingLeft 7dp android paddingRight 7dp android paddingTop 10dp android paddingBottom 10dp ViewFlipper android id @ id product_gallery android clickable true android focusable false android layout_width..
Hiding Title in a Fullscreen mode? fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text @string app_name android paddingTop 4dip android paddingBottom 4dip android paddingLeft 6dip android textStyle bold android shadowColor #BB000000 android shadowRadius 3.0 android shadowDy..