android Programming Glossary: p0
Injecting code into APK in every original smali file in the app. Example .method public onCreate Landroid os Bundle V .locals 1 invoke virtual p0 p1 Lxxx xxxx Xxxx xxxxXxxxx Landroid os Bundle V const 4 v0 0x1 invoke static p0 v0 Lcom amazon android Kiwi onCreate Landroid.. os Bundle V .locals 1 invoke virtual p0 p1 Lxxx xxxx Xxxx xxxxXxxxx Landroid os Bundle V const 4 v0 0x1 invoke static p0 v0 Lcom amazon android Kiwi onCreate Landroid app Activity Z V return void .end method Conclusions The method involves injecting..
Android: How to use SensorManager.getAltitude(float p0, float p)? How to use SensorManager.getAltitude float p0 float p I found an alternative way to obtain altitude by using SensorManager but it requires two paramaters. public static.. way to obtain altitude by using SensorManager but it requires two paramaters. public static float getAltitude float p0 float p Computes the Altitude in meters from the atmospheric pressure and the pressure at sea level. p0 pressure at sea.. float p0 float p Computes the Altitude in meters from the atmospheric pressure and the pressure at sea level. p0 pressure at sea level p atmospheric pressure Would you teach us on how to use it by practical example code snippet. UPDATES1..