android Programming Glossary: pad
Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping? of time. Note This is intended to allow user agents to pad timeouts as needed to optimise the power usage of the device...
How do I show the number keyboard on an EditText in android in android I just basically want to switch to the number pad mode as soon a certain EditText has the focus. android keyboard..
Encryption error on Android 4.2 stack trace is W package .UtilsEncryption decrypt 16414 pad block corrupted W System.err 16414 javax.crypto.BadPaddingException.. W System.err 16414 javax.crypto.BadPaddingException pad block corrupted W System.err 16414 at
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work 4.2 in Android 4.2 I get javax.crypto.BadPaddingException pad block corrupted at
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text setDate_time_EditTExt.setText new StringBuilder .append pad hour .append .append pad minute private static String pad.. new StringBuilder .append pad hour .append .append pad minute private static String pad int c if c 10 return String.valueOf.. hour .append .append pad minute private static String pad int c if c 10 return String.valueOf c else return 0 String.valueOf..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts
ListSelector applies to the entire list works exactly how I want it to work. Including using the D pad to select a row and click it with enter. Getting the highlighting..
Numeric Soft Keyboard on Android Configuration.KEYBOARD_QWERTY This shows the normal key pad with the numeric version first yet allows you to switch between..
Using Android, how can I select rows from a ListView which contains Button controls That will prevent your app from being navigable with a d pad trackball arrow keys or what have you. You want your list items..
BouncyCastle AES error when upgrading to 1.45 1.45 I get this exception javax.crypto.BadPaddingException pad block corrupted at org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.JCEBlockCipher.engineDoFinal..
Use “ENTER” key on softkeyboard instead of clicking button addCourseFromTextBox when either the enter key or the d pad is clicked. addCourseText EditText findViewById
Android Emulator Keyboard not displaying share improve this question Press CTRL F11 or num pad 7 to enable an onscreen keyboard within the OS. I don't think..
How do I get the Android tablet emulator to be right-side up? entirely I have already tried doing Ctrl F11 or the Num pad same result android share improve this question open your..
Is it possible to share my internet connection from pc to android via usb? [closed] from pc to android via usb closed I've an Asus eee pad connected to my PC using USB. I want to use the PC Internet..
'Missing contentDescription attribute on image' in XML including text to speech haptic feedback trackball and D pad navigation that augment their experience. Android application.. with a directional controller such as a trackball or D pad. Test your application by turning on accessibility services..
Are there any standards for mobile device web browsers in terms of thread sleeping? explicit 9 Optionally wait a further user agent defined length of time. Note This is intended to allow user agents to pad timeouts as needed to optimise the power usage of the device. For example some processors have a low power mode where the..
How do I show the number keyboard on an EditText in android do I show the number keyboard on an EditText in android I just basically want to switch to the number pad mode as soon a certain EditText has the focus. android keyboard numbers edittext share improve this question You can..
Encryption error on Android 4.2 the exception is byte encrypted cipher.doFinal value The full stack trace is W package .UtilsEncryption decrypt 16414 pad block corrupted W System.err 16414 javax.crypto.BadPaddingException pad block corrupted W System.err 16414 at is W package .UtilsEncryption decrypt 16414 pad block corrupted W System.err 16414 javax.crypto.BadPaddingException pad block corrupted W System.err 16414 at
Android 4.2 broke my encrypt/decrypt code and the provided solutions don't work work for me because when decoding data encrypted in Android 4.2 in Android 4.2 I get javax.crypto.BadPaddingException pad block corrupted at
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text minute selectedMinute set current time into TextView setDate_time_EditTExt.setText new StringBuilder .append pad hour .append .append pad minute private static String pad int c if c 10 return String.valueOf c else return 0 String.valueOf.. set current time into TextView setDate_time_EditTExt.setText new StringBuilder .append pad hour .append .append pad minute private static String pad int c if c 10 return String.valueOf c else return 0 String.valueOf c I want to set date.. setDate_time_EditTExt.setText new StringBuilder .append pad hour .append .append pad minute private static String pad int c if c 10 return String.valueOf c else return 0 String.valueOf c I want to set date and time from the dame dialog fragment....
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts
ListSelector applies to the entire list list_selector android drawSelectorOnTop true Now it works exactly how I want it to work. Including using the D pad to select a row and click it with enter. Getting the highlighting and subsequent pressing colors exactly how they should..
Numeric Soft Keyboard on Android share improve this question editTextField.setRawInputType Configuration.KEYBOARD_QWERTY This shows the normal key pad with the numeric version first yet allows you to switch between them. getInput.setRawInputType Configuration.KEYBOARD_12KEY..
Using Android, how can I select rows from a ListView which contains Button controls not setting focusable false on your buttons or the like. That will prevent your app from being navigable with a d pad trackball arrow keys or what have you. You want your list items to be able to control their own focus properties. You want..
BouncyCastle AES error when upgrading to 1.45 byte decrypted cipher.doFinal encrypted When using BC 1.45 I get this exception javax.crypto.BadPaddingException pad block corrupted at org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.JCEBlockCipher.engineDoFinal 715 at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal..
Use “ENTER” key on softkeyboard instead of clicking button an EditText named addCourseText which will call the function addCourseFromTextBox when either the enter key or the d pad is clicked. addCourseText EditText findViewById addCourseText.setOnKeyListener new OnKeyListener public..
Android Emulator Keyboard not displaying enabled. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. android share improve this question Press CTRL F11 or num pad 7 to enable an onscreen keyboard within the OS. I don't think the 3.0 emulator has an equivalent keyboard interface the..
How do I get the Android tablet emulator to be right-side up? a way to rotate it the other way or am I missing something entirely I have already tried doing Ctrl F11 or the Num pad same result android share improve this question open your androidmanifest file. In the application tab select an activity...
Is it possible to share my internet connection from pc to android via usb? [closed] it possible to share my internet connection from pc to android via usb closed I've an Asus eee pad connected to my PC using USB. I want to use the PC Internet on my Android device. How can I use PC Internet Connection from..
'Missing contentDescription attribute on image' in XML for helping these users navigate their devices more easily including text to speech haptic feedback trackball and D pad navigation that augment their experience. Android application developers can take advantage of these services to make their.. attribute. Make all of your user interface elements accessible with a directional controller such as a trackball or D pad. Test your application by turning on accessibility services like TalkBack and Explore by Touch and try using your application..