android Programming Glossary: pack
Video streaming from Android device to LAMP Server tmp '' foreach str_split moov_pos_ex 2 as hex tmp . pack 'C ' hexdec hex fwrite handle tmp fclose handle echo phone..
Swipe half page in a ViewPager (from compatibility pack) half page in a ViewPager from compatibility pack I am using a ViewPager with a PageAdapter from the compatibility.. a ViewPager with a PageAdapter from the compatibility pack v4 to swipe among a horizontal list of boxes. The problem is..
LibGDX - Application crashes when call TiledMapRenderer.render() I found what caused the error 1 all the tiles in my packfile had 1 as their index 2 all the tiles in my packfile had.. in my packfile had 1 as their index 2 all the tiles in my packfile had the same name as their original tile file name but not.. the same name as the .png file containing all the tiles packed. Currently my screen is black so I think no tile is draw probably..
Up navigation broken on JellyBean? tested on Galaxy Nexus 4.1.1 and emulator 4.2 Google exp pack . It works even on ICS. I'm using support lib and classes like..
Get a list of available Content Providers with GET_PROVIDERS . EDIT example for PackageInfo pack getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS.. PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS ProviderInfo providers pack.providers if providers null for ProviderInfo provider providers..
Android HttpPost: how to get the result mob 919895865899 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair pack 0 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair exchk 1 try httppost.setEntity..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity Security Deleted the sdk folder installed the starter pack and all the API levels. Deleted c users Got rid..
Access database of another app share data. I would like to create a utility that I can pack with a csv file sign and package the apk and when I run it on.. create a utility that I can pack with a csv file sign and package the apk and when I run it on my device I would like for that..
Android ViewPager and ListViews to implement into a ViewPager. I've got the compatibility pack loaded and everything. But I haven't seen any complete examples..
Android: How do I get string from resources using its name? dynamically in my app spec.setContent String pack getPackageName String id tab_Books_ Central.lang int i Central.Res.getIdentifier.. Central.lang int i Central.Res.getIdentifier id string pack String str Central.Res.getString i My problem is that i 0. This..
Using MessagePack with Android app Is it possible I have tried to use the Jar from msgpack java and received the following Exception Caused by java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError.. Caused by java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.msgpack.Packer.pack 532 at org.msgpack.MessagePack.pack.. at org.msgpack.Packer.pack 532 at org.msgpack.MessagePack.pack
How to kill currently running task in android a am.getRunningTasks Integer.MAX_VALUE PackageManager pack this.getPackageManager for int i 0 i a.size i String packageName.. pack this.getPackageManager for int i 0 i a.size i String packageName a.get i .topActivity.getPackageName Drawable d null.. Drawable d null String appName try d pack.getApplicationIcon packageName appName String pack.getApplicationLabel..
Video streaming from Android device to LAMP Server dechex moov_pos 24 8 0 STR_PAD_LEFT fwrite handle threegp_header tmp '' foreach str_split moov_pos_ex 2 as hex tmp . pack 'C ' hexdec hex fwrite handle tmp fclose handle echo phone disconnected n @fclose handle fclose socket after some experiments..
Swipe half page in a ViewPager (from compatibility pack) half page in a ViewPager from compatibility pack I am using a ViewPager with a PageAdapter from the compatibility pack v4 to swipe among a horizontal list of boxes. The.. half page in a ViewPager from compatibility pack I am using a ViewPager with a PageAdapter from the compatibility pack v4 to swipe among a horizontal list of boxes. The problem is that my second box from the first page is the first box in..
LibGDX - Application crashes when call TiledMapRenderer.render() mad java android 2d render libgdx share improve this question I found what caused the error 1 all the tiles in my packfile had 1 as their index 2 all the tiles in my packfile had the same name as their original tile file name but not the same.. question I found what caused the error 1 all the tiles in my packfile had 1 as their index 2 all the tiles in my packfile had the same name as their original tile file name but not the same name as the .png file containing all the tiles packed... had the same name as their original tile file name but not the same name as the .png file containing all the tiles packed. Currently my screen is black so I think no tile is draw probably because I gave random indexes to the tiles in the packfile..
Up navigation broken on JellyBean? and it's working just fine on every Android before Jelly Bean tested on Galaxy Nexus 4.1.1 and emulator 4.2 Google exp pack . It works even on ICS. I'm using support lib and classes like NavUtils and TaskStackBuilder like in sample that I pointed..
Get a list of available Content Providers It should be possible by calling PackageManager.getInstalledPackages with GET_PROVIDERS . EDIT example for PackageInfo pack getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS ProviderInfo providers pack.providers if providers.. for PackageInfo pack getPackageManager .getInstalledPackages PackageManager.GET_PROVIDERS ProviderInfo providers pack.providers if providers null for ProviderInfo provider providers Log.d Example provider provider.authority share improve..
Android HttpPost: how to get the result type 20 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair mob 919895865899 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair pack 0 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair exchk 1 try httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity nameValuePairs Log.d..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity the problem might be UPDATE 1540 GMT Turned off Norton Internet Security Deleted the sdk folder installed the starter pack and all the API levels. Deleted c users Got rid of all the AVDS Recreated one AVD Level 9 with Google maps..
Access database of another app your applications are signed with the same certificate you can share data. I would like to create a utility that I can pack with a csv file sign and package the apk and when I run it on my device I would like for that csv to be imported into another.. the same certificate you can share data. I would like to create a utility that I can pack with a csv file sign and package the apk and when I run it on my device I would like for that csv to be imported into another one of my apps database...
Android ViewPager and ListViews process for ViewPager. I have several ListViews that I want to implement into a ViewPager. I've got the compatibility pack loaded and everything. But I haven't seen any complete examples of how to do this. I learn best by looking at examples...
Android: How do I get string from resources using its name? акладки string Now I need to retrieve these values dynamically in my app spec.setContent String pack getPackageName String id tab_Books_ Central.lang int i Central.Res.getIdentifier id string pack String str Central.Res.getString.. String pack getPackageName String id tab_Books_ Central.lang int i Central.Res.getIdentifier id string pack String str Central.Res.getString i My problem is that i 0. This code is taken from here http blog 2009 11..
Using MessagePack with Android Android Has someone tried to use MessagePack with an Android app Is it possible I have tried to use the Jar from msgpack java and received the following Exception Caused by java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.msgpack.Packer.pack Jar from msgpack java and received the following Exception Caused by java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.msgpack.Packer.pack 532 at org.msgpack.MessagePack.pack 31 ... 15 more Caused by java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError.. java and received the following Exception Caused by java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.msgpack.Packer.pack 532 at org.msgpack.MessagePack.pack 31 ... 15 more Caused by java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError..
How to kill currently running task in android getSystemService Activity.ACTIVITY_SERVICE List RunningTaskInfo a am.getRunningTasks Integer.MAX_VALUE PackageManager pack this.getPackageManager for int i 0 i a.size i String packageName a.get i .topActivity.getPackageName Drawable d null String.. a am.getRunningTasks Integer.MAX_VALUE PackageManager pack this.getPackageManager for int i 0 i a.size i String packageName a.get i .topActivity.getPackageName Drawable d null String appName try d pack.getApplicationIcon packageName .. for int i 0 i a.size i String packageName a.get i .topActivity.getPackageName Drawable d null String appName try d pack.getApplicationIcon packageName appName String pack.getApplicationLabel pack.getApplicationInfo packageName PackageManager.GET_META_DATA..