android Programming Glossary: p.s
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted Please just provide alternative implementation of my code. P.S. The environment is Android OS 2.2 java android multithreading..
Why start using -libraryjars when I never needed it before? this hint was proguard admob can't find referenced class . P.S. Proguard's suggestion You may need to specify additional library..
READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16) permission is granted no more root powers are required. P.S The p.waitFor blocks on the Superuser app delaying your app..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] Faster than anything involving the creation of object. P.S Actually if you carefully look at a few mobile games you'll..
Making the Android emulator run faster that HAXM running Also don't forget install this one P.S. during AVD creation add emulation memory Hardware New Device.. Line Options window add qemu m 512 enable kvm click Run P.S. For Fedora for Ubuntu Mac In Android SDK Manager install Intel..
How to get current memory usage in android? that the number is used to convert from bytes to megabytes P.S we need to calculate total memory only once. so call point 1..
Finish parent and current activity in Android close the first app with A B after it starts the second. P.S. Take Falmarri's comment into consideration as you move forward..
Wake Android Device up android device up at a certain time. Any suggestions P.S. Wake up turn display on and maybe unlock phone android wakeup..
Android - Camera preview is sideways clockwise it doesn't appear to compensate it properly. P.S. Note the swapover of width and height in the appropriate rotations...
Intercept back button from soft keyboard of back button without creating custom InputMethodService P.S. I know how intercept back button in other cases onKeyDown or..
How to implement a view holder? to the beginning it looks http 0KjMa.png P.S my list have to be in alphabetic order android listview view..
how to implement both ontouch and also onfling in a same listview? velocityX float velocityY My fling event return flase P.S is it possible to comment the onclicklistener of listview and..
How to implement Android Pull-to-Refresh scroll the items on the ListView. Any recommendations P.S. I wonder when the official Twitter app source code is released...
Calling a java method from c++ in Android is wrong but it looks ok to me. Any ideas are welcome. P.S. I'm not a c c guy yet SOLUTION So I quite messed it up with..
android live wallpaper rescaling coding apps are easier than wallpaper. Good luck...George P.S. I'll throw in one more thing somewhere along the line you might..
Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation try to create a solution that uses both. Hope that Helps P.S. There are also ways to do this on many devices prior to 2.3..
Implementation of onScrollListener to detect the end of scrolling in a ListView of the method confused me a bit. Thanks in advance. P.S. I've seen some similar topics around but nothing helps me understanding..
Java httpPost into .asp form to use and what is more appropriate for your project. P.S. This POST solution is applied to my project but it may not..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? seem to be able to find how to do that. Is it possible P.S. I can retrieve the device make in the android code. So I suspect..
Customizing ActionBar Tabs on Android 4 of getActionBar . If you have any questions let me know. p.s. Also note that ActionBarSherlock provides all of the functionalities..
How to make a smaller RatingBar? yet but will be attempting in a day or so. Good luck p.s. Sorry was going to post a link to the source for you to poke..
Instant signal strength based on signal strengths from getNeighboringCellInfo . p.s. Not only God knows when PhoneStateListener will be triggered..
jni converting jstring to char * needs a char as url. How can I convert jstring in char p.s. Is there any advantage of using jcharArray in C i.e. Passing..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? know how to encode for both Android and IOS using one file p.s. I know all about html5 video and the fallback sources I just..
How to place views in a specific location (x, y coordinates) How can I do it. I am using relativelayout for the screen. p.s. I don't want to use absolutelayout params because it was truncated...
Android search with Fragments and it seems like this might be the best that you can do. p.s. If you use this approach you might have to pay special attention.. for some more information on how this might be done. p.p.s. You might also forget about the standard search interface completely..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted void resume mIsPaused false private void doStep Some code Please just provide alternative implementation of my code. P.S. The environment is Android OS 2.2 java android multithreading concurrency share improve this question The tools available..
Why start using -libraryjars when I never needed it before? For the record the search phrase that led me to finding this hint was proguard admob can't find referenced class . P.S. Proguard's suggestion You may need to specify additional library jars using ' libraryjars' wasn't even in the right direction.....
READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16) This code should be called from your onCreate . Once the permission is granted no more root powers are required. P.S The p.waitFor blocks on the Superuser app delaying your app start and potentially cause an ANR. share improve this answer..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] notch mobile games like say Uniwar . And it's fast. Darn fast. Faster than anything involving the creation of object. P.S Actually if you carefully look at a few mobile games you'll notice that often fonts are actually not system Java fonts but..
Making the Android emulator run faster AVD with Intel atom x86 CPU ABI Run emulator and check in console that HAXM running Also don't forget install this one P.S. during AVD creation add emulation memory Hardware New Device ram size set up value 512 or more Linux Install KVM open GOOGLE.. Target check Intel x86 AVD and in Additional Emulator Command Line Options window add qemu m 512 enable kvm click Run P.S. For Fedora for Ubuntu Mac In Android SDK Manager install Intel x86 Atom System Image In Android SDK Manager install Intel..
How to get current memory usage in android? kilobytes 1 megabyte 1024 1024 1048576 It's quite obvious that the number is used to convert from bytes to megabytes P.S we need to calculate total memory only once. so call point 1 only once in your code and then after you can call code of..
Finish parent and current activity in Android
Wake Android Device up Android Device up Hey i need to wake my sleeping android device up at a certain time. Any suggestions P.S. Wake up turn display on and maybe unlock phone android wakeup share improve this question Best is to use some appropriate..
Android - Camera preview is sideways
Intercept back button from soft keyboard to close soft keyboard and finish activity in one press of back button without creating custom InputMethodService P.S. I know how intercept back button in other cases onKeyDown or onBackPressed but in this case it doesn't works only second..
How to implement a view holder? sMbAD.png it looks like this and again if i scroll to the beginning it looks http 0KjMa.png P.S my list have to be in alphabetic order android listview view share improve this question You would need to write you..
how to implement both ontouch and also onfling in a same listview? public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY My fling event return flase P.S is it possible to comment the onclicklistener of listview and writing the same logic in any onTouchEvent but still i doubt..
How to implement Android Pull-to-Refresh we can detect if the drag touches to the ListView still really scroll the items on the ListView. Any recommendations P.S. I wonder when the official Twitter app source code is released. It has been mentioned that it will be released but 6 months..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android 22 Apparently it means that method name is wrong but it looks ok to me. Any ideas are welcome. P.S. I'm not a c c guy yet SOLUTION So I quite messed it up with c to c conversion basically env variable stuff but I got it..
android live wallpaper rescaling reference android app WallpaperManager.html This is not easy coding apps are easier than wallpaper. Good luck...George P.S. I'll throw in one more thing somewhere along the line you might want to retrieve the desired minimum width of the wallpaper..
Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation prominent on Android devices. Definitely pick one and don't try to create a solution that uses both. Hope that Helps P.S. There are also ways to do this on many devices prior to 2.3 using reflection because the code did exist...but I wouldn't..
Implementation of onScrollListener to detect the end of scrolling in a ListView The misalignment between the api reference and the actual behavior of the method confused me a bit. Thanks in advance. P.S. I've seen some similar topics around but nothing helps me understanding how the whole thing works.. android listview onscroll..
Java httpPost into .asp form urlcon_vs_httpclient.html So it depends what you prefer to use and what is more appropriate for your project. P.S. This POST solution is applied to my project but it may not work for yours.. Use Wireshark first and then see what kind..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? that are produced by that SPECIFIC manufacturer. I don't seem to be able to find how to do that. Is it possible P.S. I can retrieve the device make in the android code. So I suspect that the market app should be able to filter by the device..
Customizing ActionBar Tabs on Android 4 the Android SDK mostly just call getSupportActionBar instead of getActionBar . If you have any questions let me know. p.s. Also note that ActionBarSherlock provides all of the functionalities that the ViewPagerExtensions library provides and..
How to make a smaller RatingBar? pretty ratingbar showing how to do this. I haven't done it myself yet but will be attempting in a day or so. Good luck p.s. Sorry was going to post a link to the source for you to poke around in but I'm a new user and can't post more than 1 URL...
Instant signal strength
jni converting jstring to char * from java to C code as jstring data type. And my library method needs a char as url. How can I convert jstring in char p.s. Is there any advantage of using jcharArray in C i.e. Passing char instead of string in native method Thanks in advance..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? them so they actually work cross platform. Does anybody know how to encode for both Android and IOS using one file p.s. I know all about html5 video and the fallback sources I just don't want to encode and host a new video for every device..
How to place views in a specific location (x, y coordinates) . My first mission is to set the correct view in its place. How can I do it. I am using relativelayout for the screen. p.s. I don't want to use absolutelayout params because it was truncated. I will be happy to get an example or an explanation..
Android search with Fragments I'm sure there are ways that you can make it more modular and it seems like this might be the best that you can do. p.s. If you use this approach you might have to pay special attention to which Activitys are added removed to the backstack... Activitys are added removed to the backstack. See this post for some more information on how this might be done. p.p.s. You might also forget about the standard search interface completely and just implement a simple search within a Fragment..