android Programming Glossary: p2
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index Object o1 Object o2 Patient p1 Patient o1 Patient p2 Patient o2 return p1.getName .compareToIgnoreCase p2.getName.. p2 Patient o2 return p1.getName .compareToIgnoreCase p2.getName public int getCount return patientListArray.size..
onclick button is not working in listview compare Object o1 Object o2 Patient p1 Patient o1 Patient p2 Patient o2 return p1.getName .compareToIgnoreCase p2.getName.. p2 Patient o2 return p1.getName .compareToIgnoreCase p2.getName public int getCount return patientListArray.size public..
Android Maps API v2 draw circle .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat lng Point p2 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng.. new LatLng lat2 lng2 return Math.abs p1.x p2.x 3. bitmap creation private Bitmap getBitmap fill color Paint..
create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 I want to create soap envelope with security header in android.. soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2. My code of android is as... import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope.. using ksoap2. My code of android is as... import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope import org.ksoap2.SoapFault import org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo..
How to use Parcel in Android? Unmarshall a Foo from that byte array final Parcel p2 Parcel.obtain p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length final Foo result.. a Foo from that byte array final Parcel p2 Parcel.obtain p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length final Foo result Foo p2.readValue.. p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length final Foo result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader assertNotNull result FAIL..
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map new GeoPoint 37423157 122085008 Point p1 new Point Point p2 new Point Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels.. projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo p1.x p1.y canvas.drawPath.. gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo p1.x p1.y canvas.drawPath path mPaint courtesy..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) ... calculates those points for you p1 p2 p3 p4 in picture . Calculates the end point from a given source.. p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF p2 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 90 PointF p3 calculateDerivedPosition.. AND COL_X String.valueOf p1.x AND COL_Y String.valueOf p2.y AND COL_Y String.valueOf p4.y So you have some data that are..
adding multiple marker on google map in android how can i add new marker. I created second geoPoint named p2 and after that what should i do Thank you very much. android..
Performing login to https website via Android app Domain STUDENT nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair p2 https pls webexe aus_stars_check.check_subject_web2..
Exception when I run my application from Eclipse you have multiple PACKAGES like com.package.p1 com.package.p2 com.package.p3 .. And while starting you are in p1 and then.. .. And while starting you are in p1 and then moves on to p2 p3 ... and at that time you try to run it the Android..
Android ListView with fast scroll and alphabetical section index new Comparator Object @Override public int compare Object o1 Object o2 Patient p1 Patient o1 Patient p2 Patient o2 return p1.getName .compareToIgnoreCase p2.getName public int getCount return patientListArray.size public.. int compare Object o1 Object o2 Patient p1 Patient o1 Patient p2 Patient o2 return p1.getName .compareToIgnoreCase p2.getName public int getCount return patientListArray.size public Object getItem int position return position public long..
onclick button is not working in listview patientListArray new Comparator Object @Override public int compare Object o1 Object o2 Patient p1 Patient o1 Patient p2 Patient o2 return p1.getName .compareToIgnoreCase p2.getName public int getCount return patientListArray.size public Object.. int compare Object o1 Object o2 Patient p1 Patient o1 Patient p2 Patient o2 return p1.getName .compareToIgnoreCase p2.getName public int getCount return patientListArray.size public Object getItem int position return position public long..
Android Maps API v2 draw circle lng2 lng lng1 180 Math.PI Point p1 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat lng Point p2 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat2 lng2 return Math.abs p1.x p2.x 3. bitmap creation private.. LatLng lat lng Point p2 YourActivity.getMap .getProjection .toScreenLocation new LatLng lat2 lng2 return Math.abs p1.x p2.x 3. bitmap creation private Bitmap getBitmap fill color Paint paint1 new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG paint1.setColor 0x110000FF..
create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 I want to create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2. My code of android is as... import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope.. with security header in android using ksoap2 I want to create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2. My code of android is as... import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope import org.ksoap2.SoapFault import org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo.. want to create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2. My code of android is as... import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope import org.ksoap2.SoapFault import org.ksoap2.serialization.PropertyInfo import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject..
How to use Parcel in Android? contain a Parcelable assertEquals 4 bytes 0 Parcel.VAL_PARCELABLE Unmarshall a Foo from that byte array final Parcel p2 Parcel.obtain p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length final Foo result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader assertNotNull.. assertEquals 4 bytes 0 Parcel.VAL_PARCELABLE Unmarshall a Foo from that byte array final Parcel p2 Parcel.obtain p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length final Foo result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader assertNotNull result FAIL assertEquals.. a Foo from that byte array final Parcel p2 Parcel.obtain p2.unmarshall bytes 0 bytes.length final Foo result Foo p2.readValue Foo.class.getClassLoader assertNotNull result FAIL assertEquals orig.str result.str protected static class Foo..
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map 2 GeoPoint gP1 new GeoPoint 19240000 99120000 GeoPoint gP2 new GeoPoint 37423157 122085008 Point p1 new Point Point p2 new Point Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo.. Point p1 new Point Point p2 new Point Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo p1.x p1.y canvas.drawPath path mPaint courtesy Drawing a line path on Google Maps 2 Here's.. Point p2 new Point Path path new Path Projection projection.toPixels gP1 p1 projection.toPixels gP2 p2 path.moveTo p2.x p2.y path.lineTo p1.x p1.y canvas.drawPath path mPaint courtesy Drawing a line path on Google Maps 2 Here's what worked..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) in database are in that rectangle or not. The method calculateDerivedPosition ... calculates those points for you p1 p2 p3 p4 in picture . Calculates the end point from a given source at a given range meters and bearing degrees . This methods.. x y final double mult 1 mult 1.1 is more reliable PointF p1 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 0 PointF p2 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 90 PointF p3 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 180 PointF p4 calculateDerivedPosition.. center mult radius 270 strWhere WHERE COL_X String.valueOf p3.x AND COL_X String.valueOf p1.x AND COL_Y String.valueOf p2.y AND COL_Y String.valueOf p4.y So you have some data that are near your central point with a good approximation. 2 Now..
adding multiple marker on google map in android times. But why and when is it invoked The second question is how can i add new marker. I created second geoPoint named p2 and after that what should i do Thank you very much. android google maps mobile google maps markers share improve this..
Performing login to https website via Android app my password here nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair Domain STUDENT nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair p2 https pls webexe aus_stars_check.check_subject_web2 wv.loadData CustomHttpClient.executeHttpPost URL..
Exception when I run my application from Eclipse sharedUserId It seems like in your project you have multiple PACKAGES like com.package.p1 com.package.p2 com.package.p3 .. And while starting you are in p1 and then moves on to p2 p3 ... and at that time you try to run it