android Programming Glossary: pager.setcurrentitem
Error inflating class pager.setAdapter adapter pager.setCurrentItem 0 for some reason when I run this app I get this following..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically data adapter.notifyDataSetChanged pager.invalidate pager.setCurrentItem 0 MyFragmentAdapter class MyFragmentAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter..
how to create circular viewpager? [duplicate] int position int pageCount getCount if position 0 pager.setCurrentItem pageCount 2 false else if position pageCount 1 pager.setCurrentItem.. pageCount 2 false else if position pageCount 1 pager.setCurrentItem 1 false public void onPageScrolled int position float positionOffset..
Fix the Animation of a Circular ViewPager 4 pager.setAdapter new ViewPagerAdapter this articles pager.setCurrentItem articles.length ADAPTER public class ViewPagerAdapter extends..
Android set image as wallpaper pager.setAdapter new ImagePagerAdapter imageUrls pager.setCurrentItem pagerPosition public void setWallpaper WallpaperManager myWallpaperManager..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager might want to make newPage the currently displayed page pager.setCurrentItem pageIndex true Here's what the app should do to remove.. defunctPage . if pageIndex pagerAdapter.getCount pageIndex pager.setCurrentItem pageIndex Here's what the app should do to get the currently.. will crash. public void setCurrentPage View pageToShow pager.setCurrentItem pagerAdapter.getItemPosition pageToShow true Finally you can..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter int position int pageCount getCount if position 0 pager.setCurrentItem pageCount 2 false else if position pageCount 1 pager.setCurrentItem.. pageCount 2 false else if position pageCount 1 pager.setCurrentItem 1 false @Override public void onPageScrolled int position..
Error inflating class adapter new MyPagerAdapter ViewPager pager ViewPager findViewById pager.setAdapter adapter pager.setCurrentItem 0 for some reason when I run this app I get this following error list 05 28 09 38 54.535 E AndroidRuntime 18658 FATAL EXCEPTION..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically getSupportFragmentManager 6 this data adapter.setData data adapter.notifyDataSetChanged pager.invalidate pager.setCurrentItem 0 MyFragmentAdapter class MyFragmentAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter private int slideCount private Context context..
how to create circular viewpager? [duplicate] new OnPageChangeListener public void onPageSelected int position int pageCount getCount if position 0 pager.setCurrentItem pageCount 2 false else if position pageCount 1 pager.setCurrentItem 1 false public void onPageScrolled int position.. position int pageCount getCount if position 0 pager.setCurrentItem pageCount 2 false else if position pageCount 1 pager.setCurrentItem 1 false public void onPageScrolled int position float positionOffset int positionOffsetPixels TODO Auto generated method..
Fix the Animation of a Circular ViewPager String articles ARTICLE 1 ARTICLE 2 ARTICLE 3 ARTICLE 4 pager.setAdapter new ViewPagerAdapter this articles pager.setCurrentItem articles.length ADAPTER public class ViewPagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter private Context ctx private String articles private..
Android set image as wallpaper ImageScaleType.EXACT .build pager ViewPager findViewById pager.setAdapter new ImagePagerAdapter imageUrls pager.setCurrentItem pagerPosition public void setWallpaper WallpaperManager myWallpaperManager WallpaperManager.getInstance getApplicationContext..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager View newPage int pageIndex pagerAdapter.addView newPage You might want to make newPage the currently displayed page pager.setCurrentItem pageIndex true Here's what the app should do to remove a view from the ViewPager. public void removeView View defunctPage.. want to choose what page to display if the current page was defunctPage . if pageIndex pagerAdapter.getCount pageIndex pager.setCurrentItem pageIndex Here's what the app should do to get the currently displayed page. public View getCurrentPage return pagerAdapter.getView.. page. pageToShow must currently be in the adapter or this will crash. public void setCurrentPage View pageToShow pager.setCurrentItem pagerAdapter.getItemPosition pageToShow true Finally you can use the following for your main activity layout xml version..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter new OnPageChangeListener @Override public void onPageSelected int position int pageCount getCount if position 0 pager.setCurrentItem pageCount 2 false else if position pageCount 1 pager.setCurrentItem 1 false @Override public void onPageScrolled int.. position int pageCount getCount if position 0 pager.setCurrentItem pageCount 2 false else if position pageCount 1 pager.setCurrentItem 1 false @Override public void onPageScrolled int position float positionOffset int positionOffsetPixels TODO Auto generated..