android Programming Glossary: packaging
Face Recognition on Android artifactId version 0.1 SNAPSHOT version packaging jar packaging name opencvfacerecognizer name url http artifactId version 0.1 SNAPSHOT version packaging jar packaging name opencvfacerecognizer name url http url dependencies..
Speed up Android project build time in IntelliJ IDEA IDEA I am wondering if there is any way how to set skip packaging and dexing in IntelliJ IDEA like in Eclipse and ADT. There is.. In Eclipse preferences the complete name of skip packaging and dexing you are referring is Skip packaging and dexing until.. of skip packaging and dexing you are referring is Skip packaging and dexing until export or launch. Speeds up automatic builds..
Read content from APK expansion file (from obb file) google play expansion files.html Tip If you're packaging media files into a ZIP you can use media playback calls on the..
Android Library Gradle release JAR Library Gradle release JAR How can I release Jar packaging of android library project I've found classes.jar is located.. password nexusPassword pom.project name POM_NAME packaging POM_PACKAGING description POM_DESCRIPTION url POM_URL scm..
SchemaFactory doesn't support W3C XML Schema in platform level 8? share improve this question You might have some luck re packaging xerces with jarjar and then passing org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation.XMLSchemaFactory..
Custom Android build.xml for rename manifest package if you depend on any libraries they need to go into the packaging as well. Look into your file and you'll see..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD least worth a shot. You might also consider switching from packaging the binary database to packaging the SQL statements to build.. consider switching from packaging the binary database to packaging the SQL statements to build populate the database and executing..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack of smack can't be loaded in Android because its jar packaging. So all the providers must be initialized by hand as shown in..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? aapt command package versioncode version.code debug build.packaging.debug manifest AndroidManifest.xml assets asset.absolute.dir.. to true. default is false. We actually store build.packaging.debug not build.release xpath input AndroidManifest.xml expression.. manifest application @android debuggable output build.packaging.debug default false Enable proguard property name proguard.enabled..
Android Maven Plugin apklib Mojo doesn't include compiled R in resulting apklib of my resources as well as the compiled classes pom.xml packaging apklib packaging ... plugin groupId as well as the compiled classes pom.xml packaging apklib packaging ... plugin groupId
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException bit deeper in that subject and found a reason. Android apk packaging tool APKBuilder class from sdklib.jar ignores different folders..
How to consume reusable gui element/widget with resources in android the R18 version of tools or later the tools should support packaging reusable components in a JAR with resources in such a manner..
How to secure my app against piracy lets you obfuscate make harder to read your code during packaging. In order to prevent your important code from being read however..
Packaging Android resource files within a distributable Jar file Android resource files within a distributable Jar file I am..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory MyApp bin classes.dex... echo package resources echo Packaging resources aaptexec Creating full resource package... package.. MyApp bin classes.dex... echo package resources echo Packaging resources aaptexec Creating full resource package... package.. MyAppTests bin classes.dex... echo package resources echo Packaging resources aaptexec Creating full resource package... package..
Android Eclipse Error “Android Packaging Problem” Eclipse Error &ldquo Android Packaging Problem&rdquo I am getting an error in my Problems tab for.. for my Android Project in Eclipse. The error is Android Packaging Problem with an Unknown location. Unknown Error NullPointerException..
Android compilation is slow (using Eclipse) 19 46 24 Using default debug key to sign package 19 46 24 Packaging ... bin resources.ap_ 19 46 24 Packaging classes.dex ... 19.. package 19 46 24 Packaging ... bin resources.ap_ 19 46 24 Packaging classes.dex ... 19 46 25 Packaging ... annotations.jar 19 46.. resources.ap_ 19 46 24 Packaging classes.dex ... 19 46 25 Packaging ... annotations.jar 19 46 25 Build Success 19 46 25 Refreshing..
Custom Android build.xml for rename manifest package exec target sencod target name package resources echo Packaging resources echo aaptexec executable aapt command package manifest..
Android XML Percent Symbol xml share improve this question The Android Asset Packaging Tool aapt has become very strict in its latest release and is..
Android Packaging Problem: resources.ap_ does not exist Packaging Problem resources.ap_ does not exist I am trying to fix a problem..
Error launching first test application: Android Packaging Problem? launching first test application Android Packaging Problem Conversion to Dalvik format failed Unable to execute.. dex wrapper was not properly loaded first project Android Packaging Problem I've never worked with Java or eclipse before I'm following..
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? bin resources.ap_ does not exist NotesList Unknown Android Packaging Problem error Error String types not allowed at 'layout_height'..
How to build my HelloWorld Android application with Necessitas (qt port)? ant main_rules.xml 310 null returned 1 Total time 1 second Packaging Error Command ' home andrew eclipse apache ant 1.8.2 bin ant.. project test2 target Android When executing build step 'Packaging for Android' java android c qt qt necessitas share improve..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? in target name package resources echo Packaging resources echo aapt executable aapt command package versioncode..
Multiple Android Application Package .apk files from single source code or a free and paid version. This question IS NOT ABOUT Packaging shared code into Android libraries or into external Java jars..
Android Unknown Command 'crunch' Android SDK Platform Tool to 8 Rev and Android Asset Packaging Tool from android sdk manager and then it works. Have a try..
What is the use of the res/values/public.xml file on Android? name string3 String 3 string resources The Android Asset Packaging Tool aapt might assign the following resource IDs for these..
Face Recognition on Android 4.0.0 modelVersion groupId com.pcbje groupId artifactId opencvfacerecognizer artifactId version 0.1 SNAPSHOT version packaging jar packaging name opencvfacerecognizer name url http url dependencies dependency groupId com.googlecode.javacv.. groupId com.pcbje groupId artifactId opencvfacerecognizer artifactId version 0.1 SNAPSHOT version packaging jar packaging name opencvfacerecognizer name url http url dependencies dependency groupId com.googlecode.javacv groupId artifactId..
Speed up Android project build time in IntelliJ IDEA up Android project build time in IntelliJ IDEA I am wondering if there is any way how to set skip packaging and dexing in IntelliJ IDEA like in Eclipse and ADT. There is Additional VM Options field in Android DX Compiler section.. build intellij idea dex android build share improve this question In Eclipse preferences the complete name of skip packaging and dexing you are referring is Skip packaging and dexing until export or launch. Speeds up automatic builds on file save.. this question In Eclipse preferences the complete name of skip packaging and dexing you are referring is Skip packaging and dexing until export or launch. Speeds up automatic builds on file save which is a feature added since ADT 12 in orde..
Read content from APK expansion file (from obb file) with 0 No compression that is mention in http google play expansion files.html Tip If you're packaging media files into a ZIP you can use media playback calls on the files with offset and length controls such as MediaPlayer.setDataSource..
Android Library Gradle release JAR Library Gradle release JAR How can I release Jar packaging of android library project I've found classes.jar is located under build bundles release classes.jar and I suppose this.. url sonatypeRepositoryUrl authentication userName nexusUsername password nexusPassword pom.project name POM_NAME packaging POM_PACKAGING description POM_DESCRIPTION url POM_URL scm url POM_SCM_URL connection POM_SCM_CONNECTION developerConnection..
SchemaFactory doesn't support W3C XML Schema in platform level 8? for W3C XML Schema. android xml xml schema android 2.2 share improve this question You might have some luck re packaging xerces with jarjar and then passing org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation.XMLSchemaFactory to SchemaFactory.newInstance String..
Custom Android build.xml for rename manifest package root and built from the console by typing ant debug And if you depend on any libraries they need to go into the packaging as well. Look into your file and you'll see the reference to the lib. Then add that to the rule above..
Sqlite issues with HTC Desire HD read only database support But I would think it is at least worth a shot. You might also consider switching from packaging the binary database to packaging the SQL statements to build populate the database and executing them. While this will be.. But I would think it is at least worth a shot. You might also consider switching from packaging the binary database to packaging the SQL statements to build populate the database and executing them. While this will be slower much slower if you don't..
getSearchForm returns null when using UserSearch in XMPP with aSmack smack.providers file usually in META INF folder in normal versions of smack can't be loaded in Android because its jar packaging. So all the providers must be initialized by hand as shown in Mike Ryan's answer in this thread http
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? resources echo Packaging resources echo aapt executable aapt command package versioncode version.code debug build.packaging.debug manifest AndroidManifest.xml assets asset.absolute.dir androidjar android.jar apkfolder out.absolute.dir resourcefilename.. is only valid if the manifest does not explicitly set debuggable to true. default is false. We actually store build.packaging.debug not build.release xpath input AndroidManifest.xml expression manifest application @android debuggable output build.packaging.debug.. not build.release xpath input AndroidManifest.xml expression manifest application @android debuggable output build.packaging.debug default false Enable proguard property name proguard.enabled value true property name proguard.config value proguard.cfg..
Android Maven Plugin apklib Mojo doesn't include compiled R in resulting apklib a single package either .jar or .apklib that contains all of my resources as well as the compiled classes pom.xml packaging apklib packaging ... plugin groupId groupId artifactId android maven plugin.. either .jar or .apklib that contains all of my resources as well as the compiled classes pom.xml packaging apklib packaging ... plugin groupId groupId artifactId android maven plugin artifactId configuration..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException question Paul's suggestion is correct. I got a little bit deeper in that subject and found a reason. Android apk packaging tool APKBuilder class from sdklib.jar ignores different folders while it creates the package source . One of those folders..
How to consume reusable gui element/widget with resources in android app's project. Eventually which now appears like it will be the R18 version of tools or later the tools should support packaging reusable components in a JAR with resources in such a manner that you can add them to a host project and the resources will..
How to secure my app against piracy reverse engineer. Proguard is a tool provided by Android that lets you obfuscate make harder to read your code during packaging. In order to prevent your important code from being read however you will need to move all vulnerable methods or variables..
Packaging Android resource files within a distributable Jar file Android resource files within a distributable Jar file I am working on some reusable Android code that I would like to..
Can't build and run an android test project created using “ant create test-project” when tested project has jars in libs directory and external libraries into Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin classes.dex... echo package resources echo Packaging resources aaptexec Creating full resource package... package debug sign apkbuilder Creating MyApp debug unaligned.apk and.. and external libraries into Users mike Projects myapp android MyApp bin classes.dex... echo package resources echo Packaging resources aaptexec Creating full resource package... package debug sign apkbuilder Creating MyApp debug unaligned.apk and.. external libraries into Users mike Projects myapp android MyAppTests bin classes.dex... echo package resources echo Packaging resources aaptexec Creating full resource package... package debug sign apkbuilder Creating MyAppTests debug unaligned.apk..
Android Eclipse Error “Android Packaging Problem” Eclipse Error &ldquo Android Packaging Problem&rdquo I am getting an error in my Problems tab for my Android Project in Eclipse. The error is Android Packaging.. Problem&rdquo I am getting an error in my Problems tab for my Android Project in Eclipse. The error is Android Packaging Problem with an Unknown location. Unknown Error NullPointerException I cannot determine what this problem is. My project..
Android compilation is slow (using Eclipse) 19 46 21 processing com google inject util Types.class... 19 46 24 Using default debug key to sign package 19 46 24 Packaging ... bin resources.ap_ 19 46 24 Packaging classes.dex ... 19 46 25 Packaging ... annotations.jar 19 46 25 Build Success 19.. util Types.class... 19 46 24 Using default debug key to sign package 19 46 24 Packaging ... bin resources.ap_ 19 46 24 Packaging classes.dex ... 19 46 25 Packaging ... annotations.jar 19 46 25 Build Success 19 46 25 Refreshing resource folders. 19 46.. default debug key to sign package 19 46 24 Packaging ... bin resources.ap_ 19 46 24 Packaging classes.dex ... 19 46 25 Packaging ... annotations.jar 19 46 25 Build Success 19 46 25 Refreshing resource folders. 19 46 25 Starting incremental Pre Compiler..
Custom Android build.xml for rename manifest package arg path resource.absolute.dir arg value I arg path android.jar exec target sencod target name package resources echo Packaging resources echo aaptexec executable aapt command package manifest AndroidManifest.xml resources resource.absolute.dir assets..
Android XML Percent Symbol error Found tag item where string array is expected android xml share improve this question The Android Asset Packaging Tool aapt has become very strict in its latest release and is now used for all Android versions. The aapt error you're getting..
Android Packaging Problem: resources.ap_ does not exist Packaging Problem resources.ap_ does not exist I am trying to fix a problem in Eclipse for like 3 hours and I haven't made any progress...
Error launching first test application: Android Packaging Problem? launching first test application Android Packaging Problem Conversion to Dalvik format failed Unable to execute dex wrapper was not properly loaded first project Android.. Conversion to Dalvik format failed Unable to execute dex wrapper was not properly loaded first project Android Packaging Problem I've never worked with Java or eclipse before I'm following this introductory guide and all searches via google..
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? C sb workspace NotesList bin resources.ap_ does not exist NotesList Unknown Android Packaging Problem error Error String types not allowed at 'layout_height' with value 'match_parent' . note_editor.xml NotesList res..
How to build my HelloWorld Android application with Necessitas (qt port)? FAILED home andrew eclipse android sdk linux_x86 tools ant main_rules.xml 310 null returned 1 Total time 1 second Packaging Error Command ' home andrew eclipse apache ant 1.8.2 bin ant debug' failed.Exit code 1 Error while building project test2.. 1.8.2 bin ant debug' failed.Exit code 1 Error while building project test2 target Android When executing build step 'Packaging for Android' java android c qt qt necessitas share improve this question Sounds for me as if you did not select any..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? custom apk with specific configuration have been declared in target name package resources echo Packaging resources echo aapt executable aapt command package versioncode version.code debug build.packaging.debug manifest AndroidManifest.xml..
Multiple Android Application Package .apk files from single source code specific versions for markets with different requirements or a free and paid version. This question IS NOT ABOUT Packaging shared code into Android libraries or into external Java jars Producing a debug vs. signed release .apk Google says you..
Android Unknown Command 'crunch'
What is the use of the res/values/public.xml file on Android? utf 8 resources string name string1 String 1 string string name string3 String 3 string resources The Android Asset Packaging Tool aapt might assign the following resource IDs for these resources when the app is compiled public final class R .....