

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:07

android Programming Glossary: packagemanager.queryintentactivities

Calling camera from an activity, capturing an image and uploading to a server


Intent intent new Intent action List ResolveInfo list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY return list.size 0..

Upload an Image from camera or gallery in WebView


getPackageManager final List ResolveInfo listCam packageManager.queryIntentActivities captureIntent 0 for ResolveInfo res listCam final String packageName..

How to call one android application from another android application


new ComponentName packet name class name List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent packageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT if list.size..

How do I determine if Android can handle PDF


testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0.. Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType MIME_TYPE_PDF if packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY .size 0 return..

android: how do i open another app from my app?


intent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0 intent.setDataAndType..

Download app if intent not installed


final Intent intent new Intent intentToCheck List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY final boolean isAvailable..

Allow user to select camera or gallery for image


new ArrayList Intent List ResolveInfo listCam packageManager.queryIntentActivities camIntent 0 for ResolveInfo res listCam final Intent finalIntent.. yourIntentsList.add finalIntent List ResolveInfo listGall packageManager.queryIntentActivities gallIntent 0 for ResolveInfo res listGall final Intent finalIntent..

How to check if Flash is installed?


Intent intent new Intent action List ResolveInfo list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY return list.size 0..

How to get a list of installed media players


Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType audio List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent 0 I have seen this code which works and opens an.. intent.setData uri List ResolveInfo playerList playerList packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent 0 playerList will then be populated with ResolveInfo..

View MS office files in an android application


intent.setType application doc List ResolveInfo list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY return list.size 0..

How to release application plugin using Android Market?


List ResolveInfo levelPacks packageManager.queryIntentActivities levelsIntent 0 There are more ways to do this but this is quite..

Reliably detect PDF support on Android device


Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf if packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY .size 0 return..

Launching default android launcher programmatically


getPackageManager for final ResolveInfo resolveInfo packageManager.queryIntentActivities new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN .addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME..

how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists


testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0..

Android: How to get a list of installed activities, as they appear in launcher, without duplicates


Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER List ResolveInfo resolveInfos packageManager.queryIntentActivities mainIntent 0 for ResolveInfo info resolveInfos ApplicationInfo..

Calling camera from an activity, capturing an image and uploading to a server


PackageManager packageManager context.getPackageManager final Intent intent new Intent action List ResolveInfo list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY return list.size 0 The problem is when I capture the image it asks for save or..

Upload an Image from camera or gallery in WebView


final PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager final List ResolveInfo listCam packageManager.queryIntentActivities captureIntent 0 for ResolveInfo res listCam final String packageName res.activityInfo.packageName final Intent i new Intent..

How to call one android application from another android application


help Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_RUN intent.setComponent new ComponentName packet name class name List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent packageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT if list.size 0 Log.i Log Have application list.size startActivity..

How do I determine if Android can handle PDF


getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0 file.isFile Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW..

android: how do i open another app from my app?


packageManager getPackageManager Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0 intent.setDataAndType path application pdf startActivity intent..

Download app if intent not installed


intent final PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager final Intent intent new Intent intentToCheck List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY final boolean isAvailable list.size 0 To open Google Market via Intent Intent marketIntent..

Allow user to select camera or gallery for image


Intent for each retrieved activity like this List Intent yourIntentsList new ArrayList Intent List ResolveInfo listCam packageManager.queryIntentActivities camIntent 0 for ResolveInfo res listCam final Intent finalIntent new Intent camIntent finalIntent.setComponent new ComponentName.. res.activityInfo.packageName res.activityInfo.name yourIntentsList.add finalIntent List ResolveInfo listGall packageManager.queryIntentActivities gallIntent 0 for ResolveInfo res listGall final Intent finalIntent new Intent gallIntent finalIntent.setComponent new ComponentName..

How to check if Flash is installed?


PackageManager packageManager context.getPackageManager final Intent intent new Intent action List ResolveInfo list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY return list.size 0 public static boolean isScanAvailable Context context return..

How to get a list of installed media players


packageManager getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType audio List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent 0 I have seen this code which works and opens an audio file with the default player however I don't want to open.. MediaStore.Audio.Media.INTERNAL_CONTENT_URI 1 intent.setData uri List ResolveInfo playerList playerList packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent 0 playerList will then be populated with ResolveInfo objects for every app on the phone that claims to handle audio...

View MS office files in an android application


getPackageManager Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setType application doc List ResolveInfo list packageManager.queryIntentActivities intent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY return list.size 0 java android file ms office android intent share improve..

How to release application plugin using Android Market?


getPackageManager Intent levelsIntent new Intent com.your.package.name.LEVEL_PACK List ResolveInfo levelPacks packageManager.queryIntentActivities levelsIntent 0 There are more ways to do this but this is quite trivial and straight forward. The last step is to access..

Reliably detect PDF support on Android device


application.getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf if packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY .size 0 return true else return false And that has been working great so far...

Launching default android launcher programmatically


use this Intent intent null final PackageManager packageManager getPackageManager for final ResolveInfo resolveInfo packageManager.queryIntentActivities new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN .addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_HOME PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if getPackageName .equals..

how to download adobe reader programatically if not exists


getPackageManager Intent testIntent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW testIntent.setType application pdf List list packageManager.queryIntentActivities testIntent PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY if list.size 0 file.isFile Intent intent new Intent intent.setAction Intent.ACTION_VIEW..

Android: How to get a list of installed activities, as they appear in launcher, without duplicates


new Intent Intent.ACTION_MAIN null mainIntent.addCategory Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER List ResolveInfo resolveInfos packageManager.queryIntentActivities mainIntent 0 for ResolveInfo info resolveInfos ApplicationInfo applicationInfo info.activityInfo.applicationInfo ... get..