android Programming Glossary: p.setxfermode
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null height ovlPos 1 1 destRect.bottom.. ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000..
Android and MJPEG c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null height ovlPos 1 1 destRect.bottom.. ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000..
Android Circular Gradient Alpha Mask p new Paint p.setShader gradient p.setColor 0xFF000000 p.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.DST_OUT tempCanvas.drawCircle circleX..
Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps image creation reading as above then Paint p new Paint p.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.MULTIPLY p.setShader new BitmapShader..
cut the portion of bitmap [duplicate] 320 480 Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Paint p new Paint p.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.CLEAR Canvas c new Canvas bmOverlay..
Android bitmap mask color, remove color pixels with color the same as removeColor are drawn on p.setXfermode new AvoidXfermode removeColor 0 AvoidXfermode.Mode.TARGET draw..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null height ovlPos 1 1 destRect.bottom ovl.getHeight width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right.. ovl.getHeight width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start..
Android and MJPEG destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null height ovlPos 1 1 destRect.bottom ovl.getHeight width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right.. ovl.getHeight width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start..
Android Circular Gradient Alpha Mask Draw transparent circle into tempBitmap Paint p new Paint p.setShader gradient p.setColor 0xFF000000 p.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.DST_OUT tempCanvas.drawCircle circleX circleY radius p Draw tempBitmap onto the screen over..
Blending pixels from Two Bitmaps need to do Screen or Multiply you might try this as well Same image creation reading as above then Paint p new Paint p.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.MULTIPLY p.setShader new BitmapShader blend TileMode.CLAMP TileMode.CLAMP Canvas c new Canvas..
cut the portion of bitmap [duplicate] R.drawable.image1 Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap 320 480 Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Paint p new Paint p.setXfermode new PorterDuffXfermode Mode.CLEAR Canvas c new Canvas bmOverlay c.drawBitmap bmp2 0 0 null c.drawRect 30 30 100 100 p return..
Android bitmap mask color, remove color only the color to be removed is targetted Mode.TARGET means pixels with color the same as removeColor are drawn on p.setXfermode new AvoidXfermode removeColor 0 AvoidXfermode.Mode.TARGET draw transparent on the brown pixels c.drawPaint p mb should now..