android Programming Glossary: packagename
Getting installed app size incorrect size PackageManager.getPackageSizeInfo String packageName IPackageStatsObserver observer is @hide and relies on some obscure..
View the Task's activity stack 44b87a30 .ViewContactActivity packageName processName android.process.acore launchedFromUid.. .DialtactsContactsEntryActivity packageName processName android.process.acore launchedFromUid.. #6 HistoryRecord 44c4d988 .Launcher packageName processName android.process.acore launchedFromUid..
Open another application from your own (intent) you're interested in From the ActivityInfo get the packageName and name Finally create another intent with with category LAUNCHER.. LAUNCHER action MAIN componentName new ComponentName packageName name and setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK Finally context.startActivity..
How to check current running applications in Android? .getSystemService Activity.ACTIVITY_SERVICE String packageName am.getRunningTasks 1 .get 0 .topActivity .getPackageName You..
Intent to launch the clock application on android i clockImpls.length i String vendor clockImpls i 0 String packageName clockImpls i 1 String className clockImpls i 2 try ComponentName.. clockImpls i 2 try ComponentName cn new ComponentName packageName className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo.. alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn debug Found vendor packageName className foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e..
Detect an application is installed or not? private boolean isAppInstalled String packageName PackageManager pm getPackageManager boolean installed false.. boolean installed false try pm.getPackageInfo packageName PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES installed true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException..
SQLiteOpenHelper problem with fully qualified DB path name .getAbsolutePath Android data packageName files myFilesDir.mkdirs This is fine and the resulting path..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) is public abstract String getInstallerPackageName String packageName Retrieve the package name of the application that installed.. getPackageManager .getPackageArchiveInfo apkUri.getPath 0 .packageName null startActivity intent This is obviously not the way e.g... include pointer to documentation on system packages @param packageName The name of the package to delete @param observer An observer..
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? e end of while loop protected void launchApp String packageName Intent mIntent getPackageManager .getLaunchIntentForPackage.. mIntent getPackageManager .getLaunchIntentForPackage packageName mIntent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP mIntent.addFlags..
check android application is in foreground or not? if appProcesses null return false final String packageName context.getPackageName for RunningAppProcessInfo appProcess.. appProcess.processName.equals packageName return true return false Use like this boolean foregroud new..
Eclipse: multiple project from single source i need is centralized code where i can switcch the app and packagename the icons and just little configuration files. Android libs..
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device private void StoreDatabase File DbFile new File data data packagename DBname.sqlite if DbFile.exists System.out.println file already..
uninstall app silently with system priveleges uninstalltypes public void uninstallPackage String packagename throws IllegalArgumentException IllegalAccessException InvocationTargetException.. uninstallmethod.invoke pm new Object packagename observer 0 public void installPackage Uri apkFile throws IllegalArgumentException.. uninstalltypes public void uninstallPackage String packagename throws IllegalArgumentException IllegalAccessException InvocationTargetException..
How do you to check if a user has rated your app on the android market? new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market details id packagename android android intent playback market rating share improve..
Steps to create APK expansion file need to concentrate on downloader_sample first change the packagename for testing to your packagename packagename same as uploaded.. first change the packagename for testing to your packagename packagename same as uploaded apk Very Important In SampleDownloaderActivity.. change the packagename for testing to your packagename packagename same as uploaded apk Very Important In SampleDownloaderActivity..
Map API v2 Authorisation Failure Copy pasted the SHA1 sum in the Google API Console my packagename sum Enabled Google Map API v2 in the same project..
No such table android_metadata, what's the problem? problem I am copying a pre existing database to data data packagename databases using code learned from using your own sqlite database..
browse data in Android SQLite Database The database for a specific app lives in data data packagename databases The packagename is the package you define in your.. specific app lives in data data packagename databases The packagename is the package you define in your manifest for instance data..
Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension OutputStream myoutput new FileOutputStream data data packagename databases datbasename .sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to..
Android ClassNotFoundException third party libs or any other classes that would have a packagename clash or anything. Please help Just in case its a build issue..
adding your own SQLite database to an android application OutputStream myoutput new FileOutputStream data data packagename databases datbasename .sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? context.getResources .getIdentifier imagÂename drawable packagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth mImage.getIntrinsicHeight..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot new Intent context AlarmReceiver.class intent.setAction packagename.ACTION PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast.. extends BroadcastReceiver private final String SOMEACTION packagename.ACTION packagename is com.whatever.www @Override public void.. private final String SOMEACTION packagename.ACTION packagename is com.whatever.www @Override public void onReceive Context..
Detect a new Android notification Do something eg getting packagename final String packagename String.valueOf event.getPackageName.. Do something eg getting packagename final String packagename String.valueOf event.getPackageName @Override protected void..
Getting installed app size What's already failed new File ' data app some.apk' reports incorrect size PackageManager.getPackageSizeInfo String packageName IPackageStatsObserver observer is @hide and relies on some obscure IPackageStatsObserver for result so I can't call it via..
View the Task's activity stack lastActiveTime 288203177 inactive for 14s Hist #8 HistoryRecord 44b87a30 .ViewContactActivity packageName processName android.process.acore launchedFromUid 10004 app ProcessRecord 44c4f348 1168 android.process.acore.. false nowVisible true Hist #7 HistoryRecord 44d174d0 .DialtactsContactsEntryActivity packageName processName android.process.acore launchedFromUid 10004 app ProcessRecord 44c4f348 1168 android.process.acore.. .Launcher lastActiveTime 214734838 inactive for 73483s Hist #6 HistoryRecord 44c4d988 .Launcher packageName processName android.process.acore launchedFromUid 0 app ProcessRecord 44c4f348 1168 android.process.acore..
Open another application from your own (intent) 0 to get the first activity with main launcher Get the ActivityInfo you're interested in From the ActivityInfo get the packageName and name Finally create another intent with with category LAUNCHER action MAIN componentName new ComponentName packageName..
How to check current running applications in Android? name package using ActivityManager am ActivityManager mContext .getSystemService Activity.ACTIVITY_SERVICE String packageName am.getRunningTasks 1 .get 0 .topActivity .getPackageName You can use this package name to get current active application..
Intent to launch the clock application on android boolean foundClockImpl false for int i 0 i clockImpls.length i String vendor clockImpls i 0 String packageName clockImpls i 1 String className clockImpls i 2 try ComponentName cn new ComponentName packageName className ActivityInfo.. i 0 String packageName clockImpls i 1 String className clockImpls i 2 try ComponentName cn new ComponentName packageName className ActivityInfo aInfo packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent.. packageManager.getActivityInfo cn PackageManager.GET_META_DATA alarmClockIntent.setComponent cn debug Found vendor packageName className foundClockImpl true catch NameNotFoundException e debug vendor does not exists if foundClockImpl PendingIntent..
Detect an application is installed or not? use. You might call it like this isAppInstalled com.simexusa.campusmaps_full private boolean isAppInstalled String packageName PackageManager pm getPackageManager boolean installed false try pm.getPackageInfo packageName PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES.. isAppInstalled String packageName PackageManager pm getPackageManager boolean installed false try pm.getPackageInfo packageName PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES installed true catch PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e installed false return installed..
SQLiteOpenHelper problem with fully qualified DB path name name In my app I use... myFilesDir new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath Android data packageName files myFilesDir.mkdirs This is fine and the resulting path is... mnt sdcard Android data com.mycompany.myApp files I need..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) installedBy a b relationship. In fact according to the API it is public abstract String getInstallerPackageName String packageName Retrieve the package name of the application that installed a package. This identifies which market the package came from... new Intent Intent.ACTION_DELETE Uri.fromParts package getPackageManager .getPackageArchiveInfo apkUri.getPath 0 .packageName null startActivity intent This is obviously not the way e.g. Android Market installs uninstalls packages. They use a richer.. be found or if the named package is a system package . TODO include pointer to documentation on system packages @param packageName The name of the package to delete @param observer An observer callback to get notified when the package deletion is complete...
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? 2.5 secs else isContinue false stopSelf catch Exception e end of while loop protected void launchApp String packageName Intent mIntent getPackageManager .getLaunchIntentForPackage packageName mIntent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP.. while loop protected void launchApp String packageName Intent mIntent getPackageManager .getLaunchIntentForPackage packageName mIntent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP mIntent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED if null mIntent..
check android application is in foreground or not? appProcesses activityManager.getRunningAppProcesses if appProcesses null return false final String packageName context.getPackageName for RunningAppProcessInfo appProcess appProcesses if appProcess.importance RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND.. appProcesses if appProcess.importance RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND appProcess.processName.equals packageName return true return false Use like this boolean foregroud new ForegroundCheckTask .execute context .get Also let me know..
Eclipse: multiple project from single source android plugin for over a week now without success. What i need is centralized code where i can switcch the app and packagename the icons and just little configuration files. Android libs is not a solution because it can't export assets files. I started..
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device create any problem on unrooted device or it will work same. private void StoreDatabase File DbFile new File data data packagename DBname.sqlite if DbFile.exists System.out.println file already exist No need to Create else try DbFile.createNewFile System.out.println..
uninstall app silently with system priveleges types uninstallmethod pm.getClass .getMethod deletePackage uninstalltypes public void uninstallPackage String packagename throws IllegalArgumentException IllegalAccessException InvocationTargetException uninstallmethod.invoke pm new Object packagename.. throws IllegalArgumentException IllegalAccessException InvocationTargetException uninstallmethod.invoke pm new Object packagename observer 0 public void installPackage Uri apkFile throws IllegalArgumentException IllegalAccessException InvocationTargetException.. types uninstallmethod pm.getClass .getMethod deletePackage uninstalltypes public void uninstallPackage String packagename throws IllegalArgumentException IllegalAccessException InvocationTargetException uninstallmethod.invoke pm new Object packagename..
How do you to check if a user has rated your app on the android market? a dialog asking them to rate it with this code startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse market details id packagename android android intent playback market rating share improve this question No. You cannot do this. And this is a good..
Steps to create APK expansion file having the reference of Market_licensing. Now you just need to concentrate on downloader_sample first change the packagename for testing to your packagename packagename same as uploaded apk Very Important In SampleDownloaderActivity navigate to..... Now you just need to concentrate on downloader_sample first change the packagename for testing to your packagename packagename same as uploaded apk Very Important In SampleDownloaderActivity navigate to... private static final XAPKFile.. Now you just need to concentrate on downloader_sample first change the packagename for testing to your packagename packagename same as uploaded apk Very Important In SampleDownloaderActivity navigate to... private static final XAPKFile xAPKS new..
Map API v2 Authorisation Failure alias androiddebugkey storepass android keypass android Copy pasted the SHA1 sum in the Google API Console my packagename sum Enabled Google Map API v2 in the same project in Google API Console Copied it to the Manifest application..
No such table android_metadata, what's the problem? such table android_metadata what's the problem I am copying a pre existing database to data data packagename databases using code learned from using your own sqlite database in android applications After copying I recieve the following..
browse data in Android SQLite Database database android sqlite data mining share improve this question The database for a specific app lives in data data packagename databases The packagename is the package you define in your manifest for instance data data org.vimtips.supacount databases.. mining share improve this question The database for a specific app lives in data data packagename databases The packagename is the package you define in your manifest for instance data data org.vimtips.supacount databases counts.db . You can view..
Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension DB_PATH DB_NAME Open the empty db as the output stream OutputStream myoutput new FileOutputStream data data packagename databases datbasename .sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length..
Android ClassNotFoundException is just doing some simple canvas drawing and is not using any third party libs or any other classes that would have a packagename clash or anything. Please help Just in case its a build issue I am updating all my SDK and ADT through eclipse as it was..
adding your own SQLite database to an android application DB_PATH DB_NAME Open the empty db as the output stream OutputStream myoutput new FileOutputStream data data packagename databases datbasename .sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? this context null 0 mImage act.getResources .getDrawable context.getResources .getIdentifier imagÂename drawable packagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth mImage.getIntrinsicHeight public MyImageView Context context AttributeSet..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot with code example Setting alarm inside a method Intent intent new Intent context AlarmReceiver.class intent.setAction packagename.ACTION PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT Calendar.. Receiver for your interval public class AlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver private final String SOMEACTION packagename.ACTION packagename is com.whatever.www @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Time now new Time now.setToNow.. your interval public class AlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver private final String SOMEACTION packagename.ACTION packagename is com.whatever.www @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Time now new Time now.setToNow String..
Detect a new Android notification event if event.getEventType AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_NOTIFICATION_STATE_CHANGED Do something eg getting packagename final String packagename String.valueOf event.getPackageName @Override protected void onServiceConnected if isInit return.. event.getEventType AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_NOTIFICATION_STATE_CHANGED Do something eg getting packagename final String packagename String.valueOf event.getPackageName @Override protected void onServiceConnected if isInit return AccessibilityServiceInfo..